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need help with puppy training

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Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

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need help with puppy training

DH and I just got a 9 week old puppy. Well, he is 10 weeks now almost 11. We are trying to house train him and he is doing well, but sometimes we let him out and he does his business and then 10 minutes after being in the house he pees on the floor. How can I stop him from doing this? Are we not training him right?

We are crate training him and he sleeps from about 11pm through 5am before needing to go out.

Any suggestions?

Posted 1/31/07 8:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: need help with puppy training

Scout does this and he is 14 weeks now. When they aren't in the crate they just go when the mood strikes. You have to look for clues and be very attentive when puppy isn't in the crate - we noticed right away that Scout would start to sniff the ground, in a zig-zag pattern. We would pick him up real fast and bring him outside. If you pick him up when peeing they stop until you put them down again.

When he does pee outside, I praise him and say AS he is peeing, "Go pee-pee Scout" and then "Good Boy!!" and sometimes follow up with a treat so he WANTS to go outside.

Now he sits in front of the door to let us know he needs to go out - sometimes 5 times in an hour!! But I take him, otherwise he goes on the floor. Although he too sleeps in the kitchen from 11pm-6am with no accidents so go figure.

I am taking him to classes at PetSmart - Puppy Kindergarten, and they have housebreaking classes too...

Posted 1/31/07 8:48 PM

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

1418 total posts


Re: need help with puppy training

I am not saying this is what is wrong with your puppy but, This happened with my puppy also when she was about 14 weeks, and it turned out she had a UTI and crystals in her urine. After she went on her antibiotics, she was so much better with her accidents. I just happened to mention it to the vet, that she was peeing, 10 minutes after she would just go outside, so he did a test and that was the cause.

Posted 1/31/07 8:53 PM

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