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LIF Zygote

Member since 9/06 18 total posts
Name: Cynthia
Oil vs. Gas Heat
Okay, so we are contemplating either updating our oil burner and oil tank or converting to gas heat.
We have gas already for our dryer, cooking and hot water.
Has anyone done this and if so are you happy, have regrets, etc?
Thanks in advance
Posted 10/29/07 3:16 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Oil vs. Gas Heat
Just did it..we had Oil and had that tank removed etc.
I dont have any bills yet since Keyspan has not yet come over to set meter.
The conversion was a pain. IMO We had to get a licensed guy, do all the work, PAY$ but supposedly this was a recommendation who saved us $$$. I guess everything seems costly to me when we just redid our entire home. So...we'll see.
ETA: Love your avatar!
Message edited 10/29/2007 3:19:22 PM.
Posted 10/29/07 3:18 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Oil vs. Gas Heat
We just converted to gas from oil over the summer. No problems so far.
Like you we already had gas service to the house so it wasn't very expensive to do. And since they are projecting that oil costs are going to be a lot more than natural gas this winter, I'm glad we did it this year rather than waiting.
Posted 10/29/07 3:19 PM |
LIF Zygote

Member since 9/06 18 total posts
Name: Cynthia
Re: Oil vs. Gas Heat
I think there are more advantages to gas, but I just feel like it is a huge undertaking and that's why I needed opinions.
The more, the better...
ETA - Thx Smiley - I love puppies, that would probably be why I have 3... LOL!
Posted 10/29/07 4:32 PM |
It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07 6453 total posts
Name: Jeannine
Re: Oil vs. Gas Heat
We have oil heat - we contemplated converting to gas but everything we found said that oil heat (with a new high efficiency boiler) is more efficient than gas.
Our hot water is also off of the boiler, so we have hot water on demand - I can take a shower for days if I want having the hot water on demand was also substancially less expensive than a gas or electric hot water heater because you don't have to keep the water hot when it isn't in use.
Posted 10/29/07 4:56 PM |
Re: Oil vs. Gas Heat
well, my friends who have oil say gas is more expensive, but they're likely biased.... it's hard to really say.
I think the most important aspect is efficiency of the burner. Definitely get an on demand water heater (most are gas, but one japanese company makes an oil version) becuase that saves tons of $$$ not having to keep a tank hot.
gas is definitely cleaner.... and doesn't require as much chimney maintenance.... it seems to be a bit more convenient (no deliveries to schedule), but I've only had gas my whole life so I don't know how big of a deal it really....
Posted 10/29/07 6:40 PM |