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Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
DS is 11 months and still is not displaying any interest in crawling, walking, cruising, climbing, etc.
I'm massively paranoid about it, have spoken to the doc and he said that as long as he can hold himself up with his legs that he is fine. He does stand at his activity table for long periods of time, at the coffee table too, will pull himself up only if I hold my fingers out. But will not attempt to pull himself up onto anything else. Thought doesn't even appear to cross his mind. In terms of crawling he gets into position, can scoot backwards but mostly winds up frustrated and rolls around to get anywhere. When he is sitting he doesn't bend his knees behind him like I see other kids doing. He does know how to turn himself around while on his butt.
Anyway, daycare knows that I am a little concerned about it. So this morning at drop off they were talking about all of the august babies who will move to the next room very soon. Mind you, my son is a July baby. So I asked his teacher "what about matthew?". Her response:
"Oh, his name didn't even come up. We were only talking about babies who are doing what they should be doing"
Ouch! I felt like she stabbed me right in the heart! As she was saying it I think she realized it was a stupid thing to say to me but she was already too knee deep to retract.
And I've been on the verge of tears all morning.
UPDATE: I decided that I wanted to pick DS up this afternoon so I can talk to the director about what their plans were with him. But she wasn't there. Neither was the teacher.
BUT, there was a new teacher who I met this morning in Matthew's room. This afternoon when I walked in a different teacher was telling me how funny he was. And the new lteacher comes up to me ranting and raving about how all day she couldn't stop saying how smart Matthew is, how coordinated he is, how deeply he concentrates, how much he talks, and basically how great he was. I almost kissed the woman! I feel a little better now.
Message edited 6/23/2008 8:25:36 PM.
Posted 6/23/08 9:29 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
How incredibly rude and insensitive. I'm sorry you had to hear that. I would have been so hurt if someone said that to me too. It sounds like she needs to clean out that filter in her brain that tells her the right things to say. Maybe a kick in the head would help.
Posted 6/23/08 9:31 AM |
Member since 3/07 6944 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
I would have freaked out!!! Sorry you had to go through this, that was not nice at all!!
Posted 6/23/08 9:33 AM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
ahhhhh..the ol' "open mouth insert foot syndrome" strikes again...
Im sure she didnt mean to be insensitive and is beating herself up about it as we speak...
Posted 6/23/08 9:35 AM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
Posted by SuzyQ
Maybe a kick in the head would help.
I told my DH to hip check her when he goes to get my son later.
Posted 6/23/08 9:35 AM |
summer fun!

Member since 3/06 4962 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
Posted 6/23/08 9:38 AM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
That was so rude and so unprofessional and absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe she lacked such tact in her wording! I am fuming for you.
BTW: Robbie couldn't really be bothered with crawling when he was a baby. He sometimes wriggled in like an army crawl when we REALLY enticed him - but other than that he was a rock against walking/crawling. Then - one day - he did. He was 13 months old and he decided it was time to start cruising - walking was only a day or so after that. If your doctor isn't concerned I wouldn't worry about the daycare people!
Posted 6/23/08 9:38 AM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
Aw Lisa, I am so sorry the daycare teacher is a complete insensitive whack-a-doodle!
Matthew is a wonderful baby boy and he most likely realizes that he has the rest of his life to walk... so why rush!!!
Posted 6/23/08 9:54 AM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
Posted by rojerono
That was so rude and so unprofessional and absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe she lacked such tact in her wording! I am fuming for you.
BTW: Robbie couldn't really be bothered with crawling when he was a baby. He sometimes wriggled in like an army crawl when we REALLY enticed him - but other than that he was a rock against walking/crawling. Then - one day - he did. He was 13 months old and he decided it was time to start cruising - walking was only a day or so after that. If your doctor isn't concerned I wouldn't worry about the daycare people!
I totally agree. and who knows, you could wake up tomorrow and he will be doing it all and then some.......
Posted 6/23/08 10:03 AM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
That was a very insensitive comment.
My DD is almost 11 months and has zero interest in walking. She can pull her self up but almost never cuises,she can stand at the activity table, but it is like she doesnt even realize she can move her feet. As of now she does a belly crawl to get around, hasnt even mastered the crawling position yet. I am not worried at all, becuase she seems to just be lazy, and has done everything a month or so later then the 'average' Dont worry, he will catch up!!
Posted 6/23/08 10:04 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
OMGosh how rude!!! People really need to think before they speak, although, that comment should NOT have been made at all. Very unprofessional and I don't even think they should have been talking about it in front of any parents. JMHO.
Posted 6/23/08 10:10 AM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
OMG how friggin rude.
Yet not to worry to much kids develop at THEIR OWN pace!
MY DS, as always, is the same. Only now, 9 mos, is he army crawling backwards. He is exactly what you just described to a tee. With the exception of standing on his own. I even got the talk at 5 mos about him not rolling enough, when a week later he was a rolling king.
You know your ds and I am sure you see him advancing everyday. He is going to do it when HE is ready!
Hold tight mama he will be wlking soon enough
Posted 6/23/08 10:13 AM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
I am so sorry she said that to you!!! That was completely insensitive and plain ridiculous!! I find that daycare teachers put their foots in their mouths often!! I know how much that must have hurt, but please try to brush it off. I wouldn't want you to feel hurt because of something stupid someone said.
Posted 6/23/08 10:15 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
Ouch is right...I cringed when I read it....very insensitive and completely unprofessional. It wasn't her place to make a comment regardless of her opinion. Every baby is unique and reaches their milestones on THEIR terms.
Posted 6/23/08 10:16 AM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
thanks everyone!
I know she probably wishes she can take it back but it still stings.
I've had a love/hate relationship with her from the start. Actually, I've never loved or hated her. More just like a like/indifference relationship. I told her that for as much as he doesn't move around he does talk circles around all of the other kids. EVERYTIME we go there from the lobby you hear him "talking". Just like his daddy, you always know when he is in the room. So I try and make myself feel better by thinking of it that way.
Part of it I do think is laziness. But Curley999, like you said, I don't even think he realizes that his feet move either. DH and I try to move his feet for him while the other holds his hands but all he does is giggle because he thinks it's funny. I know he's going to do it all eventually. And I shouldn't rush. But because he is giant for his age anyway people just automatically assume he is a toddler and are shocked to learn that he doesn't crawl or even walk. I just hate the feeling when people are "judging" my son. Now I know why parents get so defensive about their kids. Before I left him this morning I took him and whispered in his ear "don't listen to her, you are doing everything you're supposed". Not like he knew the difference one way or another, I was just really feeling hurt about it.
OK, I'll get over it. Just hope my DH really doesn't hip check her.
Posted 6/23/08 10:19 AM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
I would speak to the director about it. I would be livid if one of my staff spoke that way to a parent.
In my own personal experience (20 years in day care) I find that kids that are a little later with crawling/cruising/walking, tend to be early talkers (as you pointed out) Right now we have a baby that is 14 months old and has no interest in crawling/cruising/walking. He just recently started using his butt to scoot around. He does however talk more than some of our toddlers. It will even itself out don't worry.
Posted 6/23/08 11:06 AM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related)
Posted by Stacey1403
I would speak to the director about it. I would be livid if one of my staff spoke that way to a parent.
idk, I genuinely do think she realized AS she was saying it that she shouldn't have said it. So I don't really want to cause any waves. I respect your opinion though because I know you have a lot of experience with this stuff. But is it worth it to get her in trouble? She does take good care of my son so I don't want that to be overlooked. And I certainly don't want her treatment towards Matthew to change.
She and I spoke about this two weeks ago when matthew got his "report card" and she said "they all do it on their own schedule...I'd say if between 13 and 14 months he isn't crawling then it might be a problem". On one hand she was trying to make me feel better but then on the other hand I got a little nervous thinking what would happen if he wasn't doing anything by then? Would they kick him out or something? Or would he really be the oldest living toddler still in the infant room?
it's bad enough as it is that he is ginormous compared to any other kid in the room. Actually, it is funny sometimes because he'll be sitting on the mat with a bunch of smaller babies in a semi-circle around him and he is basically yelling and babbling to them as if he is telling them stories. I laugh when I come in and he is doing that.
ETA: do you think the better approach is to maybe speak to the director and owner about what their plans are with him considering the situation? To make matters a little trickier, he will only be there for two half days for the summer (so a total of 10 hours a week) and I'm a little hesitant anyway to make the switch because I'm not sure if the change in schedule is going to stick for him. They limit them to 1 nap per day at 1pm. DS is ready to melt by 9:30. maybe we are better of just not doing anything until he is back to 3 full days (his normal schedule) in September. What do you think?
Message edited 6/23/2008 11:23:05 AM.
Posted 6/23/08 11:19 AM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
bumping for update
Posted 6/23/08 8:25 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
Posted by Ang-Rich
Ouch is right...I cringed when I read it....very insensitive and completely unprofessional. It wasn't her place to make a comment regardless of her opinion. Every baby is unique and reaches their milestones on THEIR terms.
I agree, word for word
Posted 6/23/08 8:36 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
Yes, that was not the way to put it, AT ALL. But she probably didn't mean any harm.
DS was "kept back" an extra month for the same reasons and it was perfectly fine!! The director didn't even think he was crawling at all, so she was going to keep him longer, but he picked it up really fast between 12-13 months.
Posted 6/23/08 8:46 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
I am so happy to hear that you had a better experience picking Matthew up this afternoon! Yeah!!!,.,... Matthew is wonderful!!!
Posted 6/23/08 8:49 PM |
needs to update her avatar pic
Member since 6/05 10212 total posts
Name: Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
I am so glad that this teacher made you feel a little better
Posted 6/23/08 8:52 PM |
My Girl

Member since 7/06 3395 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
Sorry, people are sooo insensitive sometimes!
My DD didn't crawl until after her 1st Birthday, and didn't walk until about 15 months.
Once she started, she never looked back. She is almost 4, and there I days when I say that I really wish that I appreciated her more when she wasn't mobile yet!!!! I haven't sat down in 3 years!!!!
Posted 6/23/08 8:53 PM |
Family of 4! :o)

Member since 8/06 6655 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
Awww I'm glad you feel better. It can be really frustrating when you have to hear comments like that from people who should know better. It did sound like she didn't mean to be cruel but I totally understand why you're upset. Your DS will get moving when he's good and ready and then you won't be able to stop him!
Posted 6/23/08 8:55 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: OUCH!!! (daycare teacher related) UPDATED from pickup
I am sooo glad to hear this
Posted 6/23/08 8:57 PM |
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