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Member since 11/08 3783 total posts
Name: :)
Need Help! WWYD
There is a man that lives across the street from me that has some serious anger issues. Many (many) times DH and I have seen him screaming at his kids on the front lawn - they are very young and couldn't have done anything THAT bad to be screamed at like that. We have watched him closely to make sure nothing more was happening (like physically hurting them). DH has asked me never to talk to this man bc he is seriously off his rocker and is scared that he would lash out at me. It sounds silly but that is how crazy this guy is.
So last night DH and I are walking our dog and out of nowhere this man's dog comes charging across the street. The dog was nice and I grabbed him quickly bc a car was coming. The man came over screaming at the dog and yanking him by the collar to go home. Ok fine whatever. At the same time his other dog was in the yard barking his head off. We hear the guy screaming at the other dog to shut up and then all of a sudden he is punching and kicking the dog. The dog is crying so loud and the guy is just hitting it harder and harder.
Then he looks at us.. (at that point im just staring in disbelief) and gives me a nasty look.
I HAVE to call someone about this... but im scared. He will know it was ME who called, noone else was around and he saw me staring.. and of course I had the most horrified look on my face.I am also nervous if he beats this poor innocent dog, he could be doing the same thing to his children. I don't really know what to do and I am scared of what he might do if and when he realizes it was us. DH is scared to have me call, he works nights and this guy knows that and he doesn't want me home alone now.
But I HAVE to call.. WWYD? How can I do this without him knowing. Will they tell him they are investigating him?
Posted 7/20/10 9:09 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: Need Help! WWYD
I would have to call... and I would call CPS too, honestly, because IMO his kids probably witness him beating the dogs. I realize that not everyone will agree with me, that's fine, but his behavior scares me! When you do call the SPCA (or whoever it is you call, I am not sure) I would ask to stay anonymous... but like you said, he will know it was you. Just stay safe when you are home
Posted 7/20/10 9:22 AM |
Look! I changed it!

Member since 4/10 1789 total posts
Name: Andrew
Re: Need Help! WWYD
i would def call!!! ASAP!!! but then again i wouldn't mind a confrontation with someone like that!!!
Posted 7/20/10 12:50 PM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Need Help! WWYD
I would make some calls.
Posted 7/20/10 1:00 PM |

Member since 11/08 3783 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Need Help! WWYD
Posted by greenfreak
I would make some calls.
I am calling as soon as I get home tonight. I left the address and last name of the person at home
I hope they don't tell the guy they are investigating if they choose too... he is soooo nuts, im scared!
Message edited 7/20/2010 1:02:18 PM.
Posted 7/20/10 1:01 PM |
Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08 4173 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: Need Help! WWYD
I would def. call!!!
Similiar situation, just not that violent. In regards to neglect/abuse. The neighbor behind me has a cocker spaniel. She keeps it on a leash in her yard. It's left outside all day and it breaks my heart. She cries and cries and barks. This has been going on for months.
Last night I was woken up by this dog barking at 3 am. I looked out the window and there it is wanting to get inside. I waited. 30 min later, still barking.
I woke up, threw on a bra and flip flops and in my pj's drove around the corner and rang her door bell and banged on her door. She came out and I asked her do you have a dog and she said yes did it get out? So I said how could it get out when you have it on a 2 ft chain in the backyard? I asked her if she knew what time it was and that her dog is barking? She said Ill bring her in. I told her that I was going to call the police and animal control if she let it continue.
My point is I DONT CARE she knows its me! Its wrong and animals cant defend themselves!
Posted 7/20/10 1:43 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 1/07 390 total posts
Name: I love my girls
Re: Need Help! WWYD
I know it is scary for you .. but I hope you call. I am sick just thinking about the poor dog.... and his children.. God knows what he does to them.. Good luck .. if not maybe you can make it so those dogs disppear one day when he is not home ...
Posted 7/20/10 2:39 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 2086 total posts
Name: sarah
Re: Need Help! WWYD
I would definitely be making phone calls regarding both the dog and the kids.
Posted 7/20/10 2:43 PM |

Member since 11/08 3783 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Need Help! WWYD
Posted by Briellesmom
I know it is scary for you .. but I hope you call. I am sick just thinking about the poor dog.... and his children.. God knows what he does to them.. Good luck .. if not maybe you can make it so those dogs disppear one day when he is not home ...
It is so sad and makes me sick to think about too
I am def. calling tonight after work. I am going to talk to them and tell them the entire situation and that I am scared of the man etc... hopefully he doesnt realize he is being investigated or that it was me who called. Either way I am going to stay clear of this man as best as i can
Posted 7/20/10 2:59 PM |