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******Official November 2013 Mommies****

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2 under 2!

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Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by Aly764

How are my November mamas doing this week? I feel like I can actually FEEL baby girl growing in my belly!! She is moving like crazy more and more everyday. Yes it is an amazing feeling but sometimes it hurts!! haha

Doing well also! Baby is squirming and kicking like crazy. Sometimes I can actually see it from the outside. With DS he maneuvered his little feet right under my ribs. I'm hoping this baby does not do the same!! I also cannot stop eating and piling on the lbs! Chat Icon

Posted 7/9/13 4:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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love my little emmy monster

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Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by Aly764

How are my November mamas doing this week? I feel like I can actually FEEL baby girl growing in my belly!! She is moving like crazy more and more everyday. Yes it is an amazing feeling but sometimes it hurts!! haha

For me, the movement for baby #2 is crazy. At times it's a bit uncomfortable. I have people pointing out my belly lol...I feel bigger this time around even though my weight gain is on the lower end/the same as the first.

Hope the heat hasn't been affecting everyone too much!!!!

next on the list...GD test...booooo. I failed the 1 hr the first time around...debating if I should skip the 1 hr and go straight to the 3 hr to avoid testing twice.

Posted 7/10/13 12:39 PM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

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******Official November 2013 Mommies****

I had a doc. appt yesterday and everything was good. Her heart beating away!! I have the 1 hour scheduled for Aug 5th. I have been so bad with carbs lately too. So just how gross is that drink really? haha

The heat is killer! I feel bad for the July/Aug/Sept mamas!

Posted 7/10/13 1:30 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/10

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******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Hi everyone! I'm just checking in - I'm 23 weeks and some odd days! I feel good and I too have been feeling an increase in movement - I expected it to freak me out but it hasn't. I notice she tends to move around a lot at the same times each day - around 6pm and 10pm.

I've been staying cool thankfully! The only issue I have been experiencing is soreness in my shoulders/arms/hands when I am sleeping and when I wake up. However, it goes away after I stand up for about 5 mins. I have a checkup next Tuesday and I'll see what my doctor has to say. Other than that, my shower is booked and I really have to register...but there's soooooooo much to choose from! Good luck to all of you!

Posted 7/10/13 1:49 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

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******Official November 2013 Mommies****

The drink really isn't as horrendous as it might sound. It does taste better cold (which is how they give it to you). I've done it twice and only tried the orange drink. It was actually better this time at 12 weeks than I remembered it being the first time. It tastes like very sweet "orange drink" or Tang. Not like orange soda. I drank it really fast to get it over with.

Honestly the worst part is waiting for the hour to be up to get the blood test.

Message edited 7/10/2013 2:44:45 PM.

Posted 7/10/13 2:42 PM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


******Official November 2013 Mommies****

They actually gave me a bottle of the drink (lemon lime) and told me to measure out 5 oz. and just drink it before my appointment so I don't have to wait around. I figured I would drink it 45 min before and just tell them when i get there I have to take the test in 15 min.

Posted 7/10/13 3:01 PM


Member since 5/08

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Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by PromiseNotToTell

Awww congrats on the Chat Icon
Any pics from the party!?

just saw this thanks. Of course all the pics are on my camera and i cant find the wire and upload them Chat Icon

I try to upload the video but it didnt work either!!

I didnt do the cake gender reveal i acutally gave the seal envelope to a friend and she made two presents one was for my DD and one was for me and DH.

She had my DD open her present first and inside was blue balloons tied to a baby boy doll.

Then me and DH opened our present and it was a clothes line of all boy clothes. She did an awesome job and wait way above and beyond anythign i expected!!

Posted 7/11/13 9:02 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/13

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******Official November 2013 Mommies****

I'm new to the boards. My husband and I are super excited since this is our first child. I am currently 22.5 weeks and due Nov 9th with a boy!

Posted 7/12/13 4:30 AM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by pilotcutie21

I'm new to the boards. My husband and I are super excited since this is our first child. I am currently 22.5 weeks and due Nov 9th with a boy!

Congrats and Welcome! I will add you to the original post! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/12/13 9:23 AM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


******Official November 2013 Mommies****

ok added! Our board is looking very colorful up there! Any other genders or team green mamas I'm missing, let me know!

Posted 7/12/13 9:24 AM

My two boys

Member since 12/08

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Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Add me to team Chat Icon !!!

Feeling good... this baby is a kicking machine!!!!

Posted 7/19/13 9:47 AM

My Princess is Here!

Member since 11/11

1131 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

how's everyone doing!!! are your LOs getting active? Had my 24w checkup yesterday. Only heard the heartbeat but all seems well. Need to go for my 1hr glucose next yuck.

Posted 7/19/13 9:57 AM

2 under 2!

Member since 4/11

1208 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by lucky1007

how's everyone doing!!! are your LOs getting active? Had my 24w checkup yesterday. Only heard the heartbeat but all seems well. Need to go for my 1hr glucose next yuck.

Glad everything went well at your 24 week!! I had mine on Tuesday and everything also looked great. When is your GT? Mine is aug 6. It's really not that bad! They gave me the lemon lime drink this time, last time I had orange.

My LO is so active especially at night! The kicking keeps me awake sometimes, but i love feeling it!

Posted 7/19/13 10:26 AM

My Princess is Here!

Member since 11/11

1131 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by DreamsofBaby

Posted by lucky1007

how's everyone doing!!! are your LOs getting active? Had my 24w checkup yesterday. Only heard the heartbeat but all seems well. Need to go for my 1hr glucose next yuck.

Glad everything went well at your 24 week!! I had mine on Tuesday and everything also looked great. When is your GT? Mine is aug 6. It's really not that bad! They gave me the lemon lime drink this time, last time I had orange.

My LO is so active especially at night! The kicking keeps me awake sometimes, but i love feeling it!

I'm just walking into quest to take it...not sure when i'm doing it yet. Yea im hoping it isn't too bad. Just hate the whole giving blood thing.

Posted 7/19/13 10:36 AM

2 under 2!

Member since 4/11

1208 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by lucky1007

Posted by DreamsofBaby

Posted by lucky1007

how's everyone doing!!! are your LOs getting active? Had my 24w checkup yesterday. Only heard the heartbeat but all seems well. Need to go for my 1hr glucose next yuck.

Glad everything went well at your 24 week!! I had mine on Tuesday and everything also looked great. When is your GT? Mine is aug 6. It's really not that bad! They gave me the lemon lime drink this time, last time I had orange.

My LO is so active especially at night! The kicking keeps me awake sometimes, but i love feeling it!

I'm just walking into quest to take it...not sure when i'm doing it yet. Yea im hoping it isn't too bad. Just hate the whole giving blood thing.

Oh ok! My doctor does it as part of my 27 week appt. I don't think it's a lot of blood for the 1 hour. It's best to do it first thing in the morning since you can't eat beforehand.

Posted 7/19/13 10:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

707 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

The GT just needs to get done between 24 and 28 weeks. I'm 23 weeks now and have my doctor's appointment next week. I want to get it over and done with -- praying all goes well! Also going back to the hospital next week for another sonogram to check on Chat Icon's kidneys. They were dilated at my 20w/anatomy scan so they asked me to come in again to check everything out. 90% of the time this rectifies on its own so I'm hoping this is the case next week.

Otherwise feeling good. Chat Icon is picking it up in the movement department!!

Posted 7/19/13 11:00 AM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by Finally1108

Add me to team Chat Icon !!!

Feeling good... this baby is a kicking machine!!!!

CONGRATS!! Chat Icon I added you above :)

Glad everyone is doing well! I have my Glucose test on Aug 5th. Baby Chat Icon is kicking like crazy in there! I feel it more and more everyday. I can finally start feeling it from the outside!

Posted 7/19/13 4:07 PM

My Princess is Here!

Member since 11/11

1131 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

was looking at our list...APT910 is having twin Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/19/13 4:14 PM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by lucky1007

was looking at our list...APT910 is having twin Chat Icon Chat Icon

So exciting!! Twins are so much fun! My sister in law has 2 sets of twins (both Chat Icon Chat Icon )

Posted 7/20/13 4:08 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/13

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******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Please add me for Nov 25 :)

Posted 7/20/13 9:20 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/11

454 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

tomorrow I finally get my anatomy scan at 21 weeks (they couldn't schedule me in last week)! I'm still staying team green but def getting more anxious to find out. people keep asking me "are you sure you don't want to find out?!" yes, I'm sure so stop asking me and tempting me lol

in any case I can't believe I'm over halfway there Chat Icon

Posted 7/21/13 9:03 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/13

707 total posts


******Official November 2013 Mommies****

It all goes SOO fast. DS is 3 and I still remember being pregnant with him. Chat Icon I always tell new moms to take everything in -- the good, the bad and the ugly - because it'll be over before you know it.

Posted 7/22/13 9:36 AM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Posted by zuzubailey

Please add me for Nov 25 :)

Added you yesterday but I guess I forgot to post. Congrats and welcome!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/13 10:46 AM

Isla Grace born on 11/15/13 <3

Member since 6/12

1021 total posts


******Official November 2013 Mommies****

100 DAYS today!! woohoo! Down to double digits tomorrow!!

Posted 7/24/13 10:47 AM

Let It Be

Member since 2/11

5021 total posts


Re: ******Official November 2013 Mommies****

Please remove me from the list, we lost our boys on July 16th.

Posted 7/29/13 12:25 PM
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