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New Mom Here with questions!

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

856 total posts


New Mom Here with questions!

Hi Moms-

I just wanted to say hi. I'm not a huge poster (yet) on this website, but I was a big poster on liweddings for my 2005 wedding (FTRbride). I recognize a lot of your names from there. Anyway, my daughter was born early (37 weeks) on Oct. 2nd. We've been home for 1 week today and it has been a huge adjustment...but a good one!

She is overall a very good baby, but we've had some issues with gas, bowel movements, and feeding.

We started her on Avent bottles and the ped suggested first trying to change her bottles to see if that helped. We switched to Dr. Brown's, and there is a definate improvement in how much she eats, but still lots of gas. She hadn't had a bowel movement in 36 hours, so the doctor taught us how to stimulate her. She went once tuesday and once wednesday on her own. The hospital had put her on Similac Advance. Since the bottles didn't solve the issue fully we switched her to Enfamil Gentlease. Last night was still a bad crying gassy night, but it was only the first day of the switch.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! We did watch The Happiest Baby on the Block last night, and it really seems to help calm her down...but as soon as we put her in the crib she starts crying again.


Posted 10/11/07 8:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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She's my world!!!

Member since 8/06

1184 total posts


Re: New Mom Here with questions!

Congrats on the birth of your baby! I don't have advice - my DD is almost 5 months but sometimes I still feel like a new mom! Good luck & enjoy! Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/07 8:43 AM


Member since 3/07

6944 total posts


Re: New Mom Here with questions!

Welcome!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/07 8:51 AM

Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05

15567 total posts


Re: New Mom Here with questions!

welcome and congrats.

When did u start her on the gentalease

It took my DD a few days to get used to it.

Posted 10/11/07 9:37 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: New Mom Here with questions!

Congrats on your new bundle of joy!!!

Has the doctor recommended anything like fennel or chamomile tea? What about Gripe water? Those things definitely used to help my DD's belly. You might want to look into it.

Also as a PP said, you'll have to wait to see if the formula switch was effective. You could still try the tea and such though b/c they are all natural and can't hurt.

Posted 10/11/07 9:53 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

856 total posts


Re: New Mom Here with questions!

Thank you! The ped hasn't recommended anything else yet. We just switched her to Gentlease yesterday afternoon.

Since I made this post a few hours ago she has actually had another bowel movement, and DH told me that he changed a poopy diaper at it seems things are starting to get to normal with her system.

Still some gas but no crying from it. Hopefully (I don't want to jinx it!) she is feeling better.

Now I noticed that one of her eyes has a lot of dried up goop everytime she wakes up. From my searching, I think it's a clogged tear duct but I think I'll call the ped this afternoon. Haha, my daughter is 9 days old...we've already had our first appointment, and this will be my second call in with questions. This doc is going to looooove me!!

Posted 10/11/07 10:46 AM

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