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plz desribe your first labor pain

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

243 total posts


plz desribe your first labor pain

I'm 37 w 3 d and waiting for this labor to start. I know that it varies from woman to woman but plz give me your experiences. Thanks!

Posted 4/5/09 6:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

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Re: plz desribe your first labor pain

Mine started as sharp cramps in my lower back. They were sporadic anywhere from 7 mins apart to 15 mins apart. I didn't realize I was having back labor until they became more consistent and DH suggested I time my back aches. They started on a Friday at 9 pm, and I went to the hospital at midnight on Saturday...14 hours after that he was born!

Posted 4/5/09 7:27 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: plz desribe your first labor pain

i was 3cm dilated, 90% effaced going into labor.

woke up at 2:35am to pee and saw the slightest bit of "bloody show". first time i had seen any blood for the whole pregnancy.

3:07 had a contraction that felt more painful than the BH i had been having.

5 minutes later i had another one.

by 3:30am they were 3 minutes apart.

by 4:30am i was at the hospital at 5cm dilated.

by 6am i was 8cm dilated (Chat Icon ) and got the epi, which slowed things down a LOT.

started pushing at 9:30am and gave birth at 9:59 Chat Icon

hoping this labor goes as smoothly as the last one! Chat Icon

Posted 4/5/09 7:28 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

15404 total posts

Isn't it obvious?

Re: plz desribe your first labor pain

Really bad AF cramps

Posted 4/5/09 7:36 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: plz desribe your first labor pain

Mine burned and like a horrible AF cramp...and then 7 minutes later the SAME pain.

Thats how my labor started. The cramps and with a pattern.

It as NOT like a BH which is hardening and softening....this felt different.

Posted 4/5/09 7:41 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: plz desribe your first labor pain

My water broke. I had extremely mild contractions. By the time I got to the hospital I was 7 cm dialated and contracting every 5 minutes. I knew DS was breach so I had an emergency CS. There was someone who had to go in front of me, so they pushed me back to the 10 pm slot. By the time I was on the table I was ready to push so they knew they had to take me. I had an extremely hard PG with DS so I guess I would have had an easy labor but for the fact I had to have a CS so it was also a difficult recovery. The day before I delivered I was closed w/ no dialation and no effacement.

Posted 4/5/09 8:32 PM

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