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******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

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LIF Toddler

Member since 11/11

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Oh, and we also booked our newborn photographer! Chat Icon

ooooo!!!! AWesome!! That's next on my list!!! Who did you go with, if you don't mind me asking?

Posted 6/19/13 8:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Sunshine

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by forevercloud

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Oh, and we also booked our newborn photographer! Chat Icon

ooooo!!!! AWesome!! That's next on my list!!! Who did you go with, if you don't mind me asking?

Gurlll you better get on that! We are going to use Brilianna. She's located in Rego Park. Our first choice was Melanie Beth but she was booked for our date.

Posted 6/20/13 12:20 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/11

393 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by forevercloud

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Oh, and we also booked our newborn photographer! Chat Icon

ooooo!!!! AWesome!! That's next on my list!!! Who did you go with, if you don't mind me asking?

Gurlll you better get on that! We are going to use Brilianna. She's located in Rego Park. Our first choice was Melanie Beth but she was booked for our date.

LOLOL!!! I'm sooo on it! I want to do maternity & newborn and def booking before next week!
Ok, I'm exhausted and can not sleep! I was sleeping but got up to use the bathroom and going back isn't happening. How's your sleep?

Posted 6/20/13 12:49 AM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by forevercloud

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by forevercloud

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Oh, and we also booked our newborn photographer! Chat Icon

ooooo!!!! AWesome!! That's next on my list!!! Who did you go with, if you don't mind me asking?

Gurlll you better get on that! We are going to use Brilianna. She's located in Rego Park. Our first choice was Melanie Beth but she was booked for our date.

LOLOL!!! I'm sooo on it! I want to do maternity & newborn and def booking before next week!
Ok, I'm exhausted and can not sleep! I was sleeping but got up to use the bathroom and going back isn't happening. How's your sleep?

That happens sometimes to me too when I wake up to pee and then can't go back to sleep for like an hour, but then I go right back!

Posted 6/20/13 1:46 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/11

393 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by forevercloud

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Posted by forevercloud

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Oh, and we also booked our newborn photographer! Chat Icon

ooooo!!!! AWesome!! That's next on my list!!! Who did you go with, if you don't mind me asking?

Gurlll you better get on that! We are going to use Brilianna. She's located in Rego Park. Our first choice was Melanie Beth but she was booked for our date.

LOLOL!!! I'm sooo on it! I want to do maternity & newborn and def booking before next week!
Ok, I'm exhausted and can not sleep! I was sleeping but got up to use the bathroom and going back isn't happening. How's your sleep?

That happens sometimes to me too when I wake up to pee and then can't go back to sleep for like an hour, but then I go right back!

That's exactlyyy what happened!!

Posted 6/20/13 2:01 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Hey ladies! I think most of us have entered the 3rd trimester!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Anyone else feel like their pregnancy is taking forever??? I just can't wait to meet my little baby girl!

I'm also scared shitless about becoming a mom!

Posted 6/25/13 3:13 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Yeah about the 3rd trimester.

I go for my glucose test in the morning and then I think I'm only to appts every 2 weeks already.

I am the opposite of you though. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. I have so much to do for baby #3, but just haven't gotten my act in gear. Hopefully soon.

Stay cool and the hydrated in the heat

Posted 6/25/13 4:16 PM

Love my babies

Member since 4/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by MrsO

Yeah about the 3rd trimester.

I go for my glucose test in the morning and then I think I'm only to appts every 2 weeks already.

I am the opposite of you though. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. I have so much to do for baby #3, but just haven't gotten my act in gear. Hopefully soon.

Stay cool and the hydrated in the heat

I'm with you! I can't believe how fast it's going! So much to do and so little time! I think it def goes faster if this is your second or third or more pregnancy! I remember my first pregnancy took forever!

Posted 6/25/13 4:42 PM

I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07

3061 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Yeah for 3rd trimester!!!

I failed the 1 hr gloucose by 10 points eeeks, but passed the 3 hour Thank God!

I booked New Born Photo.

Now just to start the nursery! Yes I know... I haven't started... I need to pull all the things out of the attic.. well DH does lol

I am feeling nervous I am behind! I know with DD#1 our Nursery was done by this point and clothes were washed and in closet! Clothes at this point are still in bins in attic! EEEKS!

Posted 6/25/13 9:55 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by CarlieJLD7

Yeah for 3rd trimester!!!

I failed the 1 hr gloucose by 10 points eeeks, but passed the 3 hour Thank God!

I booked New Born Photo.

Now just to start the nursery! Yes I know... I haven't started... I need to pull all the things out of the attic.. well DH does lol

I am feeling nervous I am behind! I know with DD#1 our Nursery was done by this point and clothes were washed and in closet! Clothes at this point are still in bins in attic! EEEKS!

Nursery? Oh, yeah that thing!Chat Icon

Haven't started that one at all! Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/13 11:19 AM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

I'm in the "I can't believe how fast it's going" group lol. I can't believe in 10weeks (+/-) I'm going to have a son! Chat Icon I'm def ready to be a mom, I'm just not ready for all the worrying that comes along with it. I just can't believe i'm at this stage in my life. I feel like I just graduated from undergrad! Weird.

Oh question, when is everyone filling out the hospital registration forms and having your doctor fill out work for your job? I have my growth sono on the 8th so I'm thinking I'll give my doc the paperwork then?


Posted 6/26/13 11:44 AM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by AScottWolf

Oh question, when is everyone filling out the hospital registration forms and having your doctor fill out work for your job? I have my growth sono on the 8th so I'm thinking I'll give my doc the paperwork then?


I filled out the hospital paperwork today while doing my glucose test and handed it right in.

My doctor likes to wait as long as possible to fill out the work paperwork since it will have to be updated if you go out earlier or later, etc

Posted 6/26/13 12:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/13

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

To me some days I feel like its flying by!
I'm hoping it starts to slow down because I have to move into another apartment and have not found a decent place yet Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/13 12:24 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Some updates:

I passed the 1-hour glucose! Chat Icon

Had my 7-month appointment today and everything looked good. Chat Icon

I get to have a sono when I'm 34 weeks....excited about that! Chat Icon

Now to start working on the nursery. I'm having a hard time choosing a theme. What are you guys doing?

Posted 7/1/13 2:43 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

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My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by babymill13

To me some days I feel like its flying by!
I'm hoping it starts to slow down because I have to move into another apartment and have not found a decent place yet Chat Icon

Did you find a place yet?

Posted 7/1/13 2:43 PM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by Maybe-Baybe

Some updates:

I passed the 1-hour glucose! Chat Icon

Had my 7-month appointment today and everything looked good. Chat Icon

I get to have a sono when I'm 34 weeks....excited about that! Chat Icon

Now to start working on the nursery. I'm having a hard time choosing a theme. What are you guys doing?

We're doing a Classic Wininie the Pooh theme. The previous owners had this room as their nursery as well and had a hand painted mural done on 2 of the wallls. The other walls are painted yellow. Although this is never a theme I would have chosen, everyone was telling me I was crazy to paint over the mural so I gave in lol.

Posted 7/1/13 2:46 PM

my cup runneth over

Member since 1/10

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Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******


Had my prenatal massage and it was awesome!!! I felt so good afterwards. Definitely recommend getting one!

Went for the 3D sono but Chat Icon had their hand over their face the entire time. The little we did see looked just like DD though!Chat Icon we scheduled a redo for 2 weeks from now. I hope Chat Icon cooperates this time!

Had my 28 week sono last week and baby weighs 2lbs 12oz

C-Section is scheduled for 8am on 9/16! But I have a feeling I'll go early like I did with DD.

Had a regular prenatal appt today and I am up 20lbs at 28w6d

I'm starting appointments every 2 weeks! Getting close!!!

Hope everyone is staying cool and comfortable!!

Message edited 7/3/2013 4:32:48 PM.

Posted 7/1/13 8:16 PM

I love my daughter!

Member since 7/07

3061 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Hey Ladies!

What are you up too???

We had our Big Sister Class and tour of the hospital yesterday! Carlie was so excited to change her doll's diaper and to see where here baby sister and I are going to sleep!

It was a really cute class, we had it at Winthop and I recommend it to anyone who is on their 2nd!

I *started* cleaning the nursery room out (former office) but that lasted about an hour. lol

Next appt on Tuesday at 32 weeks. And next sono at 34 weeks!

Hope all you ladies are staying cool!

Posted 7/11/13 5:57 AM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Besides cooking a baby - we haven't done much to get ready.

I have picked out some paint swatches and started looking at the old clothes in the attic. I'm surprised how many are stained. Hoping some of it comes out so we don't need a whole new neutral wardrobe :)

Posted 7/11/13 9:44 AM

I <3 our squish!

Member since 11/10

2237 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Same here. We had our 30w sonogram (i'm 31w but had to wait due to the holiday last week) on Tuesday and our little boy looks good! He has a full head of hair, long legs and weighs in at 4.6lbs.

My next doc appt is tomorrow.

As for the nursery, DH started ripping out the old closet so he can put the new system in. He also patched some holes around the room but that's about it lol.

Posted 7/11/13 10:21 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Doing well... I'm approaching 31 weeks and we closed on a house in early June. So, it's been a big push to get that done. I purchased paint that is safe for PG - that way, not only was it OK for me to be around while we paint the house, but I can actually do a lot of the painting myself. DH, my dad, sister, and I did all of the rooms, ceilings, mouldings, and doors. It came out great. We did Nantucket Fog by BM for DS's nursery. We also installed the cutest little rubbed bronze and wood ceiling fan. I'm ordering new closet doors for his room as well - the ones that were there were old and mirrored so they got tossed. My dad installed all new flooring as before it was blue shag carpet lol. So, now there's a brazilian cherry throughout the whole house.

We are in the process of unpacking - DS has a good amount of clothes already! My shower, I know when it is, is July 21st so I'm doing some last minute things for that - seating, place cards, table cards, setting up of the favors. I'll post pics when it is all said and done. Which reminds me to get the camera out of whatever box it is in!

The crib and nursery furniture needs to be ordered - this particular set does not need time to come in - it usually ships within three business days so we have some time. I wanted to get some of the work done first, and the shower under my belt and then I'll do that.

We have nice shelving for his room and DH needs to hang that. I also have to order a quote for his wall - I found a website that does custom wall decals in words - they come out looking like hand painting and go on the walll/come off the wall very easily... we want a quote and then in another part of the room DS's name.

We have a birthing class, it's like 4 hours, scheduled for 8/11 at our OB's office - they go over everything - labor, delivery, CS, taking baby home, newborn care, etc. We also bought some DVD's about the same that we watched. I've been reading some books too.

We still have to schedule the hospital tour and pre-registration.

We had our 3D sonogram last night - NOT GOOD! Little one did NOT want to cooperate - kept his hands covering his face completely the entire time no matter what we did... I even tried to put on his favorite John Lennon - usually his music gets him very happy but nothing. Then, I brought in the big guns: Daddy's voice. Daddy's voice ALWAYS gets DS going - but not this time. He was OUT for the count sleeping. Then, when we were trying to get him to move, he actually looked like he started to frown/cry! Like he was getting frustrated. So, we gave up after 45 minutes of poking and trying. The technician was great - she rescheduled us for two weeks from now. We'll see how he does then. Both sets of grandparents and godmother were there and still - nothing! He is very stubborn, takes after me. lol.

I did buy a dress for the shower - I was going to use a few that I already had from last year, they looked nice, but my mom said I need something "new and special" so I went to White House / Black Market and found a dress there -- but it is not black or white lol so that's kind of cool ! :) I went up a size so the good thing is: after baby comes, I can have it sized down and wear it other places. I'm glad for that.

I guess that's it so far - lots going on!

Posted 7/11/13 10:57 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Oh I forgot to add - we booked our newborn photographer (September Blue) and according to the last two sono's DS is breech! He still has time to flip but wow, he likes it where he is!

Posted 7/11/13 11:36 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 11/11

393 total posts


Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

DH & I picked a LO/preg. friendly paint and love! DH painted the nursery w/my dad. We Emptied the closet and last night we picked the carpet so we will get this week :) drapes next. Furniture has been ordered already generously by our parents and is scheduled for delivery next month! :)
We had our hospital tour on Monday :)
Had to take the 3hr glucose yesterday.
Booked our baby/anniv moon :)
Growth sono & childbirth class in 2wks :) Cant wait to see baby :)
Started massive lists and checking off as we go, so that feels great.
Think I noticed my first hiccup fromChat Icon :)
Have Shower dress...need some alterations..ordered shoes.
Feeling good, thankfully and loving the belly. Glad everyone else is getting things done & feeling well!

Posted 7/11/13 12:08 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

3415 total posts

My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Posted by DaniRella

Doing well... I'm approaching 31 weeks and we closed on a house in early June. So, it's been a big push to get that done. I purchased paint that is safe for PG - that way, not only was it OK for me to be around while we paint the house, but I can actually do a lot of the painting myself. DH, my dad, sister, and I did all of the rooms, ceilings, mouldings, and doors. It came out great. We did Nantucket Fog by BM for DS's nursery. We also installed the cutest little rubbed bronze and wood ceiling fan. I'm ordering new closet doors for his room as well - the ones that were there were old and mirrored so they got tossed. My dad installed all new flooring as before it was blue shag carpet lol. So, now there's a brazilian cherry throughout the whole house.

We are in the process of unpacking - DS has a good amount of clothes already! My shower, I know when it is, is July 21st so I'm doing some last minute things for that - seating, place cards, table cards, setting up of the favors. I'll post pics when it is all said and done. Which reminds me to get the camera out of whatever box it is in!

The crib and nursery furniture needs to be ordered - this particular set does not need time to come in - it usually ships within three business days so we have some time. I wanted to get some of the work done first, and the shower under my belt and then I'll do that.

We have nice shelving for his room and DH needs to hang that. I also have to order a quote for his wall - I found a website that does custom wall decals in words - they come out looking like hand painting and go on the walll/come off the wall very easily... we want a quote and then in another part of the room DS's name.

We have a birthing class, it's like 4 hours, scheduled for 8/11 at our OB's office - they go over everything - labor, delivery, CS, taking baby home, newborn care, etc. We also bought some DVD's about the same that we watched. I've been reading some books too.

We still have to schedule the hospital tour and pre-registration.

We had our 3D sonogram last night - NOT GOOD! Little one did NOT want to cooperate - kept his hands covering his face completely the entire time no matter what we did... I even tried to put on his favorite John Lennon - usually his music gets him very happy but nothing. Then, I brought in the big guns: Daddy's voice. Daddy's voice ALWAYS gets DS going - but not this time. He was OUT for the count sleeping. Then, when we were trying to get him to move, he actually looked like he started to frown/cry! Like he was getting frustrated. So, we gave up after 45 minutes of poking and trying. The technician was great - she rescheduled us for two weeks from now. We'll see how he does then. Both sets of grandparents and godmother were there and still - nothing! He is very stubborn, takes after me. lol.

I did buy a dress for the shower - I was going to use a few that I already had from last year, they looked nice, but my mom said I need something "new and special" so I went to White House / Black Market and found a dress there -- but it is not black or white lol so that's kind of cool ! :) I went up a size so the good thing is: after baby comes, I can have it sized down and wear it other places. I'm glad for that.

I guess that's it so far - lots going on!

What type of paint did you get?

Posted 7/11/13 12:16 PM

My Sunshine

Member since 7/12

3415 total posts

My only Sunshine

Re: ******Official SEPTEMBER 2013 Mommies Thread******

Where'd you guys get your shower dress from?

Posted 7/11/13 12:18 PM
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