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HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Sorry, venting .......... People are just so unbeleivably annoying. And I KNOW it's just going to get worse once the baby is born....but really? I have one in particular that is driving me insane -
Did I and bark at you while YOU were PG for being a co dependent, lazy, needy, prima donna who refused to lift a finger 'in your condition' from the day you got your BFP??..........No, I did not - b/c it's none of my damn business and your behavoir did not affect me in any way .........Did I say anything about the fact that you always looked like you just rolled yourself out of bed, never bothered to even comb your hair b/c you were 'too tired' ? No, what the EFF did I care? Did I make b*tch at you or compare you to 'other PG women" I know regarding your behavoir, how you looked, how much weight you gained, how you dressed, carried yourself? No, I didn't - again, NOT my business. -
So WHY WHY WHY do you insist on lecturing me about how I shouldn't be wearing those shoes, walking that fast, commuting to the city, cleaning my bathroom, shopping, decorating, hosting parties, livingmy freakin life - etc etc etc. - I am PREGNANT, not DEAD for God's sake !!! Just b/c YOU laid on your fat arse for 9 months does not mean everyone is required to !! - And I'm sorry if I'm 'making you look bad' - that's YOUR hang up, not mine !! - I actually got b*tched at for 'looking too nice' the other night - I was out at a holiday party !!! - WHY would I not attempt to make myself look as good as possible ??
Shove it !! Thank you - vent over.
Message edited 12/23/2008 4:05:17 PM.
Posted 12/23/08 4:03 PM |
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Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Posted 12/23/08 4:05 PM |
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Posted 12/23/08 4:06 PM |
Life is Good!!
Member since 1/08 6460 total posts
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
I hear ya!! I feel like your damned if you do and damned if you don't!!
I found out I was PG in June and had horrible M/S all summer, since I have summers off (teacher) i pretty much stayed in bed/house the entire summer being so sick! With that i get comments asking if I'm gonna go back to work, etc. or just "ride the pregnancy train"
Once the sickness ended and I was back to myself I get shiot for over-doing it!! We're pregnant, NOT DISABLED!!!
I swear- ya can't win
Posted 12/23/08 4:08 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Posted by mzsocialworker1
I know, harsh, sorry - but I'm just so freakin' mad !!!
Posted 12/23/08 4:08 PM |
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
No, that wasn't aimed at you! That was aimed at whoever you are talking about!
Posted 12/23/08 4:10 PM |
you make me smile :o)

Member since 5/08 4419 total posts
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Message edited 12/23/2008 4:34:20 PM.
Posted 12/23/08 4:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/06 1647 total posts
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Thank you! I couldn't agree more. We most certainly are not DEAD, just pregnant.
Posted 12/23/08 4:31 PM |
aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Sounds like a friend of mine... she couldnt wait to get PG...then had a god awful prgenancy with hives, swelling etc. Had to wear sweats all 9 months and never had a belly- just got fat.
Well now anything I do is criticized- cant wear heels, dont move furniture to vaccuum, dont vacuum, dont eat this, dont do that....aAARGH!
I feel ya! Just because I still look like me and have had an easy pregnancy (knock on wood) I think shes jealous.
Posted 12/23/08 5:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1180 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Seriously, some women usee pregnancy as an excuse to gain weight and be lazy in their appearance.
I feel like I should take better care of myself pregnant and it shows. People have definitely made some comments to me about the shoes I wear and always looking so done. I laugh. They are just jealous.
Posted 12/23/08 5:33 PM |
big sister status may 2012!!

Member since 5/08 3242 total posts
Name: Lupe
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Posted by mzsocialworker1
rock on with your bad self chica - "haters will be haters"
Posted 12/23/08 8:30 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08 570 total posts
Re: OMG Peoplw - WHY do you CARE ?? Mind Your Business !!
Posted 12/23/08 8:40 PM |