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Need your advice mommies

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April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Need your advice mommies

I know you got a lot of responses with a lot of advice. Take everything one day at a time and remind yourself that it will get better and easier.Chat Icon

Posted 1/1/07 10:38 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need your advice mommies

you have FMChat Icon

Posted 1/1/07 1:26 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Need your advice mommies

First off Chat Icon 's! What you are feeling is totally normal. I didn't pump but I felt so overwhelmed and recentful for my lack of sleep and lack of life. I had mean friends around me telling me I was losing it and not supporting me and quite frankly making the matters worse. Telling me that my hormonal excuses were getting old when my DD was only 2 weeks old. Once I got rid of the venom (those friends) things started looking up. I was very lucky to have a girlfriend that had her DS 4 days before I had my DD so we went through this together. We called when we were sad. We cried on the phone to each other. We went met up with the kids at each others houses and talked.

Everything you are feeling is so normal. Your life right now is not your life it's your child's life. I never pumped but I can imagine that having to do that certain intervals must be very hard. Please try to find one hour out of every day to do something for you. Even if it's just watching TV but something that you want to do or even when your DH gets home from work- take an hour and go walk around a store. Don't be afraid to talk about it to people who are understanding (like us Chat Icon ) Don't feel like you are ignoring your baby if you have your DC in a bouncer while you take some time to talk on a phone to a friend. Someone said it to me while I was going through my PPD and it worked for me-- HAPPY MOMMY = HAPPY BABY. Your baby can't be happy if their mommy isn't.

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Please feel free to FM me if you ever need a shoulder

Posted 1/1/07 1:41 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Need your advice mommies

Ladies- I want to thank you SO much for all of your support and advice. This site is so wonderful. I'm sorry it took me so long to write back- but I was thinking about all of your responses this weekend.

Right now I pump every five hours- sometimes six or seven. Next week I'm home alone with Matty for the first time all day- I may have the doula come one day though...I'm nervous but keep telling myself it will be okay.

He actually is latching on a little so I'm thinking that if I can BF him 3x a day, then maybe I can pump every 7 hours- that's only 3x a day or so- I enjoy BFing him- last week I hated it because it hurt so badly but the past two days it didn't hurt so much and I love that closeness with him- so, we'll see how it goes....I'm happy giving him Similac at night but if I can either BF him or give him pumped breastmilk in the day for at least a few more weeks I will be really happy....

If I'm still feeling this sad in another week or so I'm going to stop the pumping- my DH really wants me too- he thinks its an added stress and it has been a huge source of tension between us- and we rarely have any tension....I just want to give Matty all of the good antibodies and DH doesn't really think its that important- he wants me to feel better.

Anyway, I can't thank you all enough for your advice- I'm going to start throwing everything in the dishwasher too I think! And just sterilize things every other day or so....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 1/1/2007 6:19:24 PM.

Posted 1/1/07 6:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

154 total posts


Re: Need your advice mommies

I also pumped due to latching issues. Worked with a LC and tried everyday to get DD to latch and it wouldn't work. I pumped maybe 6 weeks or so. I had enough bottles that I threw the empties in the dishwasher. After DH went back to work and I was alone all day with the baby, I was slowly going stir crazy. She was born in December so I couldn't go for walks in the neighborhood. So I frequented a drive through Starbucks Chat Icon . I also NEEDED a shower everyday and to put some make up on. I felt human then. Eventually I gathered up the courage to go to Target or the library. Right after I fed and changed the baby we would go. If she pooped and needed to be changed or screamed I would come home. That became our routine-and when I went back to work I missed browsing the stores while my baby slept in her carrier.Chat Icon

It DOES get better, I promise! Chat Icon

Posted 1/1/07 6:41 PM
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