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LIF Adult

Member since 4/11 1321 total posts
Natural miscarriage
Hi all. I'm just past 7 weeks with a small blighted ovum. I am letting it pass naturally.
My doctor gave me a heads up about what is going to happen and I've done some googling. I'm worried about pain, although my blessing us that it was a very small gestational sac.
Just wondering what you might have done for the pain or to get through it all.
Posted 4/27/16 1:42 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: Natural miscarriage
I'm so sorry!!
I didn't really do anything for the pain. I was further along (11 weeks) and it was about 3 hrs. of on/off intense cramping and once everything passed, I immediately felt better. Physically anyway.
Are you cramping or spotting at all?
Again, I'm so sorry. I know how much this sucks. Big hugs to you!!
Posted 4/27/16 2:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/11 1321 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
I'm so sorry you have had a loss too. It's hard enough at 7 weeks, I can't imagine at 11 weeks. I send you many hugs.
I just stopped progesterone on Monday. I have some cramping, but honestly right now it reminds me of what I had for the last few weeks. So I don't think it's the real deal yet. And I have no spotting yet either.
It's odd to still have nausea and such while knowing it's over. As much as I love taking a steaming hot bath, I can't bring myself to have one even now. It's odd things like such as this that let me know I have a lot more tears coming my way even though they are in a pause right now.
Posted 4/27/16 4:30 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
I am so sorry you are going through this!
I had a natural miscarriage at eight weeks in December. I would try to avoid googling, I read some pretty awful and scary stuff.
My experience actually was not that painful. I got waves of moderate period-like cramps for about an hour or two and everything passed in a gush pretty quickly, and then the cramps stopped. I did not take any pain medication, and I was back to pretty much normal (physically) right away. I would have some advil on hand in case your cramping is bad.
Posted 4/27/16 4:38 PM |
Member since 1/13 1329 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
I am so sorry you are going through this. I had a natural MC at 7 weeks. The MC itself was not painful, the circumstances were what was traumatic.
Like the poster before me, I got waves of moderate period-like cramps for about an hour and then went to the bathroom and everything passed in a big gush. As soon as that happened the cramps stopped. No pain meds, and I bled lightly for a few days after that. The worst part (apart from losing the baby) was that I had no idea when/where it would happen and I didnt even think it was about to happen -- I expected there to be a lot more pain. I was actually scheduled for a D&C so they could do testing and passed everything unexpectedly while at presurgical testing for my D&C. To the extent you are able, I would try to hang out at home and stay close to a bathroom...
Message edited 4/28/2016 11:09:00 AM.
Posted 4/28/16 11:08 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/11 1321 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
Thank you all. I have some light spotting. All my cramping from the progesterone is gone. I was dizzy last night while sitting in bed. I wonder if my HCG was going down?
And yes, the timing part is the torture. The when.
Posted 4/28/16 11:45 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/12 2912 total posts
Natural miscarriage
So sorry. I was following your updates. My miscarriage was at 7 weeks. When I went for the ultrasound, they estimated the size at about 5 weeks. I never even had cramping. It took about a week.
Posted 4/28/16 7:53 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/11 1321 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
Posted by pumpkinmom
So sorry. I was following your updates. My miscarriage was at 7 weeks. When I went for the ultrasound, they estimated the size at about 5 weeks. I never even had cramping. It took about a week.
No cramping? That's a blessing amidst it all.
I feel like my body is off to a slow start. Hope it doesn't last weeks.
Posted 4/29/16 7:44 AM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Natural miscarriage
I always debate with myself if it's worth sharing my personal experience with this because as you can see, it's so different for everyone.
With my loss that we let happen naturally, I was just shy of 7 weeks but baby was never developing normally and I "just knew". I started having bleeding one evening, and all through the night I had contraction-like cramps where I'd get really crampy,, I'd pass some clots, and the cramps would go away.... Then it came back and it was a cycle like that all through the night. The cramps were never severe-- but they were cyclic. By the morning, I was feeling much better (physically) though very weak, and when I went to the doctor I knew the outcome before we even saw the sono. I was afraid that it would get worse and I stayed home a lot through the weekend, but nothing happened.... I more or less stayed close to home for a whole after even "just in case", but still, nothing happened...... When I went for my first few weekly beta checks, my beta was dropping significantly so I was at least at peace knowing my beta was still going down, and ultimately I bled from various amounts for 4 months (which is how long it took to get my bets down to 0).
It's different for everyone....... If it were the same, you'd just google it once and find the same story everywhere. Hopefully for you it will just feel like a bad period and you can move on with your life, both physically and emotionslly. I'll tell you one thing, you're already dealing with the emotional aspect which is much harder than ANYTHING physical.
I know how hard it is! I'm here if you need anything.
Posted 4/29/16 2:18 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/08 344 total posts
Name: A
Re: Natural miscarriage
I'm so sorry for your loss. Like the other ladies said everyone is different. My first MC was a blighted ovum at 7 weeks as well. Spotting started right before my last sono. I stopped bleeding and week and a half later I started cramping at work. I took Advil on the way home. I had bad cramping for about an hour or 2 with clotting and then I physically felt better. I kept a heating pad on that helped too. HCG doubled down relatively quickly afterwards. I think the hardest parts were the mental ones. The waiting for the inevitable and checking for physical symptoms and of course mourning afterwards. I have been following your journey and I pray you get your beautiful baby.
Edited to add, stay away from Doctor Google, it did nothing but freak me out.
Message edited 4/29/2016 8:30:22 PM.
Posted 4/29/16 8:28 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/11 1321 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
Thank for sharing your experiences. I guess I just wait and see what my body will do since it's such a varied experience from person to person.
Posted 4/29/16 10:19 PM |

Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: Natural miscarriage
I had a natural m/c at 7 weeks. I experienced very little pain. I was only measuring 5w 3d so it was just a lot of heavy bleeding. It lasted several hours.
Posted 5/20/16 7:18 PM |