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Orly's Tree House

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I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Orly's Tree House

Somone was asking about it, and we just came back from a party there, so I figured I would post what the party was like.

WOW- I was blown away and we have been to a lot of kids parties in the last 3 years. When you get there you see the cafe on your right and the store on your left. There is a reception desk directly ahead of you. We told them we were hear for Jess' birthday party. They take the present from you and direct you to the coat check room. We were then told to head to the indoor playground. One of the playground supervisors was a former students of mine Chat Icon I was watching her with the kids and just amazed she was so cute picking them up helping them with their shoes, just so sweet.

There was so much to do in there. There was the tree house, the dress up area, the puppet stage, the supermarket with 2 registers and the conveyor belt. There was the pretend nurses station and a pretend kitchen. Off to the side was a toddler area with a smaller slide and some appropriate toys, there was another area with a computer and the little room next to that had cars in it and the finally there was a little kid area with a changing station, jumperoo, bouncy chair and infant toys. No shoes are allowed in that area.

From there we were taken to the bouncer room. There were two bouncers set up. One for the bigger kids and then a smaller one for the littler kids. This was a party for a 6 year old and there were a lot of 6-7 year olds there. My daughter is not 3 yet and I appreciated the fact that there was a separate bounce house for her. They had someone that works at Orly's standing outside of hers to makes sure no big kids went in there. It was nice so I didn't have to say anything or worry. They also had someone helping the kids into the bounce house, someone inside the bounce house to help the shorter ones get up to the slide and someone to help catch at the bottom of the slide. I asked the girl when they were ready to wrap it up if my daughter could just go into the big one quickly and go down the slide because she was dying to go but I was too nervous given the age difference and when they were done she came and got me so my daughter could go on as well as the 3 other little ones.

We then went over to the arts and crafts room and they all made a treasure chest. They had a lot of fun doing that. There were tons of things to decorate them with and even my daughter liked it. Inside was treasure.

Then we were taken into the bouncer room again which had been transformed for a dance party. They did a ton of different dances with the kids and had them moving and grooving. They really were loving it and the girls working the party never let the kids enthusiasm wain. I was very impressed by them. They seemed like were having as much fun as the kids.

From there we were brought into another room for pizza and cake. After the pizza and cake we were brought to another room for a piñata. The kids were given goody bags to enter the room with. The bags were already filled with a bunch of things. The kids did the piñata. The staff also kept throwing down more candy towards the kids in the back to make sure that everyone had an equal opportunity. Which I thought was nice. We were then led out to the hallway to get our favors and say good-bye.

It was really cute. I was very happy with everything and very impressed by the staff.

Posted 1/5/08 9:33 PM
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Member since 7/05

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Re: Orly's Tree House

After reading this, I want my 40th birthday thereChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/08 7:43 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Orly's Tree House

Posted by nrthshgrl

After reading this, I want my 40th birthday thereChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/08 8:52 AM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Orly's Tree House

Thanks for the review!
We're going to a party there in Feb!!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/08 9:55 AM

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