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My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Just checking in to see who we are & how everyone is doing.
Where are you girls' delivering and how are you feeling?
I'm just about 13 wks & feeling great. I had some nauseau earlier but that has all seemed to subside, as have the weird cravings (ice cream & pretzels, pineapple juice).
Generally feeling really good, although still tired around 930pm (early for me!)
We have our ultrasound today...can't wait!
I'm right on the cusp of July, so I could go June as well.
We have the option of Good Sam or Southside, any comments?
Message edited 1/20/2007 8:24:04 PM.
Posted 12/23/06 7:01 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06 891 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: July Mommies THREAD
Hi! I''m due July 18th.... I'm just about 11 weeks. =] I feel pretty good! I'm eating a lot!! no nausea but very very tired. my first apt. was 8.5 weeks and we had a sono and saw heart beat. so exciting!! I go back for ultrascreen jan. 3rd. I can't wait to see the peanut again!! This is my second child... I also have a 6 yr. old son! I'm debating right now weather to anounce to extended family on Christmas or not?! Again I'm only 11 weeks. immediate fam know already. How many of you plan on anouncing???
congrats again to all of you!!
Posted 12/23/06 11:44 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 91 total posts
Name: Jaclyn
Re: July Mommies THREAD
HI ther everyone I am expecting July 24 2007. This will be my 1st child and I am so excited but nervous at the same time.........
Message edited 12/23/2006 11:55:25 AM.
Posted 12/23/06 11:54 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/06 1385 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: July Mommies THREAD
Hey guys..I'm due July 20th. This is my first child. I'm feeling pretty good..I'm 10 weeks one day. We are starting to tell everyone. I have my 12 week sono on Jan 10th and my nutral screening (sp) on the 11th. I'm so excited to see the bean twice in one week ehheeh..although i'm nervous about the scan..Hope all is well with everyone!! :) Oh P.S. I will be delivering at South Nassau (hopefully)
Message edited 12/23/2006 12:00:26 PM.
Posted 12/23/06 12:00 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: July Mommies THREAD
Im due July 7th, but I will probably go in June, as my doctor told me he would induce 1-2 weeks early since my last baby was big. I am feeling okay, the nausea seems to be easing up a bit. My next ultrasound is for Jan 2nd. I just hate this in between stage where I look plump instead og pregnant.
Posted 12/23/06 12:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/06 1025 total posts
Name: JJ
Re: July Mommies THREAD
I am also do on July 7th. I also had my 12 week ultrasound on thursday. It was so nice to see the baby move around in my belly. I feel great not like the first month when I did not like feeling pregnant. Now I love being pregnant.
Posted 12/23/06 10:43 PM |
I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06 1029 total posts
Name: N
Re: July Mommies THREAD
Hi Everyone!!
I am due July 25th and will be 10 weeks on Monday. I went at 6 weeks and 7 weeks and got to see the baby's heartbeat... Im a nervous wreck for the next appt. which is Jan 2nd... I still have to schedule the ultrascreen.....
I will be delivering at Southside...
Posted 12/24/06 12:02 AM |
Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05 1151 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: July Mommies THREAD
New to the board and due July 12th!
Our next sono is 1/2 and we are so ready to find out the sex. I know its early but we shall see.....
VERY TIRED and cant eat a lot because everything smells gross LOL!!
Posted 12/27/06 4:19 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: July Mommies THREAD
I'm due July 15th. And I feel like I just left his board! oh wait i did!
I guess I'm about 12 weeks and feel exactly like I did with my DD. Which is really no m/s. I have felt good throughout both pregnancies so far.
I am secretly hoping for another girl but will thrilled either way.
I am delivering at Good Sam and see Dr. Polcino in North Babylon.
I go for my ultrascreen on Jan 5.
Posted 12/27/06 4:49 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: July Mommies THREAD
Posted by SweetCin
We have the option of Good Sam or Southside, any comments?
I delivered at Good Sam in August and had a WONDERFUL L&D nurse. The staff up there was great. I wasn't too happy with the treatment of hte nurses on the 5th floor after delivery.
Posted 12/27/06 4:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 605 total posts
Name: Alicia
Re: July Mommies THREAD
I am Due July 4th
I am 13 weeks and feeling OK still very fatiugued all the time and I am starting to lose my appetite
I am delivering at North Shore Plainveiw Hospital. I am at the begininning of July so could go in June also but well see.
Message edited 12/29/2006 1:40:47 PM.
Posted 12/28/06 11:51 AM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: July Mommies THREAD
hi there! just wanted to drop in on this group. i am due July 10th and so far so good with this pregnancy. just a lot a fatigue, but little nausea. oh, i do get some wicked headaches, but they've seemed to ease up this week. so glad to join the July mommy's group!
Posted 12/29/06 11:18 AM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: July Mommies THREAD
Hi I am due July 1st and I am feeling pretty much ok. My appetite has come back full fledged and I am still slightly fatigued and dont want to do anything but sit around. I dont have my energy back fully yet and I am 13weeks and 5 days. We will see once 14 weeks hits if I am feeling better.
I am delivering at New York University Hospital in Manhattan.
Posted 12/29/06 11:36 AM |
Re: July Mommies THREAD
I'm another July 7th mommy and this is my 2nd child. I dont even feel pg anymore. I lost 2 lbs which I am happy about only because with the first I had gained about 10-12 buy this time. I will be delivering at Winthrop again and am looking forward to it. I had a great experience and a great delivery.
Posted 12/29/06 1:57 PM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
How are we feeling ladies? Anyone's belly pop yet?
Are you in maternity clothes full time?
Are you feeling flutters?
I have a belly but definitely not popped yet. I wear maternity clothes sometimes, but can still sometimes get away with regular pants (thanks to bellaband) & tops (sweaters, NOT blouses).
Feeling some flutters if I'm still or laying down. SO exciting.
Feeling good these days.
Posted 1/20/07 8:25 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
i'm good for the most part. minus my downs lately.
i'm in maternity fully now. i still had a belly from jiavana so i popped early on. I feel some flutters.
Posted 1/20/07 8:39 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
hi ladies. I'll be 15 weeks on tuesday, feeling pretty good, just very tired lately. I'm still in regular clothes and haven't gained any weight but that's just because I have some extra to begin with ;) I haven't felt any flutters just yet. I am really anxious for my next appt in two weeks because I'd just like some reassurance that everything is still going well. Maybe I should have gotten a doppler after all just to calm my nerves a little. I hurt my lower back earlier this week so that has been no fun since we can't take anything for the pain. It is feeling much better now but the last few days felt like torture. Looking forward to hearing from other July mommies.
Posted 1/20/07 9:05 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06 891 total posts
Name: Christine
hi ladies! I'm now almost 15 weeks.... have started to feel flutters since last week... only about once a day though... I do def have a belly but havn't popped yet. Not in maternity clothes yet but I think that's becouse the jeans I wear normally are low rise stretch so they still fit and my regular shirts are pretty long anyway... I am starting to look online at maternity and by the end of this month early Feb. I will need to get a few things! Other then some really bad headaches and a cold for the past few weeks... I'm feeling ok!
Posted 1/20/07 11:10 PM |
I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06 1029 total posts
Name: N
Hi Ladies!
I am 14 weeks and feeling good. Ive been wearing mostly maternity, because they are so much more comfortable than wearing my tight, regular clothes.
No flutters here yet, but anxious to start feeling some soon....
Posted 1/21/07 6:07 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Im 16 weeks, wearing maternity tops, not bottoms. I still wear my regular ones unbuttoned! Haven't popped yet but definitely have a belly going on. I have been feeling movement, it is still just flutters, but now I feel them more often. I can't wait for my level II!
Posted 1/21/07 7:46 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
I wish my OB group spoke the same language as most...what exactly is a level II? Is that the ultrasound where you can find out the sex?
Posted 1/21/07 8:17 PM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
15 weeks and I don't feel any flutters and whatnot. I am wearing a mix of maternity pants and my reg ones with the Bella bands. And a feel a lot better, less headaches and queasiness.
Posted 1/21/07 9:12 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Posted by lbelle821
I wish my OB group spoke the same language as most...what exactly is a level II? Is that the ultrasound where you can find out the sex?
yes. they look at all the body parts.
Posted 1/22/07 7:00 AM |
I'm 16 weeks and still feeling great. I am feeling flutters and they are mostly at night, after dinner when I am relaxing. It brings back such great memories and I love feeling the baby move around. I am still in the inbetween stage but I do wear some of the maternity pants that fit me now. I didnt pop but I have belly. Tomorrow I go to the doctor and I am wondering if I gained any weight, thus far I lost 2 pounds.
Posted 1/22/07 7:36 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Hi All! I am due 7/12, I am almost 16 weeks, went to the dr on friday, everything's good so far, heard the heartbeat. Much slower than gianna's, so maybe it's a boy this time around.
I gained about 15 lbs, nothing surprising, gained the same with gianna, with me doesn't matter what i eat, my body hoards it. I know i will lose it quickly after baby is born, so not worried.
I have 1/2 in maternity, mostly regular clothes still, I thought my belly would be bigger for second time around, but i am carrying the same as DD just a bit lower.
I go in 2 weeks for my big ultrasound! Been feeling tired, but DD runs me ragged during the day/night, we finally got a tooth, and she wants to walk everywhere holding my hands. ETA: I live in CT, so I won't be delivering with anyone
Message edited 1/22/2007 8:52:24 AM.
Posted 1/22/07 8:50 AM |
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