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my 2 boys
Member since 10/08 4240 total posts
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
Posted by dm24angel
Just wanted to say Hi and Get to know some of you gals.
I'm not sure where I belong Technically my Due date is Nov 3rd...but b/c of my past history of pre term labor and being PG with Twins, My Dr. Is going to do a scheduled C/S around the beginning-mid Oct to be safe.
So I'll be a week or so behind everyone on this thread but checking in here .
Hope everyones feeling GOOD!
u definitely are welcome here!!!! I am due 10/17. i have a sono scheduled on saturday at 17 weeks - i spoke to the office and tech yesterday and was told as long as baby cooperates they can tell the gender!!!! Yippie!!!! friends and family think its a boy. Im neither here or there.. I have NO clue or feeling what the baby is!
I still get very nervous - i havent felt any kicks or movements yet. this is my first and im 16 1/2 weeks so far, I try to concentrate at night to see if i feel things but NOTHING - lol nothing at all.
Happy everyone is doing well.
Posted 5/5/09 8:53 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/08 12970 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
Since Jenna started the post we have to wait for her to come back to add you guys to the list.
Posted 5/5/09 12:59 PM |
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
hello october mommies! hope everyones doing well!
im 20w2d and still team green! DH and i started our registry this week and im so excited that we're already half way there!!! i started feeling flutters at 17 weeks and now its much stronger and more frequent. i cant wait for real kicks!
how about you guys? how are the reigstries going? who else is feeling movement?
Posted 5/23/09 8:27 AM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
Doing GREAT! No complaints over here. I just had my anatomy sono yesterday and the Dr said everything was perfect.
I'm feeling really good! I feel a lot of strong movement in there so I'm actually starting to "feel" pregnant now!
It's all going so fast
Posted 5/23/09 8:51 AM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
Hi October Mommies!
Doing great here. I never felt flutters, but have been feeling the occassional thumps. I'd like to feel more though. 
Anatomy scan on Tuesday night! Can't wait - hope to find out if Mommy's or Daddy's feelings are right!
Message edited 5/23/2009 9:30:53 AM.
Posted 5/23/09 9:30 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
Hi October mommies! I was wondering where this thread was. We are team . I had my level II last week. I have been feeling DD move since she was 9 weeks. Since this is baby number 2 for us, I don't think we are going to register for anything. The only things we really need are: Car seat and base (gave DSs away) Double stroller bath tub (gave DSs away - and I did not like it) clothing bed sheets
I think my parents and my in-laws want to get us clothing b/c they have both already mentioned it. I think we will go to BRU and BBB and just try out some double strollers with DS and a car seat to figure out what we should get.
Posted 5/23/09 8:54 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: Official October Mommies to be thread!
Hi October 2009 Mommies - I started a new official thread so we can keep it up-to-date....
Posted 6/3/09 8:05 PM |
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