No textures/table foods at 11 months?
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06 178 total posts
No textures/table foods at 11 months?
My DD is 11 months old, and just getting her first teeth now. We started baby foods at 6 months, just like the ped recommended. She gagged at first, but proceeded to the stage 1 and two foods well. Then at the 9 month visit, the ped recommended starting table foods. I started with Gerber puffs and Cheerios. Even though she could pick them up easily, she refused to put them in her mouth. I have tried cheese, banana, avocado, blueberries, rolls, crackers, teething biscuits, bits of mashed potato from our plate, but she won't eat anything.
When we have tried any stage 3 foods, she gags, and will even throw up from gagging. She will feed us Cheerios, and will put them to her lips and pretend to chew and say "Mmmmm", imitating us and smiling. But she won't chew or swallow any foods beyond Stage 2.
She also refuses to hold her bottle. I have tried introducing a sippy cup and she cries if it is not a bottle. When I try to have her use her hands to hold the bottle, she cries and refuses to drink. I know she is capable of holding it, she can hold it with one hand shake it, and holds it up to my mouth. The pediatrician said that I could try to let her hold the bottle herself, and she won't drink if she doesn't. She won't starve. This seems drastic to me. At the same time, she seems so behind. I see kids her age eating bagels (and other non-pureed foods!) Any advice? Please, I'm getting desperate!!!
Posted 3/11/08 6:00 PM |
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: No textures/table foods at 11 months?
What does she do when you give her the food? How many times do you give it to her? I have found with Jack that I have to give him something about 5 times before he actually eats it - and doesn't shove my hand away.
With every single new food - I give it to him at every meal (except breakfast if it's not a breakfast food) and it takes a few meals before he actually likes it.
Posted 3/11/08 6:08 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/06 178 total posts
Re: No textures/table foods at 11 months?
If I put it near her mouth, she turns her head and closes her mouth. Sometimes she also rubs her hands over her face. If I leave it on the high chair tray, she will pick it up, sometimes play with it, and then toss it over the side.
That is a good suggestion to try each new thing 5 times. I usually try only 2 times.
Posted 3/11/08 6:12 PM |
Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: No textures/table foods at 11 months?
I had an Early Intervention Specialist come to my house when my son was the same age as yours and he didn't qualify. Unfortunately, at 20 months, he is still suffering, but not to the same degree. My pediatrician seems to think the problem will go away when he is 2. We are in talking stages of having him re-evaluated by a different specialist. Best of luck to you. I hope both of our little ones outgrow it soon!
Posted 3/11/08 6:15 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: No textures/table foods at 11 months?
If I gave up at two times this kid would be eating nothing - I swear.
I was so frustrated and would literally cry after he wouldn't eat it - and would end up just throwing the food out.
I then realized this is completely new to him - and he needs to become familiar with the new textures/tastes. Sure enough - after much persistance on my part - he has eaten everything else I've made for him now (KNOCK ON WOOD PLEASE!)
ETA: Jack would turn his head also - and hit my hand away.
Message edited 3/11/2008 6:15:49 PM.
Posted 3/11/08 6:15 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Re: No textures/table foods at 11 months?
i'm a speech therapist,and have a little bit of background in feeding. this totally sounds like a behavior thing. shes learning that she doesn't have to try it if she doesn't want to. which is bad. i agree with trying each new food more than twice, and just being a little more firm with making her at least put it in her mouth. just keep putting more of whatever shes refusing on her plate/tray. praise every new step- if she picks up a new food, praise that... if she puts it near her mouth, praise that even more... and go nuts if she puts it in her mouth! i think i remember doing a reward thing where if they actually eat a peice of whatever, they get to play with a toy for a minute or 2. as she starts eating more stuff, you can start to phase out the reward to every 2 bites or every 3 or whatever... same with the bottle.. if you don't hold it for her, she has no choice but to hold it herself. try giving it to her one time when you know shes super thirsty, and not holding it for her... if she wants a drink bad enough, she'll hold it herself. good luck! let me know if you hvae any questions!
Posted 3/11/08 6:24 PM |
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