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Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

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I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

So, I have been sick with a cold for the past 3 weeks. I am STILL sick. I can't go anywhere without my box of tissue. Now DS has a cold too.

Meanwhile, I still have my toe issue since the Summer. I am not healing. I took antibiotics twice in the past 4 weeks. I have to go back AGAING to the specialist today.

I am working FT. BF/pumping all day.

DS is still waking up once at night (although an improvement from twice!!).

I am completelly exhausted. My mind is never resting. I am always thinking about what has to be done next, when is my next pumping, prepare DS for next day. My time is that rushed 2 minute shower in the morning. Taking care of 2 dogs (who had to be shaved 1 week ago because they were all matted... I have no extra time for them and I feel bad. Meanwhile, the groomer razor burned them. One of them could not even sit... Yes, I am pizzed!!!! Chat Icon He has been crying days and nights to be held in our arms. DH is helping with the dogs).

I may have to be on more serious antibiotics to help me get rid of this infection in my toe.

I felt so guilty about having to give up BF because I did it for 4.5 months and want DS to have the best nutrition. BUT now... I am totally thinking of giving up. I feel I don't care, I am so exhausted.

And DH is helping me. But he works in the City so there is not much time in the evening.

Oh yes, my house is a mess. I can't even have a cleaning lady because every surface of my house is covered with stuff.

That in addition to starting my own business.

I don't even know why I "complain".
I can't really feel sorry for myself. It's not an option to crash. DH, DS and my dogs need me.

OK vent over....


I went to the specialist for my toe this afternoon. I have a staph infection. So now, I HAVE to stop BFing for 1 week anyway. I cannot BF with that new antibiotic I have to take. I called the Ped to call me back to make sure I did not pass the infection to DS. I am freaking out. I was so upset when I left the dr. I came back to work with red eyes.... but I don't care. I am too upset!! Thanks for the support Ladies! Chat Icon

Message edited 11/12/2007 3:42:43 PM.

Posted 11/12/07 11:47 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mama to 3!?!?!?

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope you feel better soon and everything else gets better for you too. I don't know how you do it all - especially the BFing while working (pumping, etc.) You are not a bad mom at ALL if you give that up. You gave DS a great start! Chat Icon

Message edited 11/12/2007 11:50:34 AM.

Posted 11/12/07 11:50 AM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

Vent away- we're all here to listen.

I know how hard it is to even think about stopping BFing. For 4.5 months- you have provided him with the best of the best nutrients. Many, MANY women don't go that far. It's ok to FF. BUT- will weaning to FF cause MORE stress to you?

DON'T worry about having a clean house- that can always be done *later*. You need to concentrate on you. I totally understand where you are coming from- I hate the rushing and constant need to plan.

You're doing a GREAT job- remember that!! I hope you feel better REALLY soon.....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 12:00 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

Posted by Porrruss
It's ok to FF. BUT- will weaning to FF cause MORE stress to you?

I may not have a choice if I need to be on a different antibiotic. I was thinking about pumping and dumping but now I am thinking maybe it's time to give it up.

The problem is that DS was a VERY gassy baby and formula could bring that nightmare back to life.

I am totally torn whether to switch him back to BM after taking the antibiotics for 1 week.

Of course, that's if I have to take the antibiotics.

Just too much going on!!!! My mind never rests so I am mentally and physically exhausted.

Posted 11/12/07 12:06 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

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I'm sorry you're having such a sucky time. I've been there too (only with foot surgery & 2 ferrets - which are easier because they're smaller).

Screw cleaning the house. I know it's disturbing not to have a clean house but ds isn't walking around yet, so cut yourself some slack while you can.

If you need to start supplementing, do it. You can always pump to your heart's content later to boost your supply.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Above all, take care of you. You're the cog that keeps things going.

Posted 11/12/07 12:11 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

I understand how you feel.

It is so hard to work and be a mommy.

There is NO time to rest, sit down or anything. Coming to work is my break.

I remember the days of pumping- it was awful.

You should be so proud of yourself for BFing this long! Whatever you decide to do- you are a terrific mommy.

Try and get some rest if you can- you need to heal- forget the house, forget the dogs (give them some treats- they will survive without too much attention for a week or two) and take care of YOU!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 12:49 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

I give you a TON of credit. You've managed to juggle all these things, it's no wonder you aren't healing and getting rid of your cold. You have to take care of yourself or you won't be any good to anyone. If stopping BFing will lighten your load, there is nothing wrong with FF now. You gave your son a wonderful gift! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 1:18 PM

My life:)

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon All I can say is that you're amazing...once this all passes you'll be even stronger...Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 1:24 PM

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

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Posted 11/12/07 1:57 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

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Posted 11/12/07 2:24 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

I feel the stress a lot of times too. I rarely think about myself or even have a moment when my brain stops going, even if my body isn't.

Do you have anyone who can come over and help out ---- either to give you some time to go out and vegitate by yourself, or to help you with the dogs, baby, cleaning?

I know when my younger sister is home from college I can ask her from help.

I think it's so easy for us to forget about ourselves when we are mommys, but we really need some time "off" just for us too.

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Posted 11/12/07 2:32 PM

Love my family

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

I know how you feel girl. I am in the same boat as you. I feel like i have no time. And most of that is due to the fact that i live in Pennsylvania. DH and I own our own business and work Full time. I was just saying yesterday that I feel like my life never slows down and now with a baby its 10x worse. I get up at 5 am in the morning and dont get to bed until 1am at night. I get to sleep on the bus and on the way home while DH drives. I feel like DS is never going to have a solid schedule b/c we travel so darn much. And to top it off my DS is not in daycare.

My husband drives all the way from PA to drop DS off at my moms house in Queens then DH drives back to work in Manhattan. Int the evenings i pick up DS from Queens drive back to Manhattan to pick up DH then we drive to PA. its a complete mess if you ask me. All this b/c we dont want to put DS in daycare anymore.

I have to chalk it up to say All this is just one big sacrifice for my son. I am also working on starting up my business and feel that I have no time b/c of all the traveling.

I am really sick and tired of it. But I just have to take it day by day.

You are a great mom for BF'ing that long. I feel like giving it up too. I am so annoyed with pumping. But I will do it forthe benefit of my child for however long I can.

You need to take some "me" time. Go write in a journal, starbucks, read a book, go hang out with friends. This is how i keep my sanity.

Message edited 11/12/2007 2:52:41 PM.

Posted 11/12/07 2:50 PM

Balancing act on a highwire

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...)

Don't worry, hang in there, it will get better! (it really can't get much worse)

Giving up BF is a personal decision. I was really fed up until I decided stopping the late night pumping. When I finally got 7 hours sleep BFing didn't seem bad all of a sudden...DS also started sleeping 10-12 hours a night around 5-6 months so it will get better eventually, hopefully in a couple weeks. The fact that your DC went from 1 to 2 wakings means it's probably coming to none soon! Chat Icon

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Message edited 11/12/2007 2:56:54 PM.

Posted 11/12/07 2:56 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE!

Thanks for the support Ladies! Update on top.

Posted 11/12/07 3:34 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Can you pump & dump for a week until you are off of the antibiotics?

Posted 11/12/07 3:48 PM

my princess

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Chat Icon I hope you all feel better

Posted 11/12/07 3:52 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Posted by Melbernai

Can you pump & dump for a week until you are off of the antibiotics?

Yes. I will do that. Meanwhile, he will have to be on formula. I have no stored milk. I had to use it for the past few weeks when I had the local anesthesias.

Posted 11/12/07 3:53 PM


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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

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Posted 11/12/07 3:56 PM

My Everything!

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm sorry Sophie!!! I hope this all blows over and you feel better soon!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 4:04 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Posted by smdl

Posted by Melbernai

Can you pump & dump for a week until you are off of the antibiotics?

Yes. I will do that. Meanwhile, he will have to be on formula. I have no stored milk. I had to use it for the past few weeks when I had the local anesthesias.

How old is your son? Has he been on formula before?

Can you start the antibiotics in a day or a day and a half, and pump like crazy in that time whenever you have a chance, so that you can at least give him some BM mixed in with the formula? I used to mix it all the time when I was pumping for my daughter because I never produced enough to give her 100% breastmilk.

Posted 11/12/07 4:11 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Posted by Melbernai

Posted by smdl

Posted by Melbernai

Can you pump & dump for a week until you are off of the antibiotics?

Yes. I will do that. Meanwhile, he will have to be on formula. I have no stored milk. I had to use it for the past few weeks when I had the local anesthesias.

How old is your son? Has he been on formula before?

Can you start the antibiotics in a day or a day and a half, and pump like crazy in that time whenever you have a chance, so that you can at least give him some BM mixed in with the formula? I used to mix it all the time when I was pumping for my daughter because I never produced enough to give her 100% breastmilk.

DS is 4.5 months and takes about 30 oz of BM per day.

He was supplemented on formula for 1.5 weeks (2oz per day) when he was 2.5 weeks. He was on a growth spurt and my milk supply had to adjust. It was H-ll... he was so gassy, it was a nightmare.

Posted 11/12/07 4:17 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Ive been there esp this week, bryan was sick, then I got sick and had to work full time etc etc etc. Some reason things always seems to fall apart at once- this too shall pass...

Posted 11/12/07 4:22 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

first of all, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

i am so sorry that you are going through all this, and i hope it all starts to come together soon!!

no matter what you decide regarding the BFing - you've done a FANTASTIC job and should make the decision that makes you the most comfortable.

i replied to your other post - i would mix th BM with formula. as far as what formula to choose, could your DS have a cow's milk allergy that made him gassy? maybe you could use a soy based formula and see if things get better?

Posted 11/12/07 6:23 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

Oh my goodness...I am SO SORRY you are having such a rough time Chat Icon Chat Icon I had to give up BF for a week when DS was just 2 weeks old and it really did a number on me emotionally so I can only imagine that months later you must be going through so much! But, 4.5 mos is AMAZING!!!!! You really should be sooooo proud of yourself that you have made it this far under such challening circumstances. And, now, you have to take care of yourself for your child so you are still being the greatest mommy ever Chat Icon Please, feel good about how great you are doing and try not to focus on having to stop...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 6:28 PM

My loves

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Re: Pity post... (BF/FT working mom, sick, dogs and DS are sick...) - UPDATE from the dr. visit... I have to give up BF!

I am so sorry Sophie. I don't even know what to say. Did you fully decide to not even pump n dump? My heart goes out to you! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You need to take care of yourself first to make sure he has a mommy that's there for him. Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/07 7:15 PM
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