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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Nursing Question????
Did you nurse with you second child? Did you fin dit to be challenging already having another little one that needed attention as well - especially without help and having kids really close in age (like 16 months).. I want to nurse second baby like I did with the first but I know how challenging it was and time consuming. I'm thinking that some aspects might be easier because I know more now and what I would do different.
Thoughts????? advice???
Posted 10/5/06 8:59 PM |
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Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Nursing Question????
I nurse Jeremy. Emma was 2 1/2 when he was born. I just learned how to do things with one hand with Emma while holding Jeremy. I must admit I did ask for a lot of my moms or DH's help when they were available. Nursing is that important to me.
Posted 10/5/06 9:23 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 633 total posts
Re: Nursing Question????
I understand your concern. My kids are 14 months apart and I am currently nursing my newborn while trying to chase after my toddler. My mom is here 2x a week so that helps ALOT but it is definitely challenging, especially since the nursing is still so time consuming. But my DS was in the NICU for 12 days and so its even more importnat to me that he gets BM and not formula at this point. My only piece of advice is make sure that you have a room with a gate so your older child can't wander too far when you are nursing the baby!!
Posted 10/5/06 9:59 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Nursing Question????
I nursed my second for the first 3 weeks (I wanted to do it for a year but I got sick and hospitalized and had to stop). I found that if I set my son up with an activity or had him help me by getting a burp cloth or pillow for me, he didn't feel as neglected and was good. Now all he wants to do is feed her her bottles!
Posted 10/5/06 10:41 PM |
Re: Nursing Question????
Posted by ckone
Did you nurse with you second child? Did you fin dit to be challenging already having another little one that needed attention as well - especially without help and having kids really close in age (like 16 months).. I want to nurse second baby like I did with the first but I know how challenging it was and time consuming. I'm thinking that some aspects might be easier because I know more now and what I would do different.
Thoughts????? advice???
I am really glad you posted this because I was thinking the same things. I only breastfed for 6 weeks and wished I did it longer but it just didnt work out thatway for us. When the next one comes around I really want to do it for at least 6 months but am concerned that that baby might want to eat every 1.5 hours like Luka did. I was also contemplating just pumping it.
Posted 10/6/06 8:53 AM |
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