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My feet and legs are super swollen

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


My feet and legs are super swollen

I have mentioned it to my OB each time. He checks and says it's normal. My blood pressure was 140/90 at last visit, but he wasn't concerned. I have taken it since then (we have monitors at home) and it's normal.

But tonight my feet are so swollen my toes are white. I am sufficiently hydrated, and my legs are elevated. The swelling isn't decreasing. I have ice packs on my feet to help.

I feel fine otherwise, should I call tommorow? I have an appointment Tuesday. Is this just a normal end of pregnancy symptom?

Posted 6/22/14 10:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My feet and legs are super swollen

I think it's a pretty normal issue - you should have seen my bff's legs and feet from the knee down. A month postpartum and she is still pretty swollen.

Eta : what she did and does is set up ice water buckets and soaks her feet in them.... She said it really helped. That and her DH would massage her feet and calves. It hurts but helps with the swelling.

Message edited 6/22/2014 10:21:48 PM.

Posted 6/22/14 10:20 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

Mine were pretty much like that at the end. Even starting in my second tri.
I did have borderline high BP but no other symptoms of pre e so my dr said it was normal.
It was pretty bad though. And nothing helped.

Posted 6/22/14 10:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1801 total posts


Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

Posted by NervousNell

Mine were pretty much like that at the end. Even starting in my second tri.
I did have borderline high BP but no other symptoms of pre e so my dr said it was normal.
It was pretty bad though. And nothing helped.

I am 35 weeks, and this is exactly it. My BP sometimes runs borderline high, but mostly it's normal and I have no other, symptoms.

I will wait until my appointment Tuesday, and see how my blood pressure is then.

Posted 6/22/14 10:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

89 total posts


My feet and legs are super swollen

My feet are huge also...OB said this is a number one complaint he gets now that the weather is hot.

Posted 6/22/14 10:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


My feet and legs are super swollen

It happened to me too toward the end. Doctor said it was normal and wasn't concerned but it wasn't fun. I ended up with some issues with high bp in the last 3 weeks or so but the swelling I had much sooner. Somehow my bp was high in the weeks before and after birth but never while I was in the hospital.

Posted 6/23/14 8:05 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13

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My feet and legs are super swollen

I'd just wait till your appointment to touch base with your doctor. My feet/ankles started swelling around 34 weeks and my doctor said it was normal. Then around 36 weeks my BP started creeping up (was never high before). We monitored it weekly in conjunction with blood work,urine test (for protein/glucose), and NST. The borderline high BP and swelling was my only symptoms nothing else so my doctor was still OK with it. Last week at 38+a few, my BP was 140/100 (highest it has ever been) and my NST test was not great so they have now scheduled me for induction a few days before my due date. My doctor as well as the high risk doctor in the practice agree that at this point there is no benefit to try and keep the baby in the last few days when my BP pattern has been consistently on the rise. Bottom line, I think as long as your doctor is monitoring the other signs and still thinks you are OK to continue the pregnancy you are fine but things can change over the course of a week or two so be prepared for anything.

Posted 6/23/14 8:54 AM

And then there were four...

Member since 6/09

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Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

I am 37 weeks and this is my number one complaint at the moment. I had it with DS#1 also... the last few weeks were terrible as far as swollen feet/ankles. When I wear my flip flops, they leave indents on the tops of my feet. Chat Icon

Not much you can do, unfortunately, besides keep them elevated as much as possible and try to stay off your feet when they get really bad. As long as your doctor isn't concerned, I wouldn't get too nervous.

Mine stayed this way until 2 weeks PP!

Posted 6/23/14 10:34 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

Posted by Dee0522

Mine stayed this way until 2 weeks PP!

Pretty much same for me. I remember I cried tears of joy when I saw my ankle bones for the first time!
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Posted 6/23/14 1:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

885 total posts


Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

I'm experiencing the same thing. Even though they don't provide support, I can only wear flip flops at this point because nothing else fits my feet. I was considering getting crocs but I only have a few days left, so I'm going to tough it out. My doctor says it's partly because of the heat. My hands and fingers are swollen too- can't wear my rings or bend them- makes opening stuff really fun! Hang in there, you're almost there!

Posted 6/23/14 8:26 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

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My feet and legs are super swollen

While it is normal (mine started like that at 32 weeks with twins) I'd still call. Ya never know. I'd rather be seen
Take pictures, too! You forget what it was like!

Posted 6/23/14 9:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/13

96 total posts


My feet and legs are super swollen

Mine are too today for the first time. I'm almost 33 weeks with twins also! It's no fun that's for sure. I just rested in the AC with my legs elevated a drank two bottles of water and it has seemed to help. If you're not getting any relief I'd def call the dr tomorrow. You never know with twins!!! Lol

Posted 6/23/14 10:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/13

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Liza Jones

Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

I am having the same thing happen to me right now. My hands and feet are super swollen. The minute I wake up I start swelling to a point that they itch.

When I spoke to my doctor he said I was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

Posted 6/24/14 9:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

180 total posts


Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

Posted by lrodrigu79

I am having the same thing happen to me right now. My hands and feet are super swollen. The minute I wake up I start swelling to a point that they itch.

When I spoke to my doctor he said I was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

LOL I have to laugh because whenever I ask the DR about weird symptoms, most times his response is just that "ITS NORMAL!" hahahahahhaa

Posted 6/24/14 10:06 AM

2 girls?!?!?

Member since 9/10

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Re: My feet and legs are super swollen

Keep them elevated as much as possible (like above your heart elevated), drinks TONS of water, and try taking epsom salt baths. Also a prenatal massage could help. My legs were like tree trunks at the end - partly because of the end of pregnancy and partly because of my pre-e.

Posted 6/24/14 12:45 PM

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