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OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

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Member since 5/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I have been with this company for 3 1/2 years.

I get 6 weeks STD for vaginal, 8 weeks c section at 60% pay. FMLA in CT is 16 weeks.

Message edited 1/6/2006 1:27:31 PM.

Posted 1/6/06 12:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I have been there for a little over a year. They are a very large company (Progressive Insurance co)..

With FMLA I get 12 weeks leave, however, they just changed the FMLA so that it applies per calendar year and not just 12 steady weeks. So this is why I took an extra 2 weeks in December because it would not count against 2006. (I will not get paid for this).

We also acquire ETB time which is our sick time, vacation time etc.. Since I left earlier before the baby was born and have no medical reason for doing so they will pay me from this acrewed time until its depleted.

Once the baby is born I have to call my Leave Rep who will pay me disability pay at 60% based upon delivery (6 weeks for vaginal and 8 weeks for c-section). After those weeks pass, if I have any ETB time left (which I probably wont since I think I used it already these past 2 weeks) they will pay me for that, otherwise I get no pay.

Posted 1/6/06 12:45 PM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I have been w/ my company for 3 years.. and I should find out next week if I am getting paid or not..
I should be since when my boss broke his leg he was out for 4 months and got full pay..
So if I do not I will probably freak out..

Posted 1/6/06 12:47 PM

it's me

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I've been with my company for a year. As management I'm very fortunate to get 90 days full pay under a seperate Maternity policy.

I start it this TuesdayChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/06 12:50 PM

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Member since 12/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

Message edited 12/16/2011 4:53:55 PM.

Posted 1/6/06 12:52 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I was with my company 11 months when I delivered (we got pregnant a lot faster than we thought we would) so I didn't qualify for FMLA. I got 6 weeks STD. And they separated my employment so they didn't have to pay for my medical insurance. They told me that they would have held my job for me, but senior managment changed right when I went out and I don't think the new VP wanted to hold my job. Once I started getting STD payments I told them I wouldn't be returning.

If I had been there a year I would have gotten 12 weeks at full pay (I would have to forfit half my vacation and sick time) and kept my medical benefits.

They did send me a $500 check as a gift for having the baby, which all employees get.

Posted 1/6/06 1:00 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I work for a great company. I would get 12 weeks off. 6 weeks paid 100% of salary, after that you can use your vacation/sick accrued time (which for me would cover the additional 6 weeks). If for some medical reason i need to leave prior to the birth i can go out on sick leave at full payment.

My company also allows working mothers to come back flex time (different hours then basic 9-5) and are open to woman working at home.

Didn't know how bad some places were Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/06 1:08 PM

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I have been with my company for about 18 months and get:

6 weeks at 90% pay and a further 20 weeks at something like $175 a week and a further 26 unpaid weeks off. I also get 25 days a year vacation, of which I have saved 10 days, so I have gotten another 2 weeks fully paid leave.

(keep in mind I live in England, so its a pretty good deal here)

Also, we are on the National Health system so I never at any point have to shell out a penny above and beyond my salary deduction...

But at currently 9 days over my due date, I have shopped away most of my last months salaryChat Icon oh well.

Posted 1/6/06 1:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

Posted by MrsJ

Do you rememeber how you applied for the state disability? I need to do this but dont know how.

Before I went out, my HR department gave me some form to fill out after the baby was born, then I had to give it to my doc so he could fill out and sign his part, then he mailed it to the state for me. Check with your company, they may have the form you need.

Posted 1/6/06 3:45 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

as a public school teacher (regardless of years) we must use our sick/personal days for maternity leave (fully covered). for me, that would be about 40 days or so. then 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA during which our health insurance continues. after that, no health insurance. we can take up to two years (no benefits) per child and they will keep a position open for you.

Posted 1/6/06 4:59 PM

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Member since 8/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I am relying soley on disability which *****. I am taking 8 weeks off. I've been praticing with this Dr for 8 mos.

Posted 1/6/06 5:49 PM

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

Posted by 2003fallwedding

I am here for 8 years...

I got 12 weeks from FMLA, 7 of those 12 weeks were $170 from the State (I had a c-section) the rest were unpaid.

same here: except I remember getting 8 checks but I could be wrong!

Posted 1/6/06 6:20 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I work as a independant contractor for a title company so I am not entitled to maternity leave because I am on a 1099. However, I will be paid commissions while I am out on "maternity leave" on any work that comes in from my clients. I had the company put that in my contract, before I became pregnant. Plus, I had them state in the contract that I can take up to 6 months if I wanted and I will still have a job to come back to.

Posted 1/6/06 6:25 PM

LIF Toddler

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

Posted by annie

as a public school teacher (regardless of years) we must use our sick/personal days for maternity leave (fully covered). for me, that would be about 40 days or so. then 12 weeks of unpaid FMLA during which our health insurance continues. after that, no health insurance. we can take up to two years (no benefits) per child and they will keep a position open for you.

Do you know if they city public schools have the same policy?

Posted 1/6/06 8:38 PM

My Precious Angel

Member since 9/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I get no pay, and only 4 weeks off. Which really stinks, but Dh and I decided i will be a SAHM for a few years, Just have to figure out how to tell my boss now.

Posted 1/6/06 10:23 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

I have been teaching in my SD for 8 years- our contract gives us:

6-8 weeks full pay maternity (#of weeks depends if your Dr. writes you a note to stay out for the 6 or 8). (oh- but I use up all of my sick days for this)

After that I can take FMLA for 12 weeks with 10 of those weeks at 70% pay.

I feel I am lucky after reading some of your plans. I thought this stuff was pretty universal except for out great FMLA deal!

Chat Icon

Posted 1/7/06 8:37 AM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

1980 total posts


Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

70% pay under FMLA?! Lucky you! Is that a public school?

I'm sorry, I don't know about NYC schools. I am in NJ and I had the same exact maternity leave while teaching on LI.

Posted 1/7/06 10:36 AM

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Re: OK taking a poll, what kind of maternity leave do you get?

At my old job that I just left Chat Icon I got 6 weeks 100% paid (v-birth) or 8 weeks 100% paid if c-section. The remaining time for FMLA we could use vacation days, etc. to get paid. I was there for 4 1/2 yrs.

At my new job Chat Icon we get NOTHING. We are only entitled to unpaid FMLA leave.

Posted 1/7/06 1:02 PM
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