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Officer Wilson not indicted....

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/14

180 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

The 20 real witnesses backed up Wilson's account. And, so did the forensic evidence. Brown had just come from beating up and robbing an Indian immigrant who owned a store. That is why the police were called in the first place. For anyone to support the rioters who are burning Ferguson to the ground is really sad. There is no excuse for what Brown did that day, strong-arming an Indian immigrant, then violently confronting a police officer. He did punch Wilson twice and Wilson told him repeatedly to get down. He didn't listen. He acted violently and arrogantly. God forbid rioters go to a town on Long Island. How about we burn Levittown down? The whole thing is disgusting!

Posted 11/26/14 8:06 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by DaniRella

Posted by JME78

Posted by DaniRella

Of course you can. You can make a choice to not be a victim. You can choose to rise above what anyone else thinks or says and be your best self. No one defines who I am but me.

Its really easy for you (or I) to say that as white women. It also is incredibly dismissive of the battles that black men are facing in our society.

I have countless black male (and female) friends and none of them feel they are facing any battles other than traffic on the northern state trying to get to work Chat Icon

You know that for a fact? I mean sometimes I feel oppressed as a woman, but I don't talk about that fact with many. It's just a feeling I have. Do you really know what your friends are thinking and feeling?

As a recruiter I can tell you that alot of successful people are discriminated against and don't have a clue...lower starting salary, project biased and my favorite. ..the candid inappropriate comments on the phone from the hiring manager before they met me in person .

Some people do not share it, make jokes or are very careful who they confide in. Even in my family I have very successful relatives who have experienced so much in their professional journey but it's a topic they laugh off even to friends of the same race but break down in private. To experience racism is painful and I know for me I have only shared being called an N etc to my parents and husband. So just because some people smile and seem like they make light of racism and claim they are not isn't always because they haven't experienced it or moved passed it. Sometimes you just don't want your non black friends to see you as the negative black person...No matter how close of a's a painful topic that many want to avoid, bury or share just with's that painful.

ETA- For me personally before my husband I can say I've had relationships with predominantly Caucasian men and I didn't always share my thoughts and experiences.

But you know what, my negative experiences do not define me and I am proud to raise my daughter's the same way I was raised. To be good people, don't let stereotypes stop you from having meaningful relationships with people...of ANY RACE BUT be very aware that some will hate you for your skin color even their own race.

Message edited 11/26/2014 11:22:37 AM.

Posted 11/26/14 8:13 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/11

2140 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Ballet46

The 20 real witnesses backed up Wilson's account. And, so did the forensic evidence. Brown had just come from beating up and robbing an Indian immigrant who owned a store. That is why the police were called in the first place. For anyone to support the rioters who are burning Ferguson to the ground is really sad. There is no excuse for what Brown did that day, strong-arming an Indian immigrant, then violently confronting a police officer. He did punch Wilson twice and Wilson told him repeatedly to get down. He didn't listen. He acted violently and arrogantly. God forbid rioters go to a town on Long Island. How about we burn Levittown down? The whole thing is disgusting!

I agree with all of this!

Posted 11/26/14 8:14 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Officer Wilson not indicted....

Why does everything in this country become a racial thing? I genuinely believe that if the kid was White, Asian, Hispanic, etc...the end result would've been the same. I don't see it as a race thing.
And, instead of rioting & looting & all this other unproductive nonsense going on, why don't we teach our youth to respect authority? How different this whole situation could've been if he would've been respectful to the officer and got on the damn sidewalk.

Posted 11/26/14 8:16 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Paterson,NJ is one of the most dangerous places in the country. Ironically, it is 15 to 20 minutes away from beautiful ,safe, upscale areas where violent crime almost never happens. This year alone, 19 people either black or hispanic individuals were killed by others of the same race. The last two victims were a little girl playing on her bicycle and a teenage girl walking home from a basketball game. Where is Al Sharpton when these things occur ? Where are the protests for these innocent kids gunned down by gang members? I bring this up because it disgusts me that the biggest threat to black people is black on black violence and is ignored. Why aren't black community leaders having an intellectually honest discussion about the glorification of violence ,"thug life" and gangs in inner-city minority neighborhoods. Why aren't they figuring out ways to end the cycle of poverty, promote education and crime free living? I'm not naive. Of course there is a racism. Of course there are corrupt cops. Yes, this is something we as a society should move past. However, I believe these issues pale in comparison to the issues most blacks in inner cities are really facing. Lets talk about black on black violence if we want to get somewhere. Guess what ? It isn't usually the gang members who die. It is innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Posted 11/26/14 8:25 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Ballet46

The 20 real witnesses backed up Wilson's account. And, so did the forensic evidence. Brown had just come from beating up and robbing an Indian immigrant who owned a store. That is why the police were called in the first place. For anyone to support the rioters who are burning Ferguson to the ground is really sad. There is no excuse for what Brown did that day, strong-arming an Indian immigrant, then violently confronting a police officer. He did punch Wilson twice and Wilson told him repeatedly to get down. He didn't listen. He acted violently and arrogantly. God forbid rioters go to a town on Long Island. How about we burn Levittown down? The whole thing is disgusting!

I saw his interview on the news this morning and it was chilling. This criminal was twice his size and threatening him and at one point trying to go for his gun. He was charging him and not listening to orders to stop.
But I guess better he had done nothing and gotten killed with his own weapon.
Who cares if a cop gets killed right? No biggie...

Message edited 11/26/2014 8:49:00 AM.

Posted 11/26/14 8:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by StaceyWill

Why does everything in this country become a racial thing? I genuinely believe that if the kid was White, Asian, Hispanic, etc...the end result would've been the same. I don't see it as a race thing.
And, instead of rioting & looting & all this other unproductive nonsense going on, why don't we teach our youth to respect authority? How different this whole situation could've been if he would've been respectful to the officer and got on the damn sidewalk.

I am not attacking you Stacey, I am just using your statement as a jumping off point.

I disagree. I do not believe that the outcome would have been the same. I believe that this police officer chose to exert his authority in an aggressive manner in a way that precipitated the events that unfolded. Mike Brown was a thief, yes, I am not disputing that he spoke disrespectfully to Darren Wilson. But what I am disputing is the notion that Darren Wilson acted like he was an innocent, hokey PO who merely asked Mike Brown, "Please move onto the sidewalk, thank you." And was then so violently attacked by Mike Brown that he shot him in self-defense. I personally do not believe that, but that is JMO.

Darren Wilson should have followed proper police procedures in questioning Mike Brown. If he felt, at any point, that there was a danger or threat, he should have arrested him. I believe that he felt disrespected, and wanted to assert his authority on Mike Brown. Of course, he, nor anyone else, could have known how that would play out - but I feel that HE set the wheel in motion by acting aggressive and perhaps even subconsciously, decided to teach Mike Brown a lesson in a way that would be interpreted as racially motivated.

There is a very real and repeated pattern of police brutality against minorities - intelligent people cannot assume it away, cannot dismiss it or make justifications. Studies upon studies have enumerated this repeated fashion that any reasonable person would have to argue that there is a culture of excessive policing against minorities, that there is an already longstanding racial divide that keeps getting pushed further and further apart. There IS an abuse of power that predicates that black communities are targets of excessive police force, that these attacks are racially motivated if only in the sense that they are subconsciously seen as a threat, and that their response to these attacks if warranted. Obviously, responding by rioting and looting and creating more violence is debatable at best - but can you blame them? Can you honestly blame these communities for their discontent and anger?

I mean, I can go on and on, but one of my biggest points is that these are still human beings, with livelihoods at stake, who are still feeling the prejudice and racism we all claim to be so passé, that racism is reserved for the backwards rednecks in the South who are still waiting for General Lee to lead them into victory. We are witnessing a marginalized community attempt to take a stand at a very real issue that everyone thinks doesn't exist. How anyone doesn't feel compassion, or at least say "I don't get it but I would be angry too if it were me" is astounding to me.

These are not "animals" or "savages" or "angry black people" - these are people who live and breath the same as I do and who deserve to live in communities where they do not feel like targets, where they do not feel like the police are out to get them and brutalize them.

And just like saying "with all due respect" usually means you're going to follow up with something disrespectful, saying "I'm not a racist, but," is basically just telling me that you are, in fact, a racist.

Posted 11/26/14 9:03 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Paterson,NJ is one of the most dangerous places in the country. Ironically, it is 15 to 20 minutes away from beautiful ,safe, upscale areas where violent crime almost never happens. This year alone, 19 people either black or hispanic individuals were killed by others of the same race. The last two victims were a little girl playing on her bicycle and a teenage girl walking home from a basketball game. Where is Al Sharpton when these things occur ? Where are the protests for these innocent kids gunned down by gang members? I bring this up because it disgusts me that the biggest threat to black people is black on black violence and is ignored. Why aren't black community leaders having an intellectually honest discussion about the glorification of violence ,"thug life" and gangs in inner-city minority neighborhoods. Why aren't they figuring out ways to end the cycle of poverty, promote education and crime free living? I'm not naive. Of course there is a racism. Of course there are corrupt cops. Yes, this is something we as a society should move past. However, I believe these issues pale in comparison to the issues most blacks in inner cities are really facing. Lets talk about black on black violence if we want to get somewhere. Guess what ? It isn't usually the gang members who die. It is innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I visit Paterson a lot and you are right about the violence. It is in the news every other day sometimes. Two of those nice areas next to Paterson used to actually be part of Paterson but changed their names to no longer be affialated with the town. There is actual protest and organizations that promote awareness to stop the violence. I've been to a couple of these. It's just not glorified in the media.

Jersey city, is another bad city where innocent by standers get shot. A few months ago a Hispanic cop was shot by a black man. The suspect ended up getting shot and killed. Guess who the people of JC were memorializing and making martyr? Not the rookie cop who was just starting his life but suspect.

It's just sad because people use the wrong platform or go about it the wrong way to fight injustice. Then you have ignorant people on social media just following and ranting when they know nothing of what's going on. It's just the cool thing to do and someting to make them sound smart.

Posted 11/26/14 9:04 AM

insert creative comment here

Member since 2/12

1998 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by StaceyWill

Why does everything in this country become a racial thing? I genuinely believe that if the kid was White, Asian, Hispanic, etc...the end result would've been the same. I don't see it as a race thing.
And, instead of rioting & looting & all this other unproductive nonsense going on, why don't we teach our youth to respect authority? How different this whole situation could've been if he would've been respectful to the officer and got on the damn sidewalk.

I am not attacking you Stacey, I am just using your statement as a jumping off point.

I disagree. I do not believe that the outcome would have been the same. I believe that this police officer chose to exert his authority in an aggressive manner in a way that precipitated the events that unfolded. Mike Brown was a thief, yes, I am not disputing that he spoke disrespectfully to Darren Wilson. But what I am disputing is the notion that Darren Wilson acted like he was an innocent, hokey PO who merely asked Mike Brown, "Please move onto the sidewalk, thank you." And was then so violently attacked by Mike Brown that he shot him in self-defense. I personally do not believe that, but that is JMO.

Darren Wilson should have followed proper police procedures in questioning Mike Brown. If he felt, at any point, that there was a danger or threat, he should have arrested him. I believe that he felt disrespected, and wanted to assert his authority on Mike Brown. Of course, he, nor anyone else, could have known how that would play out - but I feel that HE set the wheel in motion by acting aggressive and perhaps even subconsciously, decided to teach Mike Brown a lesson in a way that would be interpreted as racially motivated.

There is a very real and repeated pattern of police brutality against minorities - intelligent people cannot assume it away, cannot dismiss it or make justifications. Studies upon studies have enumerated this repeated fashion that any reasonable person would have to argue that there is a culture of excessive policing against minorities, that there is an already longstanding racial divide that keeps getting pushed further and further apart. There IS an abuse of power that predicates that black communities are targets of excessive police force, that these attacks are racially motivated if only in the sense that they are subconsciously seen as a threat, and that their response to these attacks if warranted. Obviously, responding by rioting and looting and creating more violence is debatable at best - but can you blame them? Can you honestly blame these communities for their discontent and anger?

I mean, I can go on and on, but one of my biggest points is that these are still human beings, with livelihoods at stake, who are still feeling the prejudice and racism we all claim to be so passé, that racism is reserved for the backwards rednecks in the South who are still waiting for General Lee to lead them into victory. We are witnessing a marginalized community attempt to take a stand at a very real issue that everyone thinks doesn't exist. How anyone doesn't feel compassion, or at least say "I don't get it but I would be angry too if it were me" is astounding to me.

These are not "animals" or "savages" or "angry black people" - these are people who live and breath the same as I do and who deserve to live in communities where they do not feel like targets, where they do not feel like the police are out to get them and brutalize them.

And just like saying "with all due respect" usually means you're going to follow up with something disrespectful, saying "I'm not a racist, but," is basically just telling me that you are, in fact, a racist.

So, so, so much this. If I could reach through the computer to pat you on the back, I would.

Posted 11/26/14 9:07 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by StaceyWill

Why does everything in this country become a racial thing? I genuinely believe that if the kid was White, Asian, Hispanic, etc...the end result would've been the same. I don't see it as a race thing.
And, instead of rioting & looting & all this other unproductive nonsense going on, why don't we teach our youth to respect authority? How different this whole situation could've been if he would've been respectful to the officer and got on the damn sidewalk.

I am not attacking you Stacey, I am just using your statement as a jumping off point.

I disagree. I do not believe that the outcome would have been the same. I believe that this police officer chose to exert his authority in an aggressive manner in a way that precipitated the events that unfolded. Mike Brown was a thief, yes, I am not disputing that he spoke disrespectfully to Darren Wilson. But what I am disputing is the notion that Darren Wilson acted like he was an innocent, hokey PO who merely asked Mike Brown, "Please move onto the sidewalk, thank you." And was then so violently attacked by Mike Brown that he shot him in self-defense. I personally do not believe that, but that is JMO.

Darren Wilson should have followed proper police procedures in questioning Mike Brown. If he felt, at any point, that there was a danger or threat, he should have arrested him. I believe that he felt disrespected, and wanted to assert his authority on Mike Brown. Of course, he, nor anyone else, could have known how that would play out - but I feel that HE set the wheel in motion by acting aggressive and perhaps even subconsciously, decided to teach Mike Brown a lesson in a way that would be interpreted as racially motivated.

There is a very real and repeated pattern of police brutality against minorities - intelligent people cannot assume it away, cannot dismiss it or make justifications. Studies upon studies have enumerated this repeated fashion that any reasonable person would have to argue that there is a culture of excessive policing against minorities, that there is an already longstanding racial divide that keeps getting pushed further and further apart. There IS an abuse of power that predicates that black communities are targets of excessive police force, that these attacks are racially motivated if only in the sense that they are subconsciously seen as a threat, and that their response to these attacks if warranted. Obviously, responding by rioting and looting and creating more violence is debatable at best - but can you blame them? Can you honestly blame these communities for their discontent and anger?

I mean, I can go on and on, but one of my biggest points is that these are still human beings, with livelihoods at stake, who are still feeling the prejudice and racism we all claim to be so passé, that racism is reserved for the backwards rednecks in the South who are still waiting for General Lee to lead them into victory. We are witnessing a marginalized community attempt to take a stand at a very real issue that everyone thinks doesn't exist. How anyone doesn't feel compassion, or at least say "I don't get it but I would be angry too if it were me" is astounding to me.

These are not "animals" or "savages" or "angry black people" - these are people who live and breath the same as I do and who deserve to live in communities where they do not feel like targets, where they do not feel like the police are out to get them and brutalize them.

And just like saying "with all due respect" usually means you're going to follow up with something disrespectful, saying "I'm not a racist, but," is basically just telling me that you are, in fact, a racist.

I agree with almost everything you said and thank you for taking the time to write it or so well.

The only thing I differ on opinion is the thinking the Rioters were acting like animals. I can't justify what they did or see them any other way. In my heart, I really believe the people who are angry and out raged by this, who truly feel the injustice arent the ones in the street looting and burning business's down.

I also believe it's the demographic so ofcourse you are going to see predominantly black people looting. Trust me if a riot broke out in downtown Baltimore, I really believe you would see both races running rampant and acting like thugs.

Posted 11/26/14 9:13 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/12

274 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by sameinitials

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by StaceyWill

Why does everything in this country become a racial thing? I genuinely believe that if the kid was White, Asian, Hispanic, etc...the end result would've been the same. I don't see it as a race thing.
And, instead of rioting & looting & all this other unproductive nonsense going on, why don't we teach our youth to respect authority? How different this whole situation could've been if he would've been respectful to the officer and got on the damn sidewalk.

I am not attacking you Stacey, I am just using your statement as a jumping off point.

I disagree. I do not believe that the outcome would have been the same. I believe that this police officer chose to exert his authority in an aggressive manner in a way that precipitated the events that unfolded. Mike Brown was a thief, yes, I am not disputing that he spoke disrespectfully to Darren Wilson. But what I am disputing is the notion that Darren Wilson acted like he was an innocent, hokey PO who merely asked Mike Brown, "Please move onto the sidewalk, thank you." And was then so violently attacked by Mike Brown that he shot him in self-defense. I personally do not believe that, but that is JMO.

Darren Wilson should have followed proper police procedures in questioning Mike Brown. If he felt, at any point, that there was a danger or threat, he should have arrested him. I believe that he felt disrespected, and wanted to assert his authority on Mike Brown. Of course, he, nor anyone else, could have known how that would play out - but I feel that HE set the wheel in motion by acting aggressive and perhaps even subconsciously, decided to teach Mike Brown a lesson in a way that would be interpreted as racially motivated.

There is a very real and repeated pattern of police brutality against minorities - intelligent people cannot assume it away, cannot dismiss it or make justifications. Studies upon studies have enumerated this repeated fashion that any reasonable person would have to argue that there is a culture of excessive policing against minorities, that there is an already longstanding racial divide that keeps getting pushed further and further apart. There IS an abuse of power that predicates that black communities are targets of excessive police force, that these attacks are racially motivated if only in the sense that they are subconsciously seen as a threat, and that their response to these attacks if warranted. Obviously, responding by rioting and looting and creating more violence is debatable at best - but can you blame them? Can you honestly blame these communities for their discontent and anger?

I mean, I can go on and on, but one of my biggest points is that these are still human beings, with livelihoods at stake, who are still feeling the prejudice and racism we all claim to be so passé, that racism is reserved for the backwards rednecks in the South who are still waiting for General Lee to lead them into victory. We are witnessing a marginalized community attempt to take a stand at a very real issue that everyone thinks doesn't exist. How anyone doesn't feel compassion, or at least say "I don't get it but I would be angry too if it were me" is astounding to me.

These are not "animals" or "savages" or "angry black people" - these are people who live and breath the same as I do and who deserve to live in communities where they do not feel like targets, where they do not feel like the police are out to get them and brutalize them.

And just like saying "with all due respect" usually means you're going to follow up with something disrespectful, saying "I'm not a racist, but," is basically just telling me that you are, in fact, a racist.

So, so, so much this. If I could reach through the computer to pat you on the back, I would.

Yes. Yes yes yes.

Posted 11/26/14 9:17 AM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

I am shocked that anyone would think what these rioters did was OK and understandable.

Let's hope none of this spills over into your home towns and burn down your businesses and your homes. Would really love to see if you would still say you get it. Everyone understands as long as it isn't happening to their property.

Everyone has a right to be angry. Pissed. But NOBODY has a right to destroy someone else's property.


ETS: I would love to send the rioters to your place of business and say "hey..they understand and are willing to let you burn down their business to stand in unity".
Anyone want to raise their hand and volunteer?

Message edited 11/26/2014 9:25:29 AM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:23 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MsSissy

I am shocked that anyone would think what these rioters did was OK and understandable.

Let's hope none of this spills over into your home towns and burn down your businesses and your homes. Would really love to see if you would still say you get it. Everyone understands as long as it isn't happening to their property.

Everyone has a right to be angry. Pissed. But NOBODY has a right to destroy someone else's property.


No, what's unreal is people who think that this all came out of nowhere.

Posted 11/26/14 9:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Sash

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by StaceyWill

Why does everything in this country become a racial thing? I genuinely believe that if the kid was White, Asian, Hispanic, etc...the end result would've been the same. I don't see it as a race thing.
And, instead of rioting & looting & all this other unproductive nonsense going on, why don't we teach our youth to respect authority? How different this whole situation could've been if he would've been respectful to the officer and got on the damn sidewalk.

I am not attacking you Stacey, I am just using your statement as a jumping off point.

I disagree. I do not believe that the outcome would have been the same. I believe that this police officer chose to exert his authority in an aggressive manner in a way that precipitated the events that unfolded. Mike Brown was a thief, yes, I am not disputing that he spoke disrespectfully to Darren Wilson. But what I am disputing is the notion that Darren Wilson acted like he was an innocent, hokey PO who merely asked Mike Brown, "Please move onto the sidewalk, thank you." And was then so violently attacked by Mike Brown that he shot him in self-defense. I personally do not believe that, but that is JMO.

Darren Wilson should have followed proper police procedures in questioning Mike Brown. If he felt, at any point, that there was a danger or threat, he should have arrested him. I believe that he felt disrespected, and wanted to assert his authority on Mike Brown. Of course, he, nor anyone else, could have known how that would play out - but I feel that HE set the wheel in motion by acting aggressive and perhaps even subconsciously, decided to teach Mike Brown a lesson in a way that would be interpreted as racially motivated.

There is a very real and repeated pattern of police brutality against minorities - intelligent people cannot assume it away, cannot dismiss it or make justifications. Studies upon studies have enumerated this repeated fashion that any reasonable person would have to argue that there is a culture of excessive policing against minorities, that there is an already longstanding racial divide that keeps getting pushed further and further apart. There IS an abuse of power that predicates that black communities are targets of excessive police force, that these attacks are racially motivated if only in the sense that they are subconsciously seen as a threat, and that their response to these attacks if warranted. Obviously, responding by rioting and looting and creating more violence is debatable at best - but can you blame them? Can you honestly blame these communities for their discontent and anger?

I mean, I can go on and on, but one of my biggest points is that these are still human beings, with livelihoods at stake, who are still feeling the prejudice and racism we all claim to be so passé, that racism is reserved for the backwards rednecks in the South who are still waiting for General Lee to lead them into victory. We are witnessing a marginalized community attempt to take a stand at a very real issue that everyone thinks doesn't exist. How anyone doesn't feel compassion, or at least say "I don't get it but I would be angry too if it were me" is astounding to me.

These are not "animals" or "savages" or "angry black people" - these are people who live and breath the same as I do and who deserve to live in communities where they do not feel like targets, where they do not feel like the police are out to get them and brutalize them.

And just like saying "with all due respect" usually means you're going to follow up with something disrespectful, saying "I'm not a racist, but," is basically just telling me that you are, in fact, a racist.

I agree with almost everything you said and thank you for taking the time to write it or so well.

The only thing I differ on opinion is the thinking the Rioters were acting like animals. I can't justify what they did or see them any other way. In my heart, I really believe the people who are angry and out raged by this, who truly feel the injustice arent the ones in the street looting and burning business's down.

I also believe it's the demographic so ofcourse you are going to see predominantly black people looting. Trust me if a riot broke out in downtown Baltimore, I really believe you would see both races running rampant and acting like thugs.

I get that - I just saw so many people on FB calling them those names in a way that you knew what they were really trying to convey.

Posted 11/26/14 9:26 AM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by MsSissy

I am shocked that anyone would think what these rioters did was OK and understandable.

Let's hope none of this spills over into your home towns and burn down your businesses and your homes. Would really love to see if you would still say you get it. Everyone understands as long as it isn't happening to their property.

Everyone has a right to be angry. Pissed. But NOBODY has a right to destroy someone else's property.


No, what's unreal is people who think that this all came out of nowhere.

I don't care where it came from. It's not OK!

Posted 11/26/14 9:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MsSissy

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by MsSissy

I am shocked that anyone would think what these rioters did was OK and understandable.

Let's hope none of this spills over into your home towns and burn down your businesses and your homes. Would really love to see if you would still say you get it. Everyone understands as long as it isn't happening to their property.

Everyone has a right to be angry. Pissed. But NOBODY has a right to destroy someone else's property.


No, what's unreal is people who think that this all came out of nowhere.

I don't care where it came from. It's not OK!

I never said it was OK, so not sure why you're getting angry with me. Never once did I say, "I think it's totally OK and awesome that they are doing this." But in my heart, I empathize. I feel angry and sad. It's absolutely terrible that this is happening, and if I had all the magic answers I'd wave my wand and make it disappear - but we live in the world we created. There are a lot of other frustrations and circumstances that go beyond Darren Wilson and Mike Brown that caused things to end up where they have.

Posted 11/26/14 9:31 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Sash

Posted by MrsA1012

Paterson,NJ is one of the most dangerous places in the country. Ironically, it is 15 to 20 minutes away from beautiful ,safe, upscale areas where violent crime almost never happens. This year alone, 19 people either black or hispanic individuals were killed by others of the same race. The last two victims were a little girl playing on her bicycle and a teenage girl walking home from a basketball game. Where is Al Sharpton when these things occur ? Where are the protests for these innocent kids gunned down by gang members? I bring this up because it disgusts me that the biggest threat to black people is black on black violence and is ignored. Why aren't black community leaders having an intellectually honest discussion about the glorification of violence ,"thug life" and gangs in inner-city minority neighborhoods. Why aren't they figuring out ways to end the cycle of poverty, promote education and crime free living? I'm not naive. Of course there is a racism. Of course there are corrupt cops. Yes, this is something we as a society should move past. However, I believe these issues pale in comparison to the issues most blacks in inner cities are really facing. Lets talk about black on black violence if we want to get somewhere. Guess what ? It isn't usually the gang members who die. It is innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I visit Paterson a lot and you are right about the violence. It is in the news every other day sometimes. Two of those nice areas next to Paterson used to actually be part of Paterson but changed their names to no longer be affialated with the town. There is actual protest and organizations that promote awareness to stop the violence. I've been to a couple of these. It's just not glorified in the media.

Jersey city, is another bad city where innocent by standers get shot. A few months ago a Hispanic cop was shot by a black man. The suspect ended up getting shot and killed. Guess who the people of JC were memorializing and making martyr? Not the rookie cop who was just starting his life but suspect.

It's just sad because people use the wrong platform or go about it the wrong way to fight injustice. Then you have ignorant people on social media just following and ranting when they know nothing of what's going on. It's just the cool thing to do and someting to make them sound smart.

Yes, there some groups ,but the situation there and in other similar places , has not received a tenth of the attention the ferguson situation has.

Posted 11/26/14 9:31 AM

Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

6686 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MsSissy

I am shocked that anyone would think what these rioters did was OK and understandable.

Let's hope none of this spills over into your home towns and burn down your businesses and your homes. Would really love to see if you would still say you get it. Everyone understands as long as it isn't happening to their property.

Everyone has a right to be angry. Pissed. But NOBODY has a right to destroy someone else's property.


ETS: I would love to send the rioters to your place of business and say "hey..they understand and are willing to let you burn down their business to stand in unity".
Anyone want to raise their hand and volunteer?

I agree. Just as I'm disgusted by the riots in Ferguson, I was disgusted to see the Pumpkin Patch riots earlier this year, disgusted by the looting during you can see its not the race I'm disgusted's the people, black, white, polka dot etc. Most of the looters are not doing it for Mike Brown..they are opportunists who happen to be black. I was thrilled to bits yesterday when my amazing friend who is Jewish posted a loop of Caucasian people rioting because she had enough of the racism.

Posted 11/26/14 9:31 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Sorry I don't empathize with looters and rioters. I never have and I never will. If my grand parents and others like them,whose entire families were murdered by the Nazis, who lost several million dollars in real estate / savings etc, who endured the death camps didnt go back to Germany and start looting things, these animals can control themselves !!! Give me a break. Non-violent,peaceful demonstration is the only way to go. What would Martin Luther King say about this behavior ?

Posted 11/26/14 9:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Sorry I don't empathize with looters and rioters. I never have and I never will. If my grand parents and others like them,whose entire families were murdered by the Nazis, who lost several million dollars in real estate / savings etc, who endured the death camps didnt go back to Germany and start looting things, these animals can control themselves !!! Give me a break. Non-violent,peaceful demonstration is the only way to go. What would Martin Luther King say about this behavior ?

OK, I will clarify - I don't empathize with looters and rioters SPECIFICALLY, rather, I empathize with the community as a whole who feels that they are being targeted, attacked and marginalized.

Posted 11/26/14 9:42 AM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by sometimesmommy

Posted by MsSissy

I am shocked that anyone would think what these rioters did was OK and understandable.

Let's hope none of this spills over into your home towns and burn down your businesses and your homes. Would really love to see if you would still say you get it. Everyone understands as long as it isn't happening to their property.

Everyone has a right to be angry. Pissed. But NOBODY has a right to destroy someone else's property.


ETS: I would love to send the rioters to your place of business and say "hey..they understand and are willing to let you burn down their business to stand in unity".
Anyone want to raise their hand and volunteer?

I agree. Just as I'm disgusted by the riots in Ferguson, I was disgusted to see the Pumpkin Patch riots earlier this year, disgusted by the looting during you can see its not the race I'm disgusted's the people, black, white, polka dot etc. Most of the looters are not doing it for Mike Brown..they are opportunists who happen to be black. I was thrilled to bits yesterday when my amazing friend who is Jewish posted a loop of Caucasian people rioting because she had enough of the racism.

Exactly. I don't care what race/color you are.
There is no reason to destroy other people's property. IF you do. You're an A$$hole. Plain and simple.

And Kitten1929 I'm not getting angry at you.
I know it didn't come out of nowhere. Sadly it happens every time. I just feel there is no excuse for it.

Message edited 11/26/2014 9:45:21 AM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:43 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by Sash

Posted by MrsA1012

Paterson,NJ is one of the most dangerous places in the country. Ironically, it is 15 to 20 minutes away from beautiful ,safe, upscale areas where violent crime almost never happens. This year alone, 19 people either black or hispanic individuals were killed by others of the same race. The last two victims were a little girl playing on her bicycle and a teenage girl walking home from a basketball game. Where is Al Sharpton when these things occur ? Where are the protests for these innocent kids gunned down by gang members? I bring this up because it disgusts me that the biggest threat to black people is black on black violence and is ignored. Why aren't black community leaders having an intellectually honest discussion about the glorification of violence ,"thug life" and gangs in inner-city minority neighborhoods. Why aren't they figuring out ways to end the cycle of poverty, promote education and crime free living? I'm not naive. Of course there is a racism. Of course there are corrupt cops. Yes, this is something we as a society should move past. However, I believe these issues pale in comparison to the issues most blacks in inner cities are really facing. Lets talk about black on black violence if we want to get somewhere. Guess what ? It isn't usually the gang members who die. It is innocent people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I visit Paterson a lot and you are right about the violence. It is in the news every other day sometimes. Two of those nice areas next to Paterson used to actually be part of Paterson but changed their names to no longer be affialated with the town. There is actual protest and organizations that promote awareness to stop the violence. I've been to a couple of these. It's just not glorified in the media.

Jersey city, is another bad city where innocent by standers get shot. A few months ago a Hispanic cop was shot by a black man. The suspect ended up getting shot and killed. Guess who the people of JC were memorializing and making martyr? Not the rookie cop who was just starting his life but suspect.

It's just sad because people use the wrong platform or go about it the wrong way to fight injustice. Then you have ignorant people on social media just following and ranting when they know nothing of what's going on. It's just the cool thing to do and someting to make them sound smart.

Yes, there some groups ,but the situation there and in other similar places , has not received a tenth of the attention the ferguson situation has.

Because it's criminals killing criminals and yes bystanders are tragically getting killed. But it's the fact that a cop killed an unarmed man that's causing the media attention. Trust me if that happened in Paterson, there would be an uproar.

I'm not saying it's right that one gets more attention then the other, but it's two different scenarios.

Posted 11/26/14 9:44 AM

love my little girl !

Member since 9/10

5777 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by MrsA1012

Sorry I don't empathize with looters and rioters. I never have and I never will. If my grand parents and others like them,whose entire families were murdered by the Nazis, who lost several million dollars in real estate / savings etc, who endured the death camps didnt go back to Germany and start looting things, these animals can control themselves !!! Give me a break. Non-violent,peaceful demonstration is the only way to go. What would Martin Luther King say about this behavior ?

OK, I will clarify - I don't empathize with looters and rioters SPECIFICALLY, rather, I empathize with the community as a whole who feels that they are being targeted, attacked and marginalized.

I understand what you mean and I'm sure things aren't perfect and race relations could be improved. However, I still maintain, that the greatest threat in these communities is black on black crime stemming from a culture of violence that exalts gangs, thugs, drug dealing and criminal activity. Combine that with a cycle of poverty, lack of higher education, teen pregnancy,failing schools , single parent households and a fractured infrastructure and you've got a recipe for an inner city nightmare. These communities to need to look inward for for real change to occur. I get this isn't the " politically correct " point of view, but I believe it is the intellectually honest one.

Posted 11/26/14 9:51 AM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012
I understand what you mean and I'm sure things aren't perfect and race relations could be improved. However, I still maintain, that the greatest threat in these communities is black on black crime stemming from a culture of violence that exalts gangs, thugs, drug dealing and criminal activity. Combine that with a cycle of poverty, lack of higher education, teen pregnancy,failing schools , single parent households and a fractured infrastructure and you've got a recipe for an inner city nightmare. These communities to need to look inward for for real change to occur. I get this isn't the " politically correct " point of view, but I believe it is the intellectually honest one.

Exactly what this guy is saying.

Message edited 11/26/2014 9:56:49 AM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


Re: Officer Wilson not indicted....

Posted by MrsA1012

Posted by Kitten1929

Posted by MrsA1012

Sorry I don't empathize with looters and rioters. I never have and I never will. If my grand parents and others like them,whose entire families were murdered by the Nazis, who lost several million dollars in real estate / savings etc, who endured the death camps didnt go back to Germany and start looting things, these animals can control themselves !!! Give me a break. Non-violent,peaceful demonstration is the only way to go. What would Martin Luther King say about this behavior ?

OK, I will clarify - I don't empathize with looters and rioters SPECIFICALLY, rather, I empathize with the community as a whole who feels that they are being targeted, attacked and marginalized.

I understand what you mean and I'm sure things aren't perfect and race relations could be improved. However, I still maintain, that the greatest threat in these communities is black on black crime stemming from a culture of violence that exalts gangs, thugs, drug dealing and criminal activity. Combine that with a cycle of poverty, lack of higher education, teen pregnancy,failing schools , single parent households and a fractured infrastructure and you've got a recipe for an inner city nightmare. These communities to need to look inward for for real change to occur. I get this isn't the " politically correct " point of view, but I believe it is the intellectually honest one.

I understand what you're saying - and I agree on many of your points. I just think it does a disservice when people dismiss their plight and their situation, which is what I feel is being forgotten in all of this. But I'm sure black communities that HAVE looked inwards to create change have been hampered by external forces, like police brutality and racial profiling, that all the cliched sentiments in the world of "try, try and try again" is beginning to be tiresome.

One of my friends posted this on FB:

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.’S PERSPECTIVE on rioting and social unrest in the 60s:

“Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”

Message edited 11/26/2014 10:01:21 AM.

Posted 11/26/14 9:57 AM
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