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Moving OOS - Massachussetts

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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Anyone ever relocate off of the island to Massachusetts, in particular the suburbs roughly 30-45 min. outside of Boston?

We're contemplating moving out of NY and DH and I want to go somewhere with longer falls/winters and shorter summers and we've always loved the MA area. It's also a REALLY good place for my DH's career, it's very dense with Electrical Engineering companies so he will have a lot more opportunity than here on the island where there is next to no engineering.

Does anyone know of nice areas with good schools? Also, if you live(ed) there, how does the cost of living compare to here in terms of taxes, home prices, etc. We know someone who has lived in MA most if his life and he said we'll be so much better off up there, it's not "cheap" but WAY better than LI. Wondering if others feel the same. DH wouldn't take a pay cut, in fact, he'd likely end up with at least his salary here if not more so that helps!

Any info is appreciated, thanks!!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/16 7:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

We have family in both Quincy and Newton. That part of the family happens to be very well off and doing better financially than anyone here in NYC and LI (we have a huge family). I always think about moving there because there is money to be made in Boston to have a better lifestyle , but I hate winter. If you want a longer winter you would really love it there.

If he finds a job there, I suggest moving and renting for a year. Keep your house here and maybe rent it out, just in case you want to come back. I don't think you will want to come back here though Chat Icon the job market here on LI is bad and getting worse. It worries me.

Message edited 8/22/2016 8:48:17 AM.

Posted 8/22/16 8:35 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Waltham is a great area, but what it your housing budget. It seems like fairly modest homes start around 500 k. However, taxes are quite a big lower. 3 k on a 500,000 house, as an example.

Posted 8/22/16 8:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/15

1009 total posts


Moving OOS - Massachussetts

I don't know the outside areas but we lived in Boston and I miss it a lot. I like where we are now, CT, but Boston was so fun. The 2 years we lived there, there were mild winters, but pretty much the same as CT, which is similar to LI. Boston was expensive and we rented. I am not much help but did want to say we loved it there.

Posted 8/22/16 8:41 AM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

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Moving OOS - Massachussetts

I have family just outside of Boston. Newton is a great town. Great schools. Very family friendly. Parts of the Boston suburbs are pricey. Most places have that though but you do get more land for your money. The farther you get from Boston obviously.

I love it up there.

Posted 8/22/16 8:45 AM

My happy babies

Member since 3/06

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Moving OOS - Massachussetts

we lived in downtown and loved it. and for engineering it is much better. My dh and I are both engineers and the prospects were better there. We liked the Franklin area, and have lots of friends in different areas. A few in Hopkinton and like schools there. One question is to ask if they get kids from Boston. The larger the number of kids shipped out from Boston seems to hurt the districts more. there are a bunch of districts with dual language too

Posted 8/22/16 8:48 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by Millie3

We have family in both Quincy and Newton. That part of the family happens to be very well off and doing better financially than anyone here in NYC and LI (we have a huge family). I always think about moving there because there is money to be made in Boston to have a better lifestyle , but I hate winter. If you want a longer winter you would really love it there.

If he finds a job there, I suggest moving and renting for a year. Keep your house here and maybe rent it out, just in case you want to come back. I don't think you will want to come back here though Chat Icon the job market here on LI is bad and getting worse. It worries me.

Oh trust me, I wouldn't want to come back. I'm SO over living on LI!!

ETA - I love winter so I'm okay with going colder! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/22/2016 8:57:00 AM.

Posted 8/22/16 8:50 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Thanks for all the info!! I appreciate it!!

We've always wanted to be in MA, in fact, we *almost* moved there after college but then DH ended up taking a job offer in FL. (which we both ended up not liking at all!!) Boston is such a cool city and I love the whole New England vibe so it would be a good fit for us. We'd be looking for an area that is NOT more than what it's costing us here on LI. Our house here is $480K with just over $10/yr in taxes. So anything better than that would be ideal to start with and then we could always upgrade later if we want.

Posted 8/22/16 8:55 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by snowprincess

we lived in downtown and loved it. and for engineering it is much better. My dh and I are both engineers and the prospects were better there. We liked the Franklin area, and have lots of friends in different areas. A few in Hopkinton and like schools there. One question is to ask if they get kids from Boston. The larger the number of kids shipped out from Boston seems to hurt the districts more. there are a bunch of districts with dual language too

Good to know!! Thanks!!!!

Posted 8/22/16 8:59 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Moving OOS - Massachussetts

I always lived in the city so I can't really tell you about schools and cost of housing.

But I can tell you about the weather. It generally is no different than here. You will still ahve the same summer and such. Yes they can get more snow but they can also get less just depends on the year.

To get a real change in the weather you'd have to be in the Berkshires

Posted 8/22/16 9:03 AM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by alli3131

I always lived in the city so I can't really tell you about schools and cost of housing.

But I can tell you about the weather. It generally is no different than here. You will still ahve the same summer and such. Yes they can get more snow but they can also get less just depends on the year.

To get a real change in the weather you'd have to be in the Berkshires

I was going to say this too about the weather. My in-laws live in Cape Cod, my DH grew up there and it's practically the same. I was just up there last weekend and it was so hot and humid. I love Boston though. One of my favorite cities!

Posted 8/22/16 9:15 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by M514

Posted by alli3131

I always lived in the city so I can't really tell you about schools and cost of housing.

But I can tell you about the weather. It generally is no different than here. You will still ahve the same summer and such. Yes they can get more snow but they can also get less just depends on the year.

To get a real change in the weather you'd have to be in the Berkshires

I was going to say this too about the weather. My in-laws live in Cape Cod, my DH grew up there and it's practically the same. I was just up there last weekend and it was so hot and humid. I love Boston though. One of my favorite cities!

Even if the weather is similar, it HAS to be better than living here. lol More than anything, I'm just really tired of the traffic, the crowds everywhere, the taxes, the wasting 10 hrs trying to just get off this island to do anything. It's gotten so annoying living here for SO many reasons. I think it would be a great living up there and having access to so many other New England states and being close to a cool city like Boston.

But more than anything, it would really be the BEST thing for my DH's career. He's a Director of Engineering here and headed for VP and there is such a lack of engineering on the island that it will stall his career potential. Up in MA there are so many engineering companies and he'll have so many more options to move around and move up to get where he wants to go in his career. It would be a good move for us.

Posted 8/22/16 9:23 AM


Member since 8/08

6851 total posts


Moving OOS - Massachussetts

I have friends in Fairhaven & New Bedford. I've been up there many times. Cute towns. Not far from Providence and a short drive to Boston.
If you want me to ask questions about schools let me know. I'll be happy to.

Posted 8/22/16 9:27 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by Tulips915

I have friends in Fairhaven & New Bedford. I've been up there many times. Cute towns. Not far from Providence and a short drive to Boston.
If you want me to ask questions about schools let me know. I'll be happy to.

Thanks! That world be great. My DH actually had an interview in New Bedford YEARS ago when he was starting his career. I remember thinking it was a cute area!

Posted 8/22/16 9:30 AM


Member since 8/08

6851 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Tulips915

I have friends in Fairhaven & New Bedford. I've been up there many times. Cute towns. Not far from Providence and a short drive to Boston.
If you want me to ask questions about schools let me know. I'll be happy to.

Thanks! That world be great. My DH actually had an interview in New Bedford YEARS ago when he was starting his career. I remember thinking it was a cute area!

This is what my friend says about the schools:

The school system in Fairhaven is awesome. (in high school you have the choice of Fairhaven or the vocational school in New Bedford)

Dartmouth is awesome.

Acushnet is awesome. (in high school you can choices are Fairhaven high, vocational school in Rochester, MA…or New Bedford high…not so recommended)

Mattapoisett and Marion are a little pricier…great school systems too.

Posted 8/22/16 9:57 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

The traffic is just as bad as LI. There is something called the Mass Left which is when you are in the left lane and need to go to an exit on the right, they just cut across traffic on the pike. So you should be careful of that driving.The best school districts are Lexington, Newton, and Welsley. They would be comparable to Syosset, Jericho, etc. Taxes are cheaper, but home prices are similar. A four bedroom in Lexington is about 750,000 give or take 100,000 for amenities like basements. Schools are great. Food prices and gas prices are similar. I've lived in Waltham. It is considered a blue collar middle class town, but the schools are not considered as good as Lexington. However, some of the colleges in those towns give scholarships to town residents so that is something to consider. You will have to learn to love Dunkin Donuts and the Pats. Both are basically Mass religions.

Posted 8/22/16 9:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/10

1586 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

You might want to look at going a little further north in NH. I think that is when you will really see a difference in the cost of living. And weather too.

I know people who live in NH and commute about an hour to the Boston area for work.

I don't know about taxes but overall the cost of living is no different than being on LI. I rented in the city when I lived there but many of my friends have moved out to the several of the towns people mentioned. They are great places to live but I wouldn't be looking to move there with the idea that it will be easier than living here, financially, weather or traffic wise.

Posted 8/22/16 10:16 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by Tulips915

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Tulips915

I have friends in Fairhaven & New Bedford. I've been up there many times. Cute towns. Not far from Providence and a short drive to Boston.
If you want me to ask questions about schools let me know. I'll be happy to.

Thanks! That world be great. My DH actually had an interview in New Bedford YEARS ago when he was starting his career. I remember thinking it was a cute area!

This is what my friend says about the schools:

The school system in Fairhaven is awesome. (in high school you have the choice of Fairhaven or the vocational school in New Bedford)

Dartmouth is awesome.

Acushnet is awesome. (in high school you can choices are Fairhaven high, vocational school in Rochester, MA…or New Bedford high…not so recommended)

Mattapoisett and Marion are a little pricier…great school systems too.


Posted 8/22/16 10:18 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by LSP2005

The traffic is just as bad as LI. There is something called the Mass Left which is when you are in the left lane and need to go to an exit on the right, they just cut across traffic on the pike. So you should be careful of that driving.The best school districts are Lexington, Newton, and Welsley. They would be comparable to Syosset, Jericho, etc. Taxes are cheaper, but home prices are similar. A four bedroom in Lexington is about 750,000 give or take 100,000 for amenities like basements. Schools are great. Food prices and gas prices are similar. I've lived in Waltham. It is considered a blue collar middle class town, but the schools are not considered as good as Lexington. However, some of the colleges in those towns give scholarships to town residents so that is something to consider. You will have to learn to love Dunkin Donuts and the Pats. Both are basically Mass religions.


Dunkin Donuts.............we can live with. My Jets fan DH will NEVER convert, he hates the Pats!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/22/2016 10:19:29 AM.

Posted 8/22/16 10:19 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/12

809 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by LSP2005

The traffic is just as bad as LI. There is something called the Mass Left which is when you are in the left lane and need to go to an exit on the right, they just cut across traffic on the pike. So you should be careful of that driving.The best school districts are Lexington, Newton, and Welsley. They would be comparable to Syosset, Jericho, etc. Taxes are cheaper, but home prices are similar. A four bedroom in Lexington is about 750,000 give or take 100,000 for amenities like basements. Schools are great. Food prices and gas prices are similar. I've lived in Waltham. It is considered a blue collar middle class town, but the schools are not considered as good as Lexington. However, some of the colleges in those towns give scholarships to town residents so that is something to consider. You will have to learn to love Dunkin Donuts and the Pats. Both are basically Mass religions.

I agree with this! I lived in Newton and Chestnut Hill. I would also add Weston and Sudbury to the list above. I also agree that you really aren't going to get a better cost of living at all. In all those towns I mentioned I would say entry level homes start at about 700k. Traffic is just as bad (they don't call them massholes for no reason) too. Don't get me wrong, I love the area and Boston but it is not all that different from here in reality.

Eta: these are all western suburbs I don't really know any northern suburbs except Winchester which is great but also $$. I would add concord to the list of Western suburbs too but again $. Hingham is a great suburb to the south, on the water etc. I think you can get into some of the less well known suburbs for less money but all the ones I've mentioned are considered the "nicer" towns.

Message edited 8/22/2016 10:29:38 AM.

Posted 8/22/16 10:25 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by LiveandLearn

You might want to look at going a little further north in NH. I think that is when you will really see a difference in the cost of living. And weather too.

I know people who live in NH and commute about an hour to the Boston area for work.

I don't know about taxes but overall the cost of living is no different than being on LI. I rented in the city when I lived there but many of my friends have moved out to the several of the towns people mentioned. They are great places to live but I wouldn't be looking to move there with the idea that it will be easier than living here, financially, weather or traffic wise.

NH probably wouldn't work for DH's career, we need to go where the engineering is. MA has a ton, I don't believe NH does. We want to be somewhere where he could move around for his career, if need be, but we wouldn't have to uproot the family. There is a lot of opportunity for him outside of Boston. I also wouldn't really want him commuting over 2 hrs a day, right now his job about is about 25 min away and that's perfect!

We wouldn't be in the city, I have no interest in that so it can't be worse than living on the island. There is not much more expensive than here. My DH's boss lived up there for decades, he pretty much told my DH it's a move we wouldn't regret both for job opportunities and cost of living. And can traffic in the suburbs there be worse than this hell island where EVERYONE is going the same direction and you cannot even get off the island without investing 3 hrs of your life? It HAS to be a little better than be trapped on an island where heading west is pretty much what everyone is doing at any given moment. lolol

Realistically, we'd really be making the move for his career. If he follows the path he's on, financially we'll be okay up there thankfully. I really just want a change from living here, I feel like I'm so fed up with the island for so many reasons.

Posted 8/22/16 10:30 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by Jugglemom

Posted by LSP2005

The traffic is just as bad as LI. There is something called the Mass Left which is when you are in the left lane and need to go to an exit on the right, they just cut across traffic on the pike. So you should be careful of that driving.The best school districts are Lexington, Newton, and Welsley. They would be comparable to Syosset, Jericho, etc. Taxes are cheaper, but home prices are similar. A four bedroom in Lexington is about 750,000 give or take 100,000 for amenities like basements. Schools are great. Food prices and gas prices are similar. I've lived in Waltham. It is considered a blue collar middle class town, but the schools are not considered as good as Lexington. However, some of the colleges in those towns give scholarships to town residents so that is something to consider. You will have to learn to love Dunkin Donuts and the Pats. Both are basically Mass religions.

I agree with this! I lived in Newton and Chestnut Hill. I would also add Weston and Sudbury to the list above. I also agree that you really aren't going to get a better cost of living at all. In all those towns I mentioned I would say entry level homes start at about 700k. Traffic is just as bad (they don't call them massholes for no reason) too. Don't get me wrong, I love the area and Boston but it is not all that different from here in reality.

Eta: these are all western suburbs I don't really know any northern suburbs except Winchester which is great but also $$. I would add concord to the list of Western suburbs too but again $. Hingham is a great suburb to the south, on the water etc. I think you can get into some of the less well known suburbs for less money but all the ones I've mentioned are considered the "nicer" towns.

He interviewed years ago in Sudbury, even back then in '97 it was SO pricey in that town!! Chat Icon

Thanks for all of the great info!!!!!!!! I appreciate it!! There is some strip of road, I forget what they refer to it as, but there are a lot of tech and engineering companies there so we'd likely look at towns west of that strip. I'll look into some of the ones you mentioned, see where they are on the map Chat Icon

Massholes. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/22/2016 10:33:30 AM.

Posted 8/22/16 10:33 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

My DH's good friend from college lives in Bellingham, probably like 45 min outside of the city. I don't know how schools are there but he has two small kids. We have been to his house a few times and he has a really nice big house that I think he paid like 350k for and I think their taxes are around 4k.

Posted 8/22/16 10:39 AM

For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU

Member since 3/07

13921 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Whenever you make the move let me know!! We ll be neighbors now that im in NH.Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/16 10:41 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Moving OOS - Massachussetts

Posted by Lara&Aidansmommy

Whenever you make the move let me know!! We ll be neighbors now that im in NH.Chat Icon

I didn't know you were in NH!! Cool!! Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise parties!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/22/16 10:42 AM
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