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November mommy to be's

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Member since 5/05

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November mommy to be's

Just thought I'd check in! We are all just about 1/2 way throughChat Icon So how is everyone doing? What are you feeling? Who found out the gender? Who still has their level II?

I'll start...

I'm going for my level II on Monday and we are hoping to find out if its a Chat Icon or Chat Icon . I've been getting a little tired every now and then, but otherwise feel great!! Not feeling much movement yet. I thought I felt flutters a week or so ago, but I'm not sure.

Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/06 8:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: November mommy to be's

I'm having Level II tomorrow but as of now, we decided not to find out the gender. I am feeling *something* down there occasionally but not sure if it's mini-kicks or what! I'm definitely less tired than I was 1st trimester, and it's only been the last week or so that I'm starting to look pregnant instead of just fat!

Posted 7/6/06 9:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: November mommy to be's

I know! And I could go as early as thirty something weeks! Chat Icon That's like 3 months away!!!! Chat Icon I really need to get prepared!
Not finding out the sexes but our Level II was today and they looked great. They did have those cysts on their brains but should dissolve soon - we're Chat Icon!
I feel great, really strange, I feel like I haven't "grown" much in the past month. I guess any day now I'll wake up and feel like I have. How are you feeling???
After having the sono today I CANNOT wait for them to get here!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/6/06 9:47 PM

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Re: November mommy to be's

20 weeks as of yesterday.
Here's my latest belly shot.
Going for my level 2 next Wed and hopefully we'll find out!

Image Attachment(s):
Posted 7/6/06 9:59 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: November mommy to be's

I'll be 20 weeks on Tuesday and have my level II on Monday- hoping to find out the sex.

Went for my checkup yesterday and the heartbeat sounded good.

Feeling tired but no more nausea! Chat Icon

This not sleeping on your back thing really stinks! I started not doing it last night and I think I lay on my arm funny because i woke up with pins and needles- but all in all, so far so good. Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 9:50 AM

Life is good...

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Re: November mommy to be's

I am 21 weeks as of yesterday. I go for my Level II on Tuesday and hope to find out if it's a Chat Icon orChat Icon . I used to say Chat Icon , but now I am not too sure.

I am still soooooo Chat Icon and can't get enough sleep! My back still hurts, but not as bad as it was a few weeks ago. Other than that, I feel GREAT! Chat Icon

We are going to register tomorrow so I feel a little overwhelmed with that. Otherwise, I feel like baby's not coming fast enough. Although, I don't want my little turkey to come until he/she bakes all the way through! Chat Icon

I feel strong kicks and punches, although I can't distinguish the two. I think I have a little boxer in there.

Posted 7/7/06 10:01 AM

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Re: November mommy to be's

I think i've finally started to feel some movement- I'm thinking this baby takes after DH who is mellow- b/c it it took after me it would be doing jumping jacks.

edited to say- yes sleeping on side all the time is gross- DH got me a snoogle but it still isn't great Chat Icon

Message edited 7/7/2006 10:04:00 AM.

Posted 7/7/06 10:03 AM

Where it all began....

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Re: November mommy to be's

Feeling pretty good. My MS has finally subsidedChat Icon I am 20 weeks today. More than halfway there (with a scheduled c-sectionChat Icon ) We aren't finding out and had out level 2 on the 5th but have to go back since the baby didn't completely cooperate. I also have to go for a fetal echo cardiogram since I am a diabetic. I will have to go to St Charles for that. I am less tired, and definitely showing, much earlier than I did with Damien. I have been feeling the baby sporadically for a few weeks now, another fun part of the second time aroundChat Icon Feel good all my fellow preggosChat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 10:03 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: November mommy to be's

Posted by Sassyz75

edited to say- yes sleeping on side all the time is gross- DH got me a snoogle but it still isn't great Chat Icon

I love my snoogle. I read in a book, that you can lay on your back as long as you are not FLAT on your back. So, I put the snoogle under the right side of my back, so I am still on my back, just not flat. It really helps and is super comfy. Because of my back problem, it's difficult for me to lay on my side all night.

Posted 7/7/06 10:12 AM

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Re: November mommy to be's

Posted by pmpkn087

Posted by Sassyz75

edited to say- yes sleeping on side all the time is gross- DH got me a snoogle but it still isn't great Chat Icon

I love my snoogle. I read in a book, that you can lay on your back as long as you are not FLAT on your back. So, I put the snoogle under the right side of my back, so I am still on my back, just not flat. It really helps and is super comfy. Because of my back problem, it's difficult for me to lay on my side all night.

ha ha ha- i do that sometimes too- so you are sort of leaning to one side but almost sleeping on the back.

Posted 7/7/06 10:20 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: November mommy to be's

I could potentially be a November mommy, since my due date is Oct 28, so I thought I'd share. I am doing well. and have finally started to gain some weight. Up until this week, 24 weeks, I had only gained 1 pound. Went to the doc yesterday and gained 9 pounds in a month!Chat Icon Chat Icon YIKES...

Posted 7/7/06 12:25 PM

I'm Getting Teeth!!!

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Re: November mommy to be's

I am due Nov. 17th! We found out June 16th that we were having a girl! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I feel great... I am not sick as I was at the beginning.. I can eat and I have more energy. Although I am going to bed earlier than ever now that I am pregnant. I feel her moving around alot and you can feel her slightly outside of my belly. We are sooooo excited!!

Posted 7/7/06 12:48 PM

My babies

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Re: November mommy to be's

I am 20w5d and feeling great. I can't complain. The first 3 months were really rough but it's been smooth sailing since. We just had our Level II and are having a Chat Icon Chat Icon . And all the measurements were perfect so we are very happy about that. I am NOT looking forward to registering, I don't know anything about anything!Chat Icon

ETA: I can feel her kicks and punches so much now and it's so amazing. DH can feel them too!

Message edited 7/7/2006 2:23:04 PM.

Posted 7/7/06 2:22 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: November mommy to be's

Hi All,
about 21 wks here (on Sunday). Had our level II last Friday- but i have to go back next friday because they didn't get good enough heart readings. We had one of those technicians that told you nothing grrr, but I'm just hoping all is fine. I figure I'll check with my dr next week to make sure..

But feeling good - get tired easier and all. We haven't registered yet either, hopefully soon though. The whole stroller thing is kind of daunting - so much to look at! But DH loves playing with the toys when we were going to the stores to scout out furniture, which is fun to watch Chat Icon

Posted 7/7/06 5:18 PM

Life is good...

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Re: November mommy to be's

Hey ladies...just thought we could do another check in.

At my level II two weeks ago, I was told we are 100% have a Chat Icon Chat Icon

I feel pretty good. Minimal swelling. Very tired still. I think I have a sinus infection and I am just procrastinating going to the doctor. Very moody and cranky.

So how are all of you ladies Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 2:56 PM

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Re: November mommy to be's

Had my level II 2 weeks ago as well and told by sono tech and then doc that it's a Chat Icon - I sure hope they're right b/c we picked everything out already.

feeling fine besides the almost daily dose of heartburn. It has no rhyme or reason either- i can eat hot sauce one day & be fine- then eat toast and be crying.

I'm up 9 pounds total- so I'm happy about that- and I feel pretty good- keeping crazy mood swings to a minimum- or at least trying too.

Posted 7/24/06 4:38 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: November mommy to be's

I'm due Nov. 4 and am still feeling excellent. I had a weird, uncomfortable night two days ago. I'm not sure what it was, I just could not get comfy. I've had an amazingly good pregnancy so far. I feel very lucky for that. I had the 1 hour Glucose test last Thursday. That wasn't too bad. I just signed up for all of my classes at the hospital (we're taking 5) and I'm looking forward to those. I was going to buy the snoogle yesterday but got the one by Boppy instead. It was smaller and cheaper and I have not been too uncomfortable sleeping yet, but I used the Boppy one last night and I loved it. I slept so well.

I hope all of the other November mommies - to - be are doing well. Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 5:16 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: November mommy to be's

We found out we're having Chat Icon awhile ago and have been having fun preparing. I'm feeling great and have been able to keep up with exercising. I'm going to try to order the crib this weekend and get started on registering. I can't believe how fast this is going!!!

Posted 7/24/06 5:55 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: November mommy to be's

I am now almost 23 weeksChat Icon I will be going for my third level 2 on Thursday along with a fetal echo cardiogram. They still haven't gotten a clear shot of the baby's face or spine so they are sending me to the hospital to get it done instead of the office where it is usually done. I have been feeling good with the exception of my vomiting this morning. I have only gained 3lbs which I am ecstatic aboutChat Icon with Damien I was already up over 20lbs by this time. Hope all my fellow November Mom's are feeling greatChat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 8:42 PM

#2 on the way!

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Re: November mommy to be's

I am 22 weeks tomorrow.. due 11-28
I think I'm up 5lbs which I am really happy about.. My back is starting to bother me a little and today I noticed I'm getting beautiful spider veins all over my legs..Little girl is kicking in there usually at night.. Dh still hasn't felt her.. I guess its due to my extra cushioning on the belly to begin my next checkup is 8-1
Overall I feel good.. no complaints.. I gotta keep up w/ the drinking water though cuz I am slacking...

Hope everyone else is doing well!!

Posted 7/24/06 8:53 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: November mommy to be's

Hi all! I'm 22 weeks todayChat Icon I posted a couple of weeks ago that we found out we are having a little Chat Icon and I'm up more weight than I wish to admit Chat Icon . I finally started feeling kicks, hiccups and movement this weekend. It's truly amazing!!!! I'm still feeling great, although I have my days where I'm really tired.

Good luck Stacey with your 3rd level II!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/06 9:48 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: November mommy to be's

I'm 22 weeks today too. We are having a Chat Icon !

I feel him move/kick-mostly in the late evening. DH has felt him too but, but not all of the time.

My boobs are enormous and they hurt! Still get the gas pains and my feet hurt if I am on them all day- and it is still annoying about not sleeping on your back- but other than those minor complaints, so far everything is good! Chat Icon

Message edited 7/25/2006 8:44:54 AM.

Posted 7/25/06 8:44 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

491 total posts


Re: November mommy to be's

Hi all!
Am in my 23rd wk, everything is going ok. I had a dizzy spell last wed, which I think was due to the heat and not keeping my fluids up. So now I know better! Chat Icon

I have put on a fair share of weight - i'll say 15 lbs. I'll find out for sure tomorrow night when I got for my next appt - we are probably the only people in the world that don't keep a scale in the house lol. So i'm trying to be good, but its just not that easy!!

But I'm enjoying feeling the kicks, etc., mainly in the morning. Unfortunately, the baby gets quiet whenever DH is around to try to feel for it!! so DH was feeding me some Dr Pepper to try to make the baby move around last night lol.

Posted 7/25/06 9:25 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: November mommy to be's

Hi ladies. Just thought we'd check in.

I will be 32 weeks on Thursday. I feel OK, but definately slowing down and every day something hurts. Measuring at 33 weeks (after already being changed to a week ahead). At 30 week appointment Chat Icon was weighing in at 4 lbs 2 ozs.

I am expecting my furniture to be delivered next Saturday and still no shower in sight Chat Icon . Feeling extremely overwhelmed with millions of things yet to be done.Chat Icon

How is everone else doing? Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/06 11:50 AM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: November mommy to be's

Good idea -- I was thinking we should check in. I'm 31 weeks and still feeling pretty good -- up 22 pounds and still walking regularly. We are working on painting the baby's room and hope to take delivery of the furniture by the end of September. We are going to infant care, infant CPR, and breast feeding classes in the next month, and will take a hospital tour in early October.

We're preparing for natural childbirth with hypnosis, so we are learning a lot about childbirth and I am practicing my hypnosis daily. Shower is scheduled for mid-October -- can't wait to get everything set-up!! So excited to that Chat Icon is coming in 2 months!! I can't believe how quickly time flies!

Posted 9/11/06 11:57 AM
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