I was admitted to the hospital last night my cervix is down to .7cm so basically the cerclage is the only thing holding everything. I also had a FNN test that came back positive for preterm labor. Baby Sophia is doing great and everyday she stays in gives a better chance. I was given steriods last night for the lung production. And now it is a waiting game I am not having contractions as of now...but if I should then we will do everything we can to stop it or prolong it If you wonderful ladies have anymore for me and Sophia I would appreciate it. I am terrified so any supportive stories or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
i know you must be scared laurie but you are in good hands now... and your little girl has a great shot now that you are both being taken care of 24/7.
My are with you and Sophia that she stays in there quite a bit longer. Just an encouraging story, my SIL was in (from what I can tell in your previous posts) the same situation. She was admitted to the hospital around 26 weeks every day was worried that delivery would come, but she lasted long enough and she didn't give birth to my gorgeous healthy nephew until around 34 weeks. He was in the NICU for a week or two but is perfect now. Hang in there and stay calm, for you and the baby!!
I am that Sophia hangs in there alot longer. As a 4mth hospital veteran I have amassed alot of stories. One of the most touching was the day we met baby Andrew and Baby Jalen. I met those two-they weighed about 1lb and ounces and were 24 weeks old. Each day that we were there in NICU I would talk to their moms and I remember crying when we left for the boys becuase I knew the journey was a tough one BUT so you know I saw these little boys at our last High Risk clinic visit last month and they are doing GREAT. Andrew is a little bully and Jalen is shy and blushes when you talk to him. So just so you know there is hope. BTW these babies didn tget the steroid shots so you have a great advantage already. If you need to talk FM me or I can call you--I know its scary.