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Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

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Just the 4 of us

Member since 12/06

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Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

How many activities a week do you have you dc signed up for? And what are they?

Posted 9/21/09 2:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything!

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

Cailen is in daycare, so that limits us - but I sign him up for one thing at a time - usually on a Sunday morning - in the spring he did soccer tots, and since July he has been doing saf t swim...

Posted 9/21/09 2:57 PM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

Thomas is also in daycare. We do Saf-T-Swim on Sunday mornings.

Posted 9/21/09 2:58 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

Right now we do a Mommy and Me and a music class, plus a playdate.

Posted 9/21/09 3:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

I don't have her signed up for anything really because I work, but she goes to school 3 days a week (9-12 or 9-1). She also does playdates. I would like to sign her up for something on the weekends like a swim class but we're not home sometimes on the weekends.

Posted 9/21/09 3:02 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

We do gymnastics once a week. During the summer DD was doing swimming 2x/week (private instructor at a private home) and gymnastics once a week. In a few weeks, I want to get her into swimming again...that will be once a week. So she'll do swimming and gymnastics 1x/week each.

Posted 9/21/09 3:25 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)


We do playdates when we can. And hopefully he will be in school in January, but as of now, nada

Posted 9/21/09 3:28 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

Daycare and Music Together on saturdays

Posted 9/21/09 3:53 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

Nothing as of now. She does go on regular playdates. I am in the process of looking for a dance or music class for her but I'm limited since I can only do things on the weekend.

Posted 9/21/09 3:54 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

DD is in dance 1x a week, preschool 2x a week and will be in swimming this Winter. When she was in daycare, we didn't do any extra activities.

Posted 9/21/09 3:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

I am a SAHM. DD is 25 months. She is starting preschool 2 days a week very soon.

We have been doing music together since she was 7 months.

I usually have her in something else that's active like saftey swim or kidnastics.

We go to free stuff at the library whenever we can. Usually at least once a week.

I try to have a playdate with another kid close to her age at least once a week.

We go to visit at least one of her grandparents during the week when we can.

Posted 9/21/09 4:06 PM

My loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

During the week I babysit my friends daughter, so she plays with her and then I just signed her up for ballet lessons, they are on saturday morning...would have done during the week but couldnt find a good time that worked for us.

Posted 9/21/09 4:42 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

DS is 21 months old. The only set thing we have is M&M Gymnastics. I dont like to do too much scheduled because I like to be open to go to the park or go to my SILs so he can play etc.

We also have a playgroup and they do things several times a week so we join up with them as often as we can. And I do library classes when they have something of interest. In the winter I will probably sign him up for music together and/or a weekly library class to have more things to do with the bad weather, but in when its nice I dont think its necessary to have lots of scheduled activites.

Posted 9/21/09 4:59 PM

I lvoe the fall :)

Member since 6/06

3543 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

My ds is 24 months we do a mommy and me programs once a week ( I don't like it much am looking for another one) and the library once or 2xs a week. we also do story time at the book store once a week.

Posted 9/21/09 5:44 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

DD goes to school 3 days a week (9-12) and we do playdates (like today). On Fridays she has a dance class from 1-2.

Posted 9/21/09 5:47 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

We do one program at the library. Its once a week.

Posted 9/21/09 6:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

Right now I have him is Saf T Swim 1x per week. I would like to get into another activity once we officially move.

Posted 9/21/09 6:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

1440 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

dd is 2 1/2 she does a nursery type class twice a week for three hours, library storytime one morning, and dance on the Saturdays

Posted 9/21/09 8:05 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

2 days/week pre-school (starting in 2 weeks).

Nothing else for now (maybe a gym-type class in the winter).

Posted 9/21/09 8:40 PM

best buds!

Member since 5/09

11524 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

0 only bc we dont have the time. He is in daycare during the week.

Posted 9/21/09 8:41 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

The only thing she does is a library music/read books class w/ her nanny; otherwise nothing.

Posted 9/21/09 8:50 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

My Ds is almost 20 months. The only activity that we do is Little Gym. He has been doing that since about 9 months and loves it. We were doing it Saturday mornings but recently switched to Tuesday evenings at 6 pm. I work full time so timing is difficult but I wanted something he and I could do together

Posted 9/21/09 9:17 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

She goes to daycare 2x a week (8am - 6pm).

We go to Gymboree classes once a week and I try to go on playdates. In a month or so I may look into another class (music or art) bc they usually pro-rate them and I don't feel like paying for a another full session, KWIM?

Posted 9/21/09 10:31 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

when DD was 2 we usually did 1 library program a week. I also tried to take her on one "outing" (chuck e cheese, ecology site, etc)

She is 3 now and goes to preschool 2x a week and dance 1x a week.

Posted 9/21/09 10:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Parents of 2 yr olds ( activities related)

DS just turned 2. Right now for this "session" he goes to a mommy and me class one day a week for 1.5 hours and a Library music storytime playgroup one day a week for an hour. We also go on 1-2 play dates per week and the the other day we go to the park, the library, the supermarket, shopping etc....

Posted 9/21/09 10:43 PM
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