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no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

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LIF Zygote

Member since 12/15

10 total posts


no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

I feel a bit emotionless right now...

1st appt was during my 6th wk and we saw hb.
2nd appt was during my 8th wk and unfortunately, baby stopped growing during my 6th wkChat Icon and no longer had a hb.

It started on it's own and I was filled with so much of every emotion. For me, it was the most horrendously painful experience and came on fast. Truly felt like birth but with no epidural and not the beautiful ending. My doctor explained it was going to be this horrificly painful until I passed all the tissue which could be a couple of hours. She was 100% accurate. I cried so much. It was so hard for my family and I'm so thankful if it was going to happen, that it happened while we were together and HOME!

TMI warning: After I passed the last big tissue, I suddenly felt my body begin to relax. Had I known the severity of what I was up against, naturally, I might have thought twice about a D and C. I was scared of surgery and truthfully, had a hard time just choosing which way to go...wrapping my head around it all. I guess this was the way it was meant to me and I do understand that these things happen for a reason and our bodies are so smart and amazing however, doesn't make it any easier. I am so sore but I feel I can begin to heal. Giving myself some time to rest(with the help of fam & DH) but ready to heal. DS is my heart and giving me lots of snuggles. I feel so emotionless right now.

Has anyone experienced this like me? Did you have pain/extreme soreness abdominally and lower back? I feel it with every step I make. Makes it hard to lift my DS. (Which I am trying not too but that is soooo hard to do) If so; How long did it last? Did anyone get acupuncture after this?

Thanks so much for reading and for any feedback in advance Chat Icon

Posted 12/5/15 4:46 PM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

I am so very sorry for your loss! I also lost my baby at 8 weeks back in May. This was after a positive 6 week visit and sonogram with a heartbeat.

I did not have a natural MC, my doctor scheduled me for a D&C. I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain.

I can relate to your feelings. It is such a shock at first, especially after seeing the heartbeat and feeling like things were going in a positive direction. I also felt emotionless and numb. Give yourself time to go through all the feelings. None are bad or wrong. I was angry, sad, you name it. Nobody could do anything right for me, I was inconsolable.

I wish you peace and healing, and reach out if there's anything we or I can do.Chat Icon

Posted 12/5/15 8:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/11

1254 total posts


no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

I'm so sorry... I know what you're going through. When I had my mc I was in extreme abdominal pain. When I went to the bathroom it was like a pop as if my water broke and that's what it looked like but it was tinged with pink and then the horror began. It was horrible. I went to the ER and this is tmi but but the sac was just there and wouldn't pass so they had to pull it out. I was just about 10 was. I rested the next and felt better once it was all over but the heartache never goes away.... Again I'm so sorry! Hugs to you!

Posted 12/5/15 11:58 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09

828 total posts


Re: no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

No experience with natural MC, I had a DC.
Just wanted to say, I'm sorry for your loss. It's really difficult in the beginning both physically and emotionally and I found that only ppl who have been through it really understand. Friends and family always said the wrong thing even though they had the best intentions. Please feel free to post here and FM if you need support. We are here for you!

Edited to add: Any feelings that you are totally normal. My emotions were all over the place!

Message edited 12/6/2015 8:36:45 AM.

Posted 12/6/15 8:35 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/15

10 total posts


Re: no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

Posted by Chai77

I am so very sorry for your loss! I also lost my baby at 8 weeks back in May. This was after a positive 6 week visit and sonogram with a heartbeat.

I did not have a natural MC, my doctor scheduled me for a D&C. I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain.

I can relate to your feelings. It is such a shock at first, especially after seeing the heartbeat and feeling like things were going in a positive direction. I also felt emotionless and numb. Give yourself time to go through all the feelings. None are bad or wrong. I was angry, sad, you name it. Nobody could do anything right for me, I was inconsolable.

I wish you peace and healing, and reach out if there's anything we or I can do.Chat Icon

Thank you so much. I am so sorry about your loss also! Thank you for sharing with me. Wow, our unfortunate stories began the same. I really appreciate your words and thoughts.Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/15 2:05 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/15

10 total posts


Re: no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

Posted by BabyBearA

I'm so sorry... I know what you're going through. When I had my mc I was in extreme abdominal pain. When I went to the bathroom it was like a pop as if my water broke and that's what it looked like but it was tinged with pink and then the horror began. It was horrible. I went to the ER and this is tmi but but the sac was just there and wouldn't pass so they had to pull it out. I was just about 10 was. I rested the next and felt better once it was all over but the heartache never goes away.... Again I'm so sorry! Hugs to you!

Thank you so much. I am sorry for your loss also! I know exactly what you mean about the pop. I experienced that when my water broke with my DS. I am so sorry to hear all that you had to go through. How scary!! It's just awful. Chat Icon Thank you for sharing your story with me.

Posted 12/8/15 2:07 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/15

10 total posts


Re: no longer hb 8 wks--natural M/C

Posted by Siren77

No experience with natural MC, I had a DC.
Just wanted to say, I'm sorry for your loss. It's really difficult in the beginning both physically and emotionally and I found that only ppl who have been through it really understand. Friends and family always said the wrong thing even though they had the best intentions. Please feel free to post here and FM if you need support. We are here for you!

Edited to add: Any feelings that you are totally normal. My emotions were all over the place!

Thank your for your kind words and support. I am sorry for your loss. I agree, it's a hard thing in general and hard for those trying to be supportive but I know it comes from a good place and that alone, means a lot. Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/15 2:10 PM

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