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My very long birth story...

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My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


My very long birth story...

Here it is. It's long and I apologize for that. I usually try to scale down long posts.

I woke up on Tuesday, 1/15 in the middle of a contraction. I went to the bathroom and noticed a little spotting and I turned to DH who was leaving for work and said "I think I might have the baby today, but go to work because nothing is happening just yet." That was at about 7:30 in the morning. All day long I continued to have one contraction an hour until 3:00. From 3 -4:00 I had 3, so I called DH and told him to leave work a little early just in case. I still did 2 loads of laundry and cooked a big dinner because I figured if I did go into labor and we didn't eat, DH would be hungry and would be stuck with hospital food. (Hospital food is toxic btw). DH is still laughing at me for cooking through my contractions. After we ate, I decided it was time to actually start writing down my contractions because they started to get stronger. At 8:30 I felt the most painful contraction yet and then a pop – my water broke – but I didn’t have a big gush to go with it or even a trickle so I wasn’t completely sure if it really did or not. I called the doctor and told him I thought my water broke and that my contractions were coming 10 minutes apart. I told him that I lived about 45 minutes from the hospital so I was concerned about when I should head over there – I didn’t want to go too soon but giving birth in my car is less than ideal so I didn’t want to wait too long either. He asked me what the pain was like on a scale of 1 to 10… I said that I guessed it was about a 6 or 7… he said to wait until it was about 50… Chat Icon This was the dr. on call, not my regular ob, so he didn’t know me at all, he didn’t realize I have a very high pain threshold and he didn’t know that I don’t have a lot of false alarms – if I’m calling the doctor something is definitely happening. I explained this to him and he told me to wait at home until my contractions were coming 5 minutes apart for an hour. I hung up the phone and as if on cue my contractions started coming 5 minutes apart and with each one I felt a gush so I was sure now that my water had broken. I had DH call him back at 10:30 to tell him (not ask him) that we were going to the hospital.

Potholes are from the devil. There are many on the route between where I live in Brooklyn and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. I think DH hit them all.

We got to the hospital around 11:00 (thank you, Lillykat for giving me the right address!! That would have been a very painful delay had you not helped me out!!). I walked into triage (and every step brought on another contraction) and a nurse just looked at my jeans and said “no need to ask if you ruptured or not” because my pants were soaked. Chat Icon They asked me if I wanted an epidural and I said that I did, but when the anesthesiologist came I said I wanted to wait a bit – I thought it was too soon for it because I wasn’t dying and I still hadn’t reached that level 50 the doctor told me about on the phone. I got undressed and the resident gave me a quick sonogram and estimated that my baby was in the 7lb. range. Next she checked me and said I was 7 cm dilated!!! And then she asked me how many children I had… When I said this was my first she decided to check me again because she was surprised I wasn’t screaming in pain if I really was this dilated. I told her she should just trust her instincts because I was very confident she was right the first time but based on my (lack of) reaction to the pain and the fact that it was my first baby it just didn’t make sense. So she checked it again and of course, I was still 7 cm. At about 2:00 (I think) they moved me into a delivery room and the anesthesiologist came back and asked my nurse if I was supposed to have an epi or not. I told her I wanted one but I was afraid that it would wear off before I finished delivering so I didn’t want to get it too soon. She assured me this wouldn’t happen but I wasn’t ready to take it yet anyway so I sent her away again. My nurse told me that I was really dealing with the pain well, and she was surprised this was my first child. I guess hearing that over and over again kind of made me more confident that I could handle delivery without the drugs.

I had been contemplating a drug-free birth for a while because I was afraid of the side effects that can come with an epi and also because of an experience I had with anesthesia not too long ago. About 6 months before I got pregnant I had a procedure and was given something like an epi/spinal for the pain and I couldn’t control my body – I was trembling from head to toe and just completely hysterical. It was terrifying and the thought of going through that again was more terrible to me than the pain of childbirth, which apparently I was handling pretty well. I asked the anesthesiologist what the chances were of having a similar reaction and she said it was a definite possibility. And that’s what made me say no thank you.

After the anesthesiologist left the room it was time to push. We started, but my contractions never really came faster than every 5 minutes so we weren’t making much progress. After an hour of pushing, the doctor said he wanted to give me pitocin which I really didn’t want because I had heard that makes things worse and honestly, I was in a good place – I was handling the pain just fine - I didn’t need to tempt fate. But I already pushed for an hour and the doctor was only going to let me push for another 2 hours. I didn’t know what he planned to do after that but it couldn’t possibly be good so I got the pitocin. I pushed for another hour and 45 minutes until finally my angel was born. I won't pretend that it was easy... at the end I believe I yelled at the doctor "this ***** HURTS!!!!!!!" when he told me to focus, but overall, my previous experience with anesthesia was definitely worse.

A baby this size leaves a mark – 4th degree tear Chat Icon I kneed the doctor in the head while he was stitching me up which is soooo funny to me now because for most of my delivery we were arguing and I wanted to kick him so I guess I got my chance, even though it wasn’t intentional.

Once she came out and the doctor placed her on my chest I couldn't feel a thing except for her. And then she grabbed my finger with both her little hands and looked into my eyes...Chat Icon Chat Icon it just made everything okay.

Posted 1/22/08 3:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/05

1390 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

I didnt even read this yet, I just want to be the first reply!Chat Icon

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA LMAOOO at the pot hole comment!!!
I have to say, very entertaining a great labor story- of course anything from you would be, wouldnt it?

I cant BELIEVE you did it with no pain medicine. I am IMPRESSED beyond words. I thought I had a high pain threshold too, but I will never have any proof like you do now. Chat Icon

I can tell in that pic how much you fell in love with your little girl when she was on your chest. Congrats Mama!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 1/22/2008 3:26:28 PM.

Posted 1/22/08 3:17 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Posted by bethsiar

I didnt even read this yet, I just want to be the first reply!Chat Icon

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I think my wedding review has the same first response! Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:19 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Awesome birth story!!!! Worth every word you wrote- thanks for sharing. Congrats!

Posted 1/22/08 3:20 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Congrats!! Good for you for going natural, and with a tear and allChat Icon You're my hero!! Can't wait to see pics of your little angelChat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:20 PM


Member since 8/06

7945 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

I Chat Icon IChat Icon - award winning story!!

Congrats Rebecca!!!

Posted 1/22/08 3:22 PM


Member since 1/06

1554 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Wonderful birth story!! You are a brave lady! Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:25 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

YEAH!!!!! Congrats!!!!! I am so glad you found it okay I was just saying to DH the other day I hope the directions I gave her were okay- who did you speak to on the phone there that is horrible?

I know when I called I had to remind them that I lived in Nassau and my dr told me to call when they were 7 mins apart so I wouldn't deliver on the cross bronx. I know DH hit every pot hole on the way and it didn't help that it poured. Who delivered you?

I would love to hear more about your after care FM when you get some time.

DD was only 2 onces bigger than your DD.

Thank you for sharing your story and congrats!!!!!!

Posted 1/22/08 3:26 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: My very long birth story...

Congratulations mama!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

she is beautiful!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:37 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Great story. WOW! Your daughter is gorgeous. Congrats again!
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:38 PM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Congratulations again Rebecca.....incredible story - wouldn't expect anything less from you Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon yay momma!

Posted 1/22/08 3:39 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Amazing story! Congratulations and welcome to motherhood! You get a medal for giving birth epi-free!Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:41 PM

Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05

3843 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Posted by eroxgirl

Posted by bethsiar

I didnt even read this yet, I just want to be the first reply!Chat Icon

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I think my wedding review has the same first response! Chat Icon

It did! First reply hog!!

Posted 1/22/08 3:43 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Congrats!!! That is an amazing and slightly scary story!! Sorry to hear about the 4th degree tear but it sounds like you were quite the trooper!!

Posted 1/22/08 3:44 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Very impressive! I hope to follow in your footsteps (minus the big tear Chat Icon ) Congratulations !!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

And Beth, please send some more Eleanor pics Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:45 PM

Need a little sunshine

Member since 9/05

3843 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

And all this time I thought you and I had so much in common... But cooking through contractions and delivering without meds? Who are you—Superwoman?

Wow! Congratulations!! The part about Elizabeth grabbing your finger and looking into your eyes ALMOST made me cry. I can't wait to meet your little angel.

You rock Mama!

Posted 1/22/08 3:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

997 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Congrats! She is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 1/22/08 3:49 PM

Baby Girl Coming in May!!!

Member since 10/07

3031 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

great story. You are so lucky you have a high threshold for pain. Congrats!

Posted 1/22/08 3:50 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Posted by evenedan

And all this time I thought you and I had so much in common... But cooking through contractions and delivering without meds? Who are you—Superwoman?

I assure you I had absolutely nothing in common with myself last Tuesday. Except for wanting to fight with the doctor. That's very much like me. Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 3:58 PM


Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Great story, thanks for sharing!

Posted 1/22/08 4:06 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

6456 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

I am so very proud of you!!! You beat all the were in a hospital and refused drugs. Good for you! You totally kept your cool.

ITA with you....I refused drugs every single time. I am not a super hero, but b/c I HATE the thought of a needle going in my back, I rather go natural. I've had back surgery in the past and the thought of messing myself up again makes me very nervous. That's why I say no to it. I am afraid of the after math effect it will have on my body and back.

So very happy for you!!!!
the rest of your deliveries will be a breeze!!! LOL


Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 4:11 PM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

3839 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

awesome birth review. Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 4:13 PM

My loves!!

Member since 1/06

9203 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

Great story...your a tough cookie...I hope i'm as strong as you!!

Posted 1/22/08 4:16 PM

momma's boy

Member since 10/07

1553 total posts


Re: My very long birth story...

VERY well written story! I was on the edge of my seat through your entire post and loving it, and I have to tell you that the last little paragraph pushed me over the edge and made me well up. Congrats again Rebecca!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 1/22/2008 4:17:00 PM.

Posted 1/22/08 4:16 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: My very long birth story...

What an amazing story! The best part is the outcome Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 4:17 PM
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