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I gave DC shot in full and on schedule 18 51.43%
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Not sure what to do with MMR shot

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I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

6616 total posts


Not sure what to do with MMR shot

Im sick to my stomach bc of all the autism connections and hype. DD has her Dr's apt tomorrow....
what did u do?

Posted 5/19/08 8:26 PM


Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

My DD received her MMR shot at 12 months. I was worried but, to be honest, I am happy that I did it because of the measles outbreak that just happened.

My DD is fine so far. No signs of anything and it has been 4 months since the shot.

Posted 5/20/08 9:00 AM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

We plan on giving the full dose at a delayed date, when DD is close to 3 years old, before pre-school.

Posted 5/20/08 9:03 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

I said other.
DD got show at 17 months old.
not b/c of any choice by me, but b/c we are behind in our schedule as our doctors were away entire month of August- so everything is pushed back.
I went in to the appt thinking I was going to split up the doses- which our ped does do. but when we were there, my dd screamed the entire time out of fear of being at the doctors (she knows the waiting room now & everything)- so I just decided to do it that one time, not subjecting her to the torment 2 more times.
she's been fine- and my doc assured me there was no link & I believe him.

Posted 5/20/08 9:03 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

Posted by nbc188

We plan on giving the full dose at a delayed date, when DD is close to 3 years old, before pre-school.

same here for both my boys.

Posted 5/20/08 9:09 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

My son got his at 18 months, my DD at 15 months (not sure why the difference, we go with our pedi's schedule). My son just turned 4 and he got his second shot. No issues at all. I did not split it either. I believe that autism might have a little more to do with genetic make-up that the shots. JMO.

Posted 5/20/08 9:16 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

Emma got her 1st one at her 3 year old visit. Jeremy is 3 1/2 and has not gotten it yet just because I gave him another shot at his 3 yr visit and I do not give any other shot with the combine shot visits. Lukie is 15 months and has not gotten it and will not get it till he is 3

Message edited 5/20/2008 9:20:17 AM.

Posted 5/20/08 9:19 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

All shots for both DC were given in full, based on our Dr's schedule.

Posted 5/20/08 9:21 AM

I love these boys

Member since 7/07

2711 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

Posted by GoldenRod

All shots for both DC were given in full, based on our Dr's schedule.

Same here.

Posted 5/20/08 11:04 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

I go by the CDC doctor gives the MMR at 15 months, that is when mikayla will get it. I have done my research and that is my decision

Good luck, there is not right or wrong answer

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Posted 5/20/08 11:30 AM

My Everything

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20541 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

DD will be 3 in Sept and still has not had it. She is getting her round of Hep B right now and sometime in early August will get her MMR shot so that she can start preschool. If she wasn't going to school I would still be waiting and would probably split it up but we don't have time to split it and get it in before school starts.

Posted 5/20/08 11:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

We are waiting until DD is 3 or older - before she starts pre school and has to have it.

Posted 5/20/08 11:46 AM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

I don't really think that there is a connection but more of a coincidence of when these shots are given and the onset of autism (JMO). My ped said he would delay it but if I wanted to push it past three, he would ask me to leave the practice. That's how adamant he is about there being no connection.

Posted 5/20/08 12:01 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Not sure what to do with MMR shot

DD had it on time, as did DS.

Posted 5/20/08 12:03 PM

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