What do mean a ton? ( Nervous nelly here...sorry)...
Im PRAYING for the ton there is to stop multipying and GROW to a super duper EGG! That sticky one we need!
Day 5 of stims and they counted 30 follies between 10 and 12 this morning. They stopped the Gonal F for tonight and started me on the Cetritide and Microdose Ovidrel to slow the growth a little.
What do mean a ton? ( Nervous nelly here...sorry)...
Im PRAYING for the ton there is to stop multipying and GROW to a super duper EGG! That sticky one we need!
Day 5 of stims and they counted 30 follies between 10 and 12 this morning. They stopped the Gonal F for tonight and started me on the Cetritide and Microdose Ovidrel to slow the growth a little.
Oh lordy....30 huh?
Ok, well I have no one but myself to compare to, at day 5 I had 15 between 10-12. And ended up with 15 eggs....and yet had some bad mild Ohss bloating...so Lets PRAY that those 30 are IT and then thats a good thing.
Sorry..thinking out loud while over analyzing the situation
I KNOW you are thinking the worst right now and I KNOW you believe in thoughts and what happens with them. So your JOB is to focus on NO OHSS and NOT think the worse !