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Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by kedra5
Posted by gina409
Did I hear right he threw the veto to Vanessa???
Steve I mean. And then cried for hours
Seems that way and he kept saying he made a $500,000 mistake and also kept telling his mom he was Sorry.
I don't think he said he threw it, but just that he didn't win.
Posted 9/17/15 10:44 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Vanessa won part 1 of the final HOH. Sigh.
Posted 9/17/15 10:44 AM |
Think Less, Live More

Member since 7/11 3544 total posts
Name: Kedra
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by EricaAlt
JohnnyMac is gone! Boo! Thank goodness there's less than a week left bc the rest of the cast left is BORING! I can't stand any of them. Wonder who will win the fav player?
I think it'll be between Johnny Mac and James
Posted 9/17/15 10:47 AM |
Think Less, Live More

Member since 7/11 3544 total posts
Name: Kedra
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by Blazesyth
Vanessa won part 1 of the final HOH. Sigh.
Ugh, of course she did
Posted 9/17/15 10:47 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by kedra5
Posted by EricaAlt
JohnnyMac is gone! Boo! Thank goodness there's less than a week left bc the rest of the cast left is BORING! I can't stand any of them. Wonder who will win the fav player?
I think it'll be between Johnny Mac and James
I hope James! As much as I like JMac I think he gives up too easily and when he came back in the house I liked him better first time when he was honest with Vanessa. After he sucked up to her too much. James was fun and entertaining.
Posted 9/17/15 10:52 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Anyone else think Steve is a plant from BB? Playing a part, simply so they can have Vanessa win?
Posted 9/17/15 2:03 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
I'm sorry I think steve is awful
So sick of he is a super fan etc
He was not even in half the season
Dumbest double eviction ever bc of him
Wins hoh bc he wrote wrong number etc
Sorry I'm bitter over Johnny Mac lol
Posted 9/17/15 2:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
"Julie Chen just revealed that during the taped eviction, Austin almost refused to leave and tried to get Vanessa to undo her vote"
Posted 9/17/15 3:01 PM |

Member since 7/12 4287 total posts
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by Blazesyth
"Julie Chen just revealed that during the taped eviction, Austin almost refused to leave and tried to get Vanessa to undo her vote"
And I know its not popular, but I want Vanessa to win.
She had hard spot. If she evicted Liz she would automatically loose 3 votes (probably) in the final.
Keeping her means she only looses 2 votes.
If she wins I would PROBABLY take Steve. He cant win against her.
Liz has a shot. If people go game play over "I don't like you".
Posted 9/18/15 10:22 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1770 total posts
Name: B
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
My DVR cut out the entire competition last night because 60 minutes ran late. I read spoilers so I know what happened but I would have liked to watch it. Instead all I saw was the boring season recap where they all sit around and talk like they are just reminiscing. It was so fake and obviously scripted. I don't know why they make the house guests do that.
Posted 9/21/15 11:04 AM |
Two girls!

Member since 12/09 2971 total posts
Name: Cari
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by SecretlyTTC14
My DVR cut out the entire competition last night because 60 minutes ran late. I read spoilers so I know what happened but I would have liked to watch it. Instead all I saw was the boring season recap where they all sit around and talk like they are just reminiscing. It was so fake and obviously scripted. I don't know why they make the house guests do that.
I know, I hate that too. It is so forced and fake. I fell asleep before I finished the episode, but my coworker told me that they didn't even show the whole comp and they winner will be revealed on next episode anyway - even though we know who won this part. So maybe you didn't miss much!
Posted 9/21/15 12:41 PM |
let's be nice

Member since 9/07 10208 total posts
Name: Wifey
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
I can't wait for tonight! I'm going to begin watching my dvr in about 10 min. If Vanessa wins, I won't be happy. I hate her so much that I want anyone but her to win.
Posted 9/23/15 10:18 PM |

Member since 5/05 8129 total posts
Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Vanessa, so bitter voting for Liz. Puhleaase.
Posted 9/23/15 10:53 PM |

Member since 12/09 27635 total posts
Name: g
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by Blazesyth
Vanessa, so bitter voting for Liz. Puhleaase.
That's what we said too
She looked like steam was going to come out of her ears
What a bad season. Hated the final 3. Even though Jason kinda bit into her I wanted more.
Posted 9/23/15 11:23 PM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
I am honestly very happy with the way it turned out. I think Steve deserved it and that was clear. SO glad Vanessa was sent packing! And so happy James won most favorite houseguest! I am happy here.
Posted 9/24/15 1:08 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by Goobster
I am honestly very happy with the way it turned out. I think Steve deserved it and that was clear. SO glad Vanessa was sent packing! And so happy James won most favorite houseguest! I am happy here.
Ditto on everything although I think Steve will be one of those "forgettable" winners bc I don't think he was that memorable with his moves. Best move he made was getting out Vanessa. Glad he won though. I also think they could've ended it a week earlier before new shows start bc I start to lose interest towards the end. They slow everything down and I feel like the finale is rushed into three comps then the winner. Would've loved to hear more from the houseguests who left before jury. Only heard from two of them. Loved that Davonne called out Austin and wish Jason said more to Vanessa.
Anyone see how Meg ran to Clay and he kinda brushed her off to go to Shelli? WOnder if anything will happen with that? So glad James won favorite!! He was the most entertaining and nicest to everyone there! I started to not like Johnny Mac as much when he came back and let Vanessa run his game.
Posted 9/24/15 7:25 AM |

Member since 6/10 4094 total posts
Name: F
Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
I was not a fan of Vanessa, but thought she played an amazing game. I am happy Steve won though, as soon as Vanessa talked about her 4.5 million, I thought even less of her. I also thought she was a bitter ***** for voting for Liz when she did the same thing to Austin, Steve was the clear winner between those two.
I was happy James won fan favorite!
Posted 9/24/15 8:33 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
I actually couldn't stand Steve...............but to be fair, I didn't like most of them this summer. I guess it's better that he won instead of Liz, I would've hated to see her walk off with half a million dollars.
ETA - I still think, whether you like her or not, Vanessa played the best game and if anyone deserved to win I think it was her. Even if she's already a millionaire.
Message edited 9/24/2015 8:36:14 AM.
Posted 9/24/15 8:35 AM |

Member since 7/12 4287 total posts
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
Posted by Hofstra26
ETA - I still think, whether you like her or not, Vanessa played the best game and if anyone deserved to win I think it was her. Even if she's already a millionaire.
Agree 100%. She really played one of the best games I have seen a woman play. I wanted her to win.
I'm glad Steve won over Liz.
And I love the fact that another "nerd" won a game like this. Cochran winning Survivor 2 years ago, now this. The lovable nerd.
Posted 9/24/15 11:08 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1770 total posts
Name: B
Re: Official Big Brother 17 thread SPOILERS
I'm glad Steve won out of those 3. I was so happy to see Vanessa go! Her voting for Liz did come off very bitter but I guess she didn't have a lot of time to get over it before voting. When Liz thanked Steve for taking her to the end, I found myself really happy for her. I don't know why. I didn't like her the entire season.
I wanted John to win Americas favorite. He was one of the most annoying to me in the beginning of the season and then slowly became my fav lol.
Posted 9/24/15 11:10 AM |
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