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News article: Rotavirus vaccine may hard infants

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


News article: Rotavirus vaccine may hard infants

Thought you may find this interesting:;_ylt=AoW96LR7buE4jbGYpEKdYbYDW7oF

Posted 2/14/07 1:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: News article: Rotavirus vaccine may hard infants

oh just great.

Message edited 4/9/2007 7:13:36 AM.

Posted 2/14/07 1:45 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: News article: Rotavirus vaccine may hard infants

No offense to the pp, because its son just had rotavirus and it was AWFUL. He was hospitalized and everything, but I will not be giving the vaccine to #2...its too new of a vaccine for me and I am not a fan of vaccinations anyway.

Posted 2/15/07 6:49 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: News article: Rotavirus vaccine may hard infants

But if you read the article, it states that this number (28 children) is actually low compared to normal statistics and before a vaccine was done...

This disorder occurs in some babies regardless of vaccination, and there is no proven link between the vaccine and it.

In my opinion....rotavirus is a nasty, nasty virus where many babies have died from in the past...I was told by my doc that any possible side effects outweigh the risk of friends baby was not vaccinated for it (this was 2 years ago when they recalled a vaccine) and was near death from rotavirus...

Just want to make sure everyone realizes that they are NOT saying the vaccine will cause intusseption in your child...its easy to freak out from a headline.

Posted 2/15/07 7:13 AM

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