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My induction

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i got a mama's boy!!

Member since 10/11

1132 total posts


My induction

Not a very exciting story at all, but here it goes. Was taken over to Plainview hospital on July 22 at about 4 pm. Came in, and was admitted and set up with an IV, placed in a bed, and was on my way. By 5:30 i was measured and the doc was called- first change to our plans. Instead of the cervadil i thought i was getting, i started on pitocin to help my already contracting body. Like others have said, they werent that bad. By 1:30 am i began feeling pressure in my bottom, and was measured again- unfortunately not much of an advance, and had much more time to go. I opted for an epidural at that time. I was able to sleep and sooooo comfortably. At 9:15 am (the following day) my doc came in and again not much progress over night. So pitocin was increased and my water was broken. Come 4:30 pm, i had began to notice increase pressure again, just like the night before, and this time, i was fully dilated and ready to go. Baby was a little high but as the contractions became more intense, the nurses encouraged me to start pushing. Within 1 1/2 hours, my beautiful baby boy was born, happy and healthy, and little to no tearing!! bonus.. I had gotten nervous about a c-section and am so greatful tha i was able to follow out my plan!..

Posted 7/24/12 7:37 AM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


My induction

Glad to hear things went well! It's still an exciting story because it's YOUR story! Congratulations!!!

Posted 8/12/12 6:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/10

1901 total posts


Re: My induction

how did you like plain view hospital? were there private rooms?

Posted 8/21/12 6:00 PM

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