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Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

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Loving my bundle of pure JOY!

Member since 4/10

2429 total posts


Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

...any advice from survivors of this? Chat Icon

DD is 3 weeks old, and she's a great eater. My DH and I figure it's because she's going to be a tall girl (she was born at 22", and DH and I are both very tall). She goes on rampages for a few hours at a time where she cluster feeds. It's impossible to stick to a 2-3 hour schedule when all your baby wants to do is eat and nothing else works to calm her down. My mom told me that all three of her kids (all very tall) were just like this, and she gave us rice cereal way before the recommended age since we were all hungry all the time. Everything I've read about giving rice cereal very early on, however, says to steer clear of it because it can increase allergies and constipation. I'm obviously going to talk to DD's pediatrician at her next appt. (early next week), but I'm just wondering if anyone else's child always cluster fed during the day/early evening. I currently EBF--which is going very well--but I can't have her on my breast 24/7. Any advice would be appreciated!

Posted 3/17/11 1:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

ds ate 24hours a day , i did nothing the first weeks except sit on the couch breastfeeding, i put the computer next to me and created my own wedding photo album , thank goodness for the brest friend, it allowed me to be hands free

when i needed a break i would have dh give him formula i know i am still bfing bc of this,,, when i was tired, not in the mood to bf i took a break , i never put any rules on myself, i did what I felt was right for me at that moment.

Message edited 3/17/2011 1:08:49 PM.

Posted 3/17/11 1:05 PM


Member since 6/08

3290 total posts


Re: Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

Sorry... but its totally normal. Newborns need to be fed "on demand". Its very hard to "schedule" a newborn, eventually, they fall into their own predicatable routine, but forcing it is impossible

Posted 3/17/11 1:22 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

have you tried a pacifier? she could just want to suck and is using you as one.
however, feeding on demand is perfectly normal. this is what I did with my twins, and what I am doing now. Sometimes she'll go 2 or 3 hours, sometimes it will be 45 minutes or an hour. I feed her when she wants to eat.

Posted 3/17/11 1:26 PM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

5796 total posts


Re: Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

sorry that's kind of the definition of a newborn Chat Icon

It gets better! and I agree with Dana- we have supplemented ds with formula from 6 weeks and I pumped from 2 weeks and did bottles from then all the way through to now at 4months and its a lot of the reason I "survived" and am still going

Posted 3/17/11 1:28 PM

Loving my bundle of pure JOY!

Member since 4/10

2429 total posts


Re: Newborn that wants to eat all hours of the day

Posted by SweetTooth

have you tried a pacifier? she could just want to suck and is using you as one.
however, feeding on demand is perfectly normal. this is what I did with my twins, and what I am doing now. Sometimes she'll go 2 or 3 hours, sometimes it will be 45 minutes or an hour. I feed her when she wants to eat.

I thought of the sucking thing...however, she hates pacifiers, so that won't work. I know schedules don't always work, but sometimes she'll go maybe 20 minutes and want to feed again. This doesn't happen all the time, but it sometimes gets to the point where I feel like I'm glued to one spot.

Posted 3/17/11 1:29 PM

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