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Officer Wilson not indicted....

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love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

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Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by JME78

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by MC09

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster


Or my dad, a now retired PO, who pulled a man (not white, but not black) over for rolling through a stop sign. Something small like that. Well, the man had a WOMAN tied up in the trunk (who he KIDNAPPED and CARJACKED). The man had BOMBS wrapped all over his body and wrestled with my father to BLOW him up. Yes. All 100% true. I am lucky my dad had the strength to control this animal so that he didnt DIE because of some crazy person. So as Slurpee dad said, I will believe any officer ANY day over a CRIMINAL and coincidentally, BROWN WAS A CRIMINAL. Well look at that. Sometimes where there is SMOKE there is FIRE.

Dear GOD, have some concept of what OFFICERS face daily. They PUT THEIR LIVES on the LINE for THUGS who disregard the law, disregard THEIR authority and yep, steal packs of cigarettes. LIFE ON THE LINE.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Police officers are absolutely 100% to be respected (as is every other human being on this earth) and the sacrifices they make on a daily basis and putting their lives on the line on a daily basis is incredibly admirable and not something most people can do. That's why we trust and respect our law enforcement officials to protect us and do what most of us can't on a daily basis. But, does that mean a police officer is NEVER to be questioned? His/her actions are NEVER to be questioned? Has there NEVER been an incidence of a police officer who misuses his/her authority or makes a bad judgment call? Police officers are human and make mistakes just like the rest of us do. They are charged with enforcing the law, but they are certainly not above it. All anyone in this case is asking for is the right to go to trial and question the conflicting reports, testimonials and evidence. Should Officer Wilson be found not guilty, then so be it.

ETA: It is actually more frightening to me that a few posters on this thread seem to be suggesting that they prefer a police state that gives law enforcement full authority to exercise their power, where a police officer is never to be questioned and ambiguous reports and testimonials are never to be clarified and brought to trial and given due process... is that really what you prefer in a democratic country???

I have read most of this thread and haven't seen anyone saying that they want the law enforcement to have full authority to exercise their power. What I said, and I think others have said, is that I will believe what a Police Officer says over a known criminal and therefore understand why most grand jury's side with the officer.

It's saying the same thing. The statement is implied. I prefer to reserve my judgment based on EVIDENCE rather than emotion or solely because someone carries a badge or because my uncle is a cop putting his life on the line to do his job and, therefore, NO ONE understands what it's like to be a cop, etc.

You want it to say the same thing, but it isn't. There is a reason that 100% of officers involved in grand jury's don't end up avoiding indictment; evidence must be heard, and take priority. That being said, prior to hearing evidence, it has been my experience to trust the officer over the KNOWN CRIMINAL. Brown was a known criminal, not Johnny Good Samaritan.

He was an 18 year old kid who stole cigarillos.

Last time I checked that wasn't an executable offense.

It troubles me that people are so quick to put a dead kid on trial to justify his being killed.

. Who assaulted the shop owner where he stole the ciagars, who was high and who incited a physical fight with a police officer ! A choir boy he was not. One more thing : I bet that if any female on this website were in the store as he stole those cigars she would be so scared of him she wouldn't be able to think straight.

Posted 11/26/14 8:59 PM
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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by DaniRella

Posted by klingklang77

Well then I guess that qualifies for all then.

When did I ever say that? If you try a little harder, maybe you could be just a bit more passive aggressive.

That's fine. We can agree to disagree, I guess.

You stated that your African American friends struggle with getting to work on the Northern State every day. I think that kind of was a bit insensitive to struggles that other AAs are going through. The Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon didn't really help either. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.

Back on topic... I feel the Grand Jury was wrong. There was a lot of conflicting evidence and I think it should have been brought to trial.

Posted 11/26/14 9:01 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Why is there still a Grand Jury?

I was talking about this with DH tonight, but I didn't quite get all of it (he is a British and Australian lawyer). I mean, isn't it a bit outdated?

Posted 11/26/14 9:10 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

Posted 11/26/14 9:22 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by JME78

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by MC09

Posted by SlurpeeDad

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster


Or my dad, a now retired PO, who pulled a man (not white, but not black) over for rolling through a stop sign. Something small like that. Well, the man had a WOMAN tied up in the trunk (who he KIDNAPPED and CARJACKED). The man had BOMBS wrapped all over his body and wrestled with my father to BLOW him up. Yes. All 100% true. I am lucky my dad had the strength to control this animal so that he didnt DIE because of some crazy person. So as Slurpee dad said, I will believe any officer ANY day over a CRIMINAL and coincidentally, BROWN WAS A CRIMINAL. Well look at that. Sometimes where there is SMOKE there is FIRE.

Dear GOD, have some concept of what OFFICERS face daily. They PUT THEIR LIVES on the LINE for THUGS who disregard the law, disregard THEIR authority and yep, steal packs of cigarettes. LIFE ON THE LINE.

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Police officers are absolutely 100% to be respected (as is every other human being on this earth) and the sacrifices they make on a daily basis and putting their lives on the line on a daily basis is incredibly admirable and not something most people can do. That's why we trust and respect our law enforcement officials to protect us and do what most of us can't on a daily basis. But, does that mean a police officer is NEVER to be questioned? His/her actions are NEVER to be questioned? Has there NEVER been an incidence of a police officer who misuses his/her authority or makes a bad judgment call? Police officers are human and make mistakes just like the rest of us do. They are charged with enforcing the law, but they are certainly not above it. All anyone in this case is asking for is the right to go to trial and question the conflicting reports, testimonials and evidence. Should Officer Wilson be found not guilty, then so be it.

ETA: It is actually more frightening to me that a few posters on this thread seem to be suggesting that they prefer a police state that gives law enforcement full authority to exercise their power, where a police officer is never to be questioned and ambiguous reports and testimonials are never to be clarified and brought to trial and given due process... is that really what you prefer in a democratic country???

I have read most of this thread and haven't seen anyone saying that they want the law enforcement to have full authority to exercise their power. What I said, and I think others have said, is that I will believe what a Police Officer says over a known criminal and therefore understand why most grand jury's side with the officer.

It's saying the same thing. The statement is implied. I prefer to reserve my judgment based on EVIDENCE rather than emotion or solely because someone carries a badge or because my uncle is a cop putting his life on the line to do his job and, therefore, NO ONE understands what it's like to be a cop, etc.

You want it to say the same thing, but it isn't. There is a reason that 100% of officers involved in grand jury's don't end up avoiding indictment; evidence must be heard, and take priority. That being said, prior to hearing evidence, it has been my experience to trust the officer over the KNOWN CRIMINAL. Brown was a known criminal, not Johnny Good Samaritan.

He was an 18 year old kid who stole cigarillos.

Last time I checked that wasn't an executable offense.

It troubles me that people are so quick to put a dead kid on trial to justify his being killed.

Especially by a POS officer with zero remorse.

Posted 11/26/14 9:25 PM


Member since 2/09

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Me speaks pirate!

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by DaniRella

Posted by luckyinlove

Obviously everyone who is questioning why Wilson did what he did does not understand two things. First, when you are threatened by a perp, armed or unarmed, you must defend yourself. Once Brown went for his gun (and forensic evidence proved that this was in fact the case), he was no longer an unarmed man. It is very easy for some of you to judge why he did what he did, working in jobs where your life isn't on the line on a day to day basis, but the reality is you can't even begin to know what it was like to be Wilson that night. It has been proven that Brown was antagonistic and threatening, both by forensic evidence and witness testimonies and Wilson was simply doing his job. He did not do or say anything to make it about race, he simply wanted to go home at the end of the night, not end up in a bodybag. Cops are taught to use deadly force if their lives are in jeopardy and Wilson believed that his was. He had never used his weapon before that night, but he felt that in this situation, he had to. I am sorry that many of you cannot understand what it must have been like to be in his situation, but I think any cop would have done the same thing. Darren Wilson is not guilty of any crime. If you want cops who let criminals run loose for fear of confrontations, then we will live in a dangerous scary world. Cops are here to protect us against people who do the same things that Michael Brown did that night. It is a shame that he decided to get high, rob a store, and then attack a police officer. If only he made better choices, he would still be alive today and Darren Wilson's life would not be in shambles.

Exactly. And anyone who knows an ounce about law enforcement and their training, would see this, plain and simple. Every officer I know puts their lives on the line everyday and a lot of them tell me, I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

I keep thinking of my brother's colleague Artie Lopez, who simply walked up to a man to question why he left the scene of a basic fender bender... He approached with his taser. Man, I wish he had approached with his gun. But who would have thought?? It was just a simple fender bender. But that piece of utter shit turned around before Artie could even mutter a hello and he shot him directly in the heart. FOR NO EFFING REASON. He just didn't want to get locked up that day for leaving the scene of a fender bender. Artie was 29 years old. He showed restraint by approaching with his taser. That's the thanks restraint got him.

But it's ok that Artie was killed. It's ok because he was just a cop. They are expendable. If Artie had approached that scumbaag pos with his gun drawn and killed that waste of life instead, he would have been scruntized and judged.
So instead he went in with non deadly force like all the Monday morning quarterbacks who have never been on the front lines preach about. And he paid with his life. Where were the riots for him though?

You know the end of the day, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If you don't like it, don't break the law. And if a cop tells you to put your hands up, put them up. Period.

I don't think anyone in this thread is saying it's even remotely ok by any means. It's not ok. It's a damned tragedy. But, as far as I know from the details of this particular case, Brown was unarmed, so I fail to see how this anecdote (armed man flees from accident fatally shoots cop) applies to the scenario in question (stoned unarmed teenager steals cigarillos and has altercation with cop). They are completely different situations. Is the solution that all cops are to just respond to calls firing their guns to avoid the possibility of getting shot by a possibly armed suspect? Where does one draw the line?

Again, when you or your loved one is an active or retired police officer, you are speaking based on emotion and that emotion has the potential to cloud one's judgment and ability to step back and view a case from an objective perspective.

Posted 11/26/14 9:29 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by sometimesmommy

Especially by a POS officer with zero remorse.

So the officer is a POS? Would you have remorse if you killed someone who was threatening or trying to kill you (or your child or family member)?

Police, especially in certain troubled communities, have VERY tough jobs. I can't see how people can overlook the difficulty of their jobs and have more respect for the tense situations they are in. And have respect and appreciation for them trying to keep the COMMUNITY members safe from the crime/criminals.

Message edited 11/26/2014 9:31:31 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:29 PM


Member since 2/09

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Me speaks pirate!

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

Posted 11/26/14 9:29 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Posted 11/26/14 9:32 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

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Officer Wilson not indicted....

If officer Wilson was your husband how would you have expected him to react ?

Posted 11/26/14 9:34 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

If officer Wilson was your husband how would you have expected him to react ?

Or your son, or brother, or friend even?

Posted 11/26/14 9:35 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MrsA1012

If officer Wilson was your husband how would you have expected him to react ?

Or your son, or brother, or friend even?

Yes, and I am asking this honestly. If you are questioning his actions then tell is what he should have done differently.

Posted 11/26/14 9:36 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MrsA1012

If officer Wilson was your husband how would you have expected him to react ?

Or your son, or brother, or friend even?

Yes, and I am asking this honestly. If you are questioning his actions then tell is what he should have done differently.

I agree. I would like everyone who faults what he did to explain what THEY would do in his shoes. Trying to do his job, protect innocent people, keep order and find criminals. What "should" he have done to a) do his job b) also keep himself safe?

Posted 11/26/14 9:38 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. Klingklang's comment was about people not understanding how minorities feel unless you've experienced it yourself. You respond with how cops feel. Cops have far more power and authority in a minority community than a minority does. So, how does it add to her discussion without being antagonistic? It's also depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

Message edited 11/26/2014 9:50:39 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:45 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. It's depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

That I'd failed as parent and probably should have been sterilized if I raised a child who robs stores, assaults shop owners, ignores a basic request from a police officer,curses at said officer and then provokes a violent physical fight with him where you try to take his gun. Yeah, if that were my kid I think I'd be in epic fck up territory !

Posted 11/26/14 9:50 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. It's depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

That I'd failed as parent and probably should have been sterilized if I raised a child who robs stores, assaults shop owners, ignores a basic request from a police officer,curses at said officer and then provokes a violent physical fight with him where you try to take his gun. Yeah, if that were my kid I think I'd be in epic fck up territory !

If there were conflicting reports you wouldn't want to know what really happened and why he was killed especially being that he was unarmed? You wouldn't want any justice? Ok then.

Message edited 11/26/2014 9:52:53 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:52 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. It's depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

I can't honestly say. I want to say I hope my child won't steal from a store, then disobey an officer. I want to say that I hope if I had a child who was "trouble" I would be afraid they would get themselves into more trouble or be killed somehow. Like maybe the store owner would have felt threatened and shot and killed him. Trouble and theft bring a greater chance of altercation and death for sure. I would think as a parent I would have either felt I failed or be delusional as to the reality of who my child was.

I raise my child now to be VERY respectful of adults and elders. So yeah, how I would feel? That I failed and I would be very worried for my child's safety because of THEIR actions that could snowball into something such as THIS did. You play with fire, you are eventually going to get burned.
I am also smart enough to know that officers are human, they do have to protect themselves and ANY situation that is between an officer and a civilian can ESCALATE. That's just a fact. In fact, ANY altercation between ANYONE can lead to death if things escalate. So I would have to be realistic if my child was one who got into TROUBLE, who stole, etc.

Message edited 11/26/2014 10:12:37 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:53 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. It's depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

That I'd failed as parent and probably should have been sterilized if I raised a child who robs stores, assaults shop owners, ignores a basic request from a police officer,curses at said officer and then provokes a violent physical fight with him where you try to take his gun. Yeah, if that were my kid I think I'd be in epic fck up territory !

Yeah, I get that, but wouldn't you want a trial? Or would you just give up and say yeah, my mistake, I suck as a parent?

Exhaust all options.

I was raised really well. I did stupid things as a teenager. But if I had been shot and killed, I can say that my parents would have done everything in their power to make sure justice was served.

This was a grand jury-- not a trial. If your child was killed, wouldn't you want every last bit of hope?

ETA: The basic request was to move to the sidewalk. What is the law there? Can one not walk in the street?

Message edited 11/26/2014 10:03:09 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:58 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MC09

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. It's depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

That I'd failed as parent and probably should have been sterilized if I raised a child who robs stores, assaults shop owners, ignores a basic request from a police officer,curses at said officer and then provokes a violent physical fight with him where you try to take his gun. Yeah, if that were my kid I think I'd be in epic fck up territory !

If there were conflicting reports you wouldn't want to know what really happened and why he was killed especially being that he was unarmed? You wouldn't want any justice? Ok then.

Yes, I'd want to know on emotional level. I'd also realize that when my kids robs a store and then incites a physical fight with a cop the odds of him coming home alive are pretty slim. however, if we are being honest the odds of this ever happening to a kid raised with good values and common sense are infinitesimal.

Posted 11/26/14 10:03 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Officer Wilson not indicted....

Cameras on all cops and vehicles to protect them and the accused.

Thoughts on that? Anyone? Pros/cons?

Posted 11/26/14 10:04 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by klingklang77

ETA: The basic request was to move to the sidewalk. What is the law there? Can one not walk in the street?

So basically he takes his time taking up the street, while a police officer waits to pass, and for him to move his A$$$ over when he feels like it? Is it possible the police officer was trying to get a better look since he had a report of a crime/criminal?

And do you really think a vehicle should have to sit behind a person taking up the middle of the street? let alone, an emergency vehicle, a police vehicle? Seriously? WHO DOES THAT? Walks in the middle of the street when they have a vehicle of the law (or any vehicle waiting behind them)? And might that be a law, not walking in the street vs using a sidewalk, btw? Not sure, but think it may anyway.

Message edited 11/26/2014 10:09:11 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 10:07 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

1443 total posts

love my family!

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by DaniRella

Posted by luckyinlove

Obviously everyone who is questioning why Wilson did what he did does not understand two things. First, when you are threatened by a perp, armed or unarmed, you must defend yourself. Once Brown went for his gun (and forensic evidence proved that this was in fact the case), he was no longer an unarmed man. It is very easy for some of you to judge why he did what he did, working in jobs where your life isn't on the line on a day to day basis, but the reality is you can't even begin to know what it was like to be Wilson that night. It has been proven that Brown was antagonistic and threatening, both by forensic evidence and witness testimonies and Wilson was simply doing his job. He did not do or say anything to make it about race, he simply wanted to go home at the end of the night, not end up in a bodybag. Cops are taught to use deadly force if their lives are in jeopardy and Wilson believed that his was. He had never used his weapon before that night, but he felt that in this situation, he had to. I am sorry that many of you cannot understand what it must have been like to be in his situation, but I think any cop would have done the same thing. Darren Wilson is not guilty of any crime. If you want cops who let criminals run loose for fear of confrontations, then we will live in a dangerous scary world. Cops are here to protect us against people who do the same things that Michael Brown did that night. It is a shame that he decided to get high, rob a store, and then attack a police officer. If only he made better choices, he would still be alive today and Darren Wilson's life would not be in shambles.

Exactly. And anyone who knows an ounce about law enforcement and their training, would see this, plain and simple. Every officer I know puts their lives on the line everyday and a lot of them tell me, I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

I keep thinking of my brother's colleague Artie Lopez, who simply walked up to a man to question why he left the scene of a basic fender bender... He approached with his taser. Man, I wish he had approached with his gun. But who would have thought?? It was just a simple fender bender. But that piece of utter shit turned around before Artie could even mutter a hello and he shot him directly in the heart. FOR NO EFFING REASON. He just didn't want to get locked up that day for leaving the scene of a fender bender. Artie was 29 years old. He showed restraint by approaching with his taser. That's the thanks restraint got him.

But it's ok that Artie was killed. It's ok because he was just a cop. They are expendable. If Artie had approached that scumbaag pos with his gun drawn and killed that waste of life instead, he would have been scruntized and judged.
So instead he went in with non deadly force like all the Monday morning quarterbacks who have never been on the front lines preach about. And he paid with his life. Where were the riots for him though?

You know the end of the day, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. If you don't like it, don't break the law. And if a cop tells you to put your hands up, put them up. Period.

AMEN. and if officer wilson were my husband, brother, father, uncle, i would be glad he did what he did.
if the white cop was killed, it would be a forgetable incident. sure people would say, oh, how sad- and then they would move on. i'm sure there wouldn't be protests or riots.
unfortunately, persons around the country no longer have respect for any authority and there is a sense of entitlement all around. and this is for white people too. but criminals, esp. and those in poorer communities, instead of trying to better themselves, become criminals.
i do not feel sorry for these people. i work my ass off every day. they can do the same to make their lives better and they choose not to, instead they choose to work the system and feel entitled. brown was a criminal. if he respected the cop, he wouldn't be dead. end of discussion.

Posted 11/26/14 10:08 PM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

Cameras on all cops and vehicles to protect them and the accused.

Thoughts on that? Anyone? Pros/cons?

Chat Icon SUre why not???

Posted 11/26/14 10:10 PM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

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Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by MC09

Posted by Goobster

Posted by klingklang77

. I still think one cannot really understand how a minority feels unless they are really in that position. It doesn't matter how many minority friends one has.


And no one can understand how a police officer (or their loved ones) feel unless they are really in that position either.

I'm sorry, but how does your comment even apply or further the discussion here?

How does it NOT? This is a two way relationship, between officers and the community members, especially in troubled communities.

Because the comment is antagonistic. It's depicting people who are taking a balanced approach to the situation as unsympathetic to the plight of cops. And that couldn't be further from the truth. All we are saying is that if there's a shadow of a doubt then a trial would have cleared up any misconceptions for everyone once and for all. But, now we'll never know.

At the end of the day, he was an unarmed kid who stole cigarillos. Then there was some conflicting information about the altercation. The kid was shot dead. And we'll never know definitively what happened. Maybe Wilson was completely justified and would have been vindicated. But, we'll never know. And now his life is in shambles, too, and he'll have to live in hiding the rest of his life.

On the flip side, how would you feel if it were your unarmed kid who was killed weeks away from starting college? I'm genuinely curious.

That I'd failed as parent and probably should have been sterilized if I raised a child who robs stores, assaults shop owners, ignores a basic request from a police officer,curses at said officer and then provokes a violent physical fight with him where you try to take his gun. Yeah, if that were my kid I think I'd be in epic fck up territory !

Yeah, I get that, but wouldn't you want a trial? Or would you just give up and say yeah, my mistake, I suck as a parent?

Exhaust all options.

I was raised really well. I did stupid things as a teenager. But if I had been shot and killed, I can say that my parents would have done everything in their power to make sure justice was served.

This was a grand jury-- not a trial. If your child was killed, wouldn't you want every last bit of hope?

ETA: The basic request was to move to the sidewalk. What is the law there? Can one not walk in the street?

I really get the point you are making and I do understand it in the hypothetical sense. However, this is the real world not something theoretical. I can say with almost complete certainty that I would never raise a child to behave in the manner Michael Brown did. So it is very hard me to insert myself into the shoes of parents who so utterly failed their son. It is really outside the realm if my understanding to have a child who could behave way. This goes beyond a teenager being dumb and showing poor judgement.

Message edited 11/26/2014 10:11:31 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 10:10 PM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Goobster

Posted by sometimesmommy

Especially by a POS officer with zero remorse.

So the officer is a POS? Would you have remorse if you killed someone who was threatening or trying to kill you (or your child or family member)?

Police, especially in certain troubled communities, have VERY tough jobs. I can't see how people can overlook the difficulty of their jobs and have more respect for the tense situations they are in. And have respect and appreciation for them trying to keep the COMMUNITY members safe from the crime/criminals.

Stand by my comment. I think not having remorse makes him a POS. Did I say all officers? No. So chill out. My opinion.

ETA..I had a tough job too in the military so yeah..I get what what cops go through to some degree. Thanks.

Message edited 11/26/2014 10:20:41 PM.

Posted 11/26/14 10:17 PM
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