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MY DH is a CHILD!!

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Member since 3/07

6944 total posts


MY DH is a CHILD!!

So last night he decided to clean the bath tub. Great, I was so happy he was doing it. He came down the stairs and showed me his work shirt. He got bleach on it and it turned pink. I told him it won't come out, throw it out.

So all of the sudden I smell a lot of bleach. I look upstairs and what is he doing??? Spraying the rest of his shirt with Tilex over the shower. He wanted to see what it would look like. Chat Icon Chat Icon

He is such a child. So I yelled and said, Um, hello??? The whole house reakes of bleach and your poor DD is breathing this in. He stopped and opened all of the windows. I took her outside until the smell disappeared!! Chat IconChat Icon

Are any of your DHs childish like this??Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/19/2008 8:07:24 AM.

Posted 2/19/08 8:06 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: MY DH is a CHILD!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Sometimes they don't think!

No, mine is Mr. Mature most of the time, I call him an Old Man actually.

Posted 2/19/08 8:09 AM

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