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Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Please don't quote - I will probably delete.
OK, my sister and I are close to 5 years apart (she's older). We have always been pretty close and I do consider her a best friend.
With that being said. She has two beautiful sons already and when I initially told her DH and I were TTC a few weeks later she came out and said she was. I tried to not let it bother me and moved on. Well, I got pg in October (am now 13 weeks) and seemed a tad jealous when we announced it. But I figured she would do the right thing and back off TTC for a little while, let us have the spotlight for a change.
Yesterday, at Christmas she made my dad open a gift that was actually a picture of a EDD is July 2nd hers is July 30th.
Aside from the fact I felt her presentation of her third pregnancy was a smack in the face to me and DH, I'm DEVASTATED. Am I wrong?
I feel like my thunder has been completely stolen and now I have to share my FIRST pregnancy...FIRST child, with my sister's 3rd right on my tail.
DH has always felt my sister would take the limelight any day of the week and I always tried to tell him it wasn't like that. But now I'm not so sure.
So bummed. This is not how I wanted it to be.
Deep down in my heart I know I shouldn't expect anyone to put their life on hold for mine, but isn't there a level of respect that should be maintained? When your little sister is pregnant with her first don't you lay low and gloat in her happiness?
Girls.....advice, words of wisdom, anything is appreciated!
edited for typo
Message edited 12/26/2007 8:05:57 AM.
Posted 12/26/07 7:02 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
You have a right to be upset. But that being said (as you know) there is nothing you can do about it
DH's sister has a habit of doing this to us as well, she got engaged two weeks after us, had to get married before us and we were convinced that she was going to get preggo when I did. She didn't, but she is now, and she is convinced she is having a boy and HER boy will be better than OUR boy (she has a 2 year old girl)
Just think, cousins that close in age is pretty freakin cool
Posted 12/26/07 7:52 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 7/07 452 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
I completely understand...
Posted 12/26/07 8:18 AM |
Love him!
Member since 10/07 3189 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
I understand more then you know
Posted 12/26/07 8:24 AM |

Member since 5/05 4898 total posts
Name: Eileen
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
Posted 12/26/07 9:44 AM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Leeners
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
I'm sorry- I have to agree. But I do feel for you, I'm sure it stings.
Posted 12/26/07 9:48 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/07 152 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
i defintiely understand how you can feel...but on the other side of things, if I have learned anything from reading these boards, TTC isnt always as easy as we can sometimes think it can be and can often take a lot of time, so i do not really think it is entirely fair for your sister to put it on hold just because you got pregnant... however- if your sister only decided she wanted to TTC because you were, I could understand how upseting that would be....
Posted 12/26/07 9:56 AM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Personally I think it would be nice to be pregnant at the same time as a sister.
ETA: While every baby is a special little miracle I don't think your sister's 3rd child will generate nearly as much excitement as your 1st. So even if you think she's trying I don't think she'll succeed in "stealing your thunder".
Message edited 12/26/2007 10:04:36 AM.
Posted 12/26/07 10:00 AM |
Merry Christmas!

Member since 6/07 2153 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
I'm on the other end of the spectrum. My brother and I are close and I love my SIL to death. However, my DH nd I got engaged right before their wedding. We got pregnant right before they gave birth and we are having a boy...just like they did. I feel bad that I 'steal their thunder'. But I don't do it purposely. It is just how the cards are falling in place for me...and I don't feel it's fair to put my life on hold. They make it a point to be very happy for me(no matter how they are feeling deep down inside)...and that is really important to me. All we keep saying is how our two boys will be best friends!
Posted 12/26/07 10:04 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
I agree with you 100%, I would be so upset?mad, especially since this is her third child, she could have waited a couple of months. Now They are going to be less than one month apart and I just feel like it's not fair to you or the new baby. There is not much you can do about it, she is already pregnant. The one good thing is that they will be very close in age and your baby will have someone to play with sorry she stole your thunder
Posted 12/26/07 10:12 AM |
My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by Leeners
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
I'm sorry- I have to agree. But I do feel for you, I'm sure it stings.
I am sorry but I agree too. You can't always "time" when you get pregnant and thinking someone can put that on hold is tough. But with that said, I am sure it hurts you. Just enjoy YOUR pregnancy and your FIRST baby - NOTHING and NO ONE can take that away from you!
Posted 12/26/07 10:18 AM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
The same EXACT thing happened to me this Christmas, and I have to say that initially, I was also a little upset about being "upstaged" but that was just on the first day and it was my initial gut reaction.
Then I came to realize that all babies are a blessing, and wanting to have more children and ttc is not something anyone should hold off doing for anyone else if they are ready.
I know it's hard but try to think of this as a way to bond with your sis.
As much as it stinks to have to share the attention, just think of how precious your baby is to you, and that it should be no less precious to your sister.
I'm sure she didn't do this on purpose to compete with you. It may have just happened the way it did. As other posters have stated, it's almost impossible to plan when you are going to get PG, so holding off ttc is a bit much to ask of someone.
That being said, I completely understand your frustration. Try to be happy for your sister.
Posted 12/26/07 10:23 AM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Let me tell you, I was in almost the same situation 3 years ago...except my sister is younger. She got married first, had the first grandchild, etc. I found out I was pregnant Christmas Eve 3 years ago and on 1/7 at a family wedding, she not only told me she was pregnant with her 2nd baby, but that we were due 5 DAYS apart! Logically, I should have been thrilled, but at the first dance I told my DH with a tear in my eye--why couldn't it just be ME for a change?! He didn't even understand really.
It was actually pretty nice going through the pregnancies together. Especially since she had been through it, she could answer my questions. I was still worried that we would have the babies on the same day--then what?!?
Well, in the end, her DD is only 3 days older than my DD. They're 2 now, and guess's been AWESOME!! It's been so much fun watching them together the past 2 years and now, they're the best of friends and partners in crime whenever they're together!! So, in the end (aside from coordinating b-day parties and christenings) it's been a blast and all those old feelings have been totally forgotten. Here are the two crazy ladies now...
Posted 12/26/07 10:24 AM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by KellyDance
I'm on the other end of the spectrum. My brother and I are close and I love my SIL to death. However, my DH nd I got engaged right before their wedding. We got pregnant right before they gave birth and we are having a boy...just like they did. I feel bad that I 'steal their thunder'. But I don't do it purposely. It is just how the cards are falling in place for me...and I don't feel it's fair to put my life on hold. They make it a point to be very happy for me(no matter how they are feeling deep down inside)...and that is really important to me. All we keep saying is how our two boys will be best friends!
Getting pregnant right before they were having a baby is totally different. I'd be estatic if I was about to have a baby and she announced she was newly expecting.
It's just the fact that she is right on my tail that bothers me.
I agree that expecting someone to "put their life on hold" for me is unreasonable of me. But being a little more cautious for a few months so your little sister can bask in the joy of being pregnant shouldn't be too much to ask.
I don't or didn't have the expectation for her to wait until my kid goes to college for her to TTC. And I didn't expect her to not TTC just because I was, but when she found out I was pg was it really too much to expect them to just hold off for a couple of months?
I almost feel as if once she found out I was pregnant she became more determined.
Regardless, right or wrong, I do feel hurt and slighted. And because of that I suppose I am only capable of seeing my side of the story.
Posted 12/26/07 10:48 AM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Leeners
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
I agree with this too.
My SIL is due with her second child 3 weeks before I am due with my first. It has been great going through pregnancy wither her and I am so so so excited that my baby will have a cousin his same age to play with. As for stealing thunder, I don't think people are treating me any differently just because she is pregnant also. Everyone is still very excited for me and I don't feel in her shadow at all.
Posted 12/26/07 10:56 AM |

Member since 8/07 3732 total posts
Name: Crystal
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Disneygirl
Personally I think it would be nice to be pregnant at the same time as a sister.
ETA: While every baby is a special little miracle I don't think your sister's 3rd child will generate nearly as much excitement as your 1st. So even if you think she's trying I don't think she'll succeed in "stealing your thunder".
I agree with this- every baby is a miracle. And even though there will be excitement for hers, there will be just as much and even more for yours because it is your first!! But either way you cant do anything about it so hopefully you will find the way to fully enjoy your pregnancy.
Posted 12/26/07 11:07 AM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Preguntas
Posted by Leeners
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
I'm sorry- I have to agree. But I do feel for you, I'm sure it stings.
I have to agree with this as well. I started TTC last August (2006), my sister told me the end of October they were TTCing (btw..I'm 6 years older than her). Meanwhile, she announced in December that she was pregnant. If I expected my sister to hold off TTC until I got pregnant, then she would still be waiting, as we are dealing with IF issues. I would have LOVED to have been pregnant with my sister and have our kids grow up together.
Posted 12/26/07 11:35 AM |

Member since 8/07 10682 total posts
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
if all your life your sister was always stealing your thunder and it was on purpose bc overall she is a jealous person than I would def be upset. there are people out there who have to copycat people bc they are jealous.
However, if thats just how the carda are falling, then you should be happy to share a time like this with your sister. Your babies can grow up togehter. I would try to enjoy it
Posted 12/26/07 11:40 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
I'm sorry your feelings are hurt, and I can completely understand your feelings - she could have let you have this one a little (maybe let you in on the fact she was pg instead of letting you find out like that). BUT, I don't think she should have put off TTCing and don't think you should worry about her stealing your thunder.
This is your first child and he or she will be cherished no matter who is coming a few weeks later and hopefully your baby will have a best friend for life in his/her new cousin.
Message edited 12/26/2007 11:51:08 AM.
Posted 12/26/07 11:41 AM |
My Loves

Member since 5/05 15697 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Leeners
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
I'm sorry, I agree with Leeners.
Posted 12/26/07 11:48 AM |
happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
you have every right to feel the way you do. my sister told me she was PG with #2 the day I gave birth. and ps, my DD was 7 weeks early and I had an emergency c section.
and i know its frustrating, but dont' stoop to her level. she needs to feel important, so just let her think that she is.
Posted 12/26/07 11:55 AM |
Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06 2579 total posts
Name: C
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
I am sorry I am sure you wanted to enjoy this for yourself without sharing the spotlight, but I agree and feel you can't expect anyone to put their life on hold. It will be just as special since this is your first. I wish you luck and try and enjoy the time...I don't have any sisters and most of my close family moved away so I have no idea how you feel but at least you get to share it with someone, if that makes you feel any better, not sure. Best of Luck!!!!!!!
Posted 12/26/07 11:56 AM |

Member since 10/06 3013 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Please tell me - am I being crazy????
Posted by Leeners
Sorry, I'll be the naysayer here and say yes, I think you're out of line. While you can't control your emotions, you can control how you react to them and I think it's pretty crazy for you to expect your sister to "do the right thing and put TTC on hold" simply because you're pregnant If I were you I'd be thrilled that my baby is going to have a cousin less than a month apart.
I have to say that I agree. My SIL told us her and her DH were trying to conceive shortly after we announced our news. I don't think she was trying to steal our thunder; I think the time was right for her and her DH to try. As it turns out, unfortunately it's taking them longer than expected, but I would've loved for our to have a cousin so close in age to play with. I loved playing with my cousin (same age) when I was younger and would love for my child to share a similar experience.
I hope you come to realize this as a good thing - your child will always have a special bond with her child. Sorry it upsets you.
Posted 12/26/07 12:19 PM |