I thought I was going to be in the clear. I had MS with my DS from very early and it lasted my whole pregnancy.

Well.....at 12 weeks it has hit and it has hit hard. I am sick all day, can hardly keep anything down. I got B6 today and if that doesn't work dr. wants me to start Zofran.

I am miserable, I had to call in sick to work tonight b/c I have no energy at all. My DS has been so good the last few days and I feel bad - I am just sitting here on the couch or running to the bathroom and he has been playing with his cars all day.

Oh.....and to top it off my IL's (all of them) are convinced it is in my head and I need to stop thinking about it and I will be OK...and now they have my DH thinking the same thing. I told him before if he is going to tell me its in my head he might as well not come home from work tonight! Chat Icon