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ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

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wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

How do you wash your childs hair? I have her in this tub, and for the first time yesterday i took out the green netting. I still found it very difficult to rinse her hair. I have the tub in the kitchen sink so not sure if thats the problem, but i get everything soaked...I use the hose attachment on the sink, and squirt into the palm of my hand and let it rundown her head. It was soo messy that i ended up having my dh hold her over sink and rinsed that way, but dh isnt always there when its bath time.

I dont know if its just me but i find bathing her very difficult.

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Posted 1/23/08 8:13 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 3/07

6944 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

When my DD was a baby I used a plastic cup to wash her hair. It was so much easier. Now that she is 1, I use this. I bought it at buy buy baby.

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Posted 1/23/08 8:18 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

I use this Shampoo Rinse Cup or these Sassy bath visors Andy prefers the visor, Sarah prefers the cup.

Posted 1/23/08 8:19 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

I just pour water over his head...he hates it, but my husband holds a washcloth over his eyes. Sometimes he moans, sometimes he just laughs. Strange child.

Posted 1/23/08 8:21 AM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

17330 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

We just use a cup and pour it over her while shielding her eyes and tilting her head back slightly.

Posted 1/23/08 8:23 AM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

I use the same tub, I keep a bowl of water (same temp as bath) and a measuring cup next to the sink, when I am done I start draining the tub and rinse DD from head to toe with the clean water. To rinse her hair I just tip her head back and pour water slowly with the measuring cup. I think it will become more difficult later but right now she loves it when water runs over her face and can't get enough of the wash cloth.

Posted 1/23/08 8:27 AM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

I use a washcloth. DD doesn't have a lot of hair though and what she does have is super thin. I don't get much water in her eyes; I just keep pushing her hair back with my hand and it keeps the water back.

Posted 1/23/08 8:36 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

Posted by littlejoy06

When my DD was a baby I used a plastic cup to wash her hair. It was so much easier. Now that she is 1, I use this. I bought it at buy buy baby.

I have this too - love it!

Posted 1/23/08 8:45 AM


Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

Posted by Lucky

I use a washcloth. DD doesn't have a lot of hair though and what she does have is super thin. I don't get much water in her eyes; I just keep pushing her hair back with my hand and it keeps the water back.

I do the same with a washcloth, it works well, no water in her eyes and no mess. For my older DD we use a large cup and tilt her head back

Posted 1/23/08 9:06 AM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

My DS loves bathtime so I take advantage of that and quickly wash and rinse his hair...for the front part, I just push the soap back with my hand and for the back I pour a little cup over his head...even if some water does get in his eyes I quickly wipe them. Michael still can't sit on his own so I always hold him from the back and he is in a sitting position while I bathe him...I'm having a little trouble though bc he kicks back his legs and tries to stand in the tub (arches his back)...I can't wait until he is sitting so I can get that bath seat and just bathe him in the bathtub.

Posted 1/23/08 9:12 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

We have a little plastic cup/pitcher that came with the tub, and that's what I use. It seems to work well, though it's hard not to get water around his ears.

Posted 1/23/08 10:15 AM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

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Re: ok.. this may be just a wacko of a question about bathing but..

our bath came w/a cup so I pour water over it and rub the soap out w/my hand

Posted 1/23/08 10:23 AM

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