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need help potty training a boy!

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Member since 5/05

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need help potty training a boy!

My DS will be 3 in early June and he has zero interest in the potty. He doesn't even want his diaper changed. I feel like he's the only one his age this behind in training. I don't want to push him - he says he doesn't want to go on the potty. Is there any advice to help sway him? or do I just let him be and when he's ready, he's ready?


Posted 2/21/11 10:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 3/06

4962 total posts


Re: need help potty training a boy!

this was me a few months ago. I was freaking out bc I felt like DS would never have a desire to go on the potty. I tried over the summer (right before he turned 3) going right to undies. that didn't work. Then we transitioned to pull ups which, looking back, may have been a crutch for DS bc he could have cared less if he was wet. However, he did go on the potty a decent amount of times and would go at school too. When I was home for a few days I decided to just try undies again (at 3 years 2 months) and would literally set a timer for every half hour or so. Well he must've been ready bc it worked like a charm. I can count on one hand the # of times he's had accidents. At night we put undies on and a pull up over it and he wakes up dry every morning.

Now pooping is another story. That has been a's to to the poiint where he asks for a pull up so he can do his business, and after cleaning dozens of poopy undies and even throwing out several pairs, I'm ok with the puill ups for now.

Posted 2/22/11 8:52 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: need help potty training a boy!

He is far from being the only one not trained. He's only 2, so he's pretty much on track. Give him time, he'll get it.... Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/11 8:55 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: need help potty training a boy!

thanks. I guess I was spoiled with my DD who was 100% self trained at 2.5Chat Icon

and most of my DS daycare friends are trained and they are all the same age.

Posted 2/22/11 6:13 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/06

393 total posts


Re: need help potty training a boy!

DS will be 3 in June also and has no desire to be potty trained. I am not pushing it. I want to wait until it gets warm out anyways so he can walk around the house in undies.

You are not alone. And there are only 2 out of the 12 kids in DS nursery class that are potty trained and he is the youngest.

Posted 2/22/11 6:16 PM

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