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LIF Toddler
Member since 11/05 463 total posts
Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
Hey Ladies,
If these were your job choices, which would you choose?
A six-figure salary, with hours of about 7:30 am to 6:30 pm and 2 weeks vacation (unlimited sick).
Half that salary, A salary of about 50,000 with hours of 8 to 5pm and 5 weeks vacation.
Posted 1/22/06 6:44 AM |
Happy New Year
Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
It's kind of hard to say because they are other factors I would take into consideration besides salary and time off. For instance, which job is more stressful? What state are you living in? Because 50K will get you pretty far in some states, but not as far here on LI. Also, what is the commute? All these things I would have to take into consideration also.
But given just the salary and vacation time info you provided I would vote for the 50K job because the shorter hours and more vacation time would give me more time with my son and I'd have to spend less on day care.
Posted 1/22/06 8:00 AM |
22 Months?!!!!
Member since 5/05 13659 total posts
Name: And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
geez, i would jump on the six figure job with the hours of 7:30-6:30 p.m.
most six figure jobs end at like 11 p.m. at night. The 6:30 sounds reasonable.
Of course, if this is like my job, the 6:30 thing is just on paper and the job REALLY ends whatever time your work for the day is done.
Posted 1/22/06 8:26 AM |
Member since 11/05 8749 total posts
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I have a quality of life mindset. We are both working really hard through the winter so that we can take it easy this summer & enjoy our house & lake. My DH would rather have lots of "ferrari money" as he calls it, I on the other hand really believe money doesn't buy happiness & as long as we have everything we need & savings & some extras I'm not the kind to kill myself working to "get rich". My Dh probably would.
Posted 1/22/06 9:21 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/05 292 total posts
Name: Joy aka janwinterbridejoy
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
i am kind of on the fence with this one. although i like the more money aspect of things because its always nice to have a extra for things that come up. i actually havent gone back into my orginal career catering because of the extra hours and working on holidays issue. for now quality of life is more important but im sure it could change
Posted 1/22/06 9:31 AM |
Loving Mommyhood!
Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I chose the second one because I made this exact decision myself not too long ago...although I'd be lying to say I don't miss (and b*tch about) the difference in my quality of life due to my lack of money. So maybe if you like both jobs the same, I'd go for more money. I'm torn.
Posted 1/22/06 9:55 AM |
designer mutt
Member since 5/05 4239 total posts
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
right now, I'd choose the first one, knowing that I'd only do it until I have kids. Once I have kids, I'd transition down to the lower pay job.
But, while earning the bigger salary, I'd save the bulk if it for a house, kids, etc (and to not get "used to" having so much more money) that why, when it's time to cut back, it won't be such a shock
Posted 1/22/06 10:04 AM |
happy birthday sweet kate!
Member since 5/05 16555 total posts
Name: I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
since i'm not used to making large amounts of money, i'd take the 2nd option. i'd rather have the time off, then a six figure salary
Posted 1/22/06 10:07 AM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
What's better for you career-wise? That would be my biggest factor. I also dont think 7:30-6:30 are bad hours but are they the true hours or do most ppl actually stay later than that? Can you negotiate with them on the vaca? I'd give that a shot (it worked for me!)
Posted 1/22/06 10:10 AM |
You Live, You Learn
Member since 5/05 31871 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
6 figure salary!
I am not getting your poll choices though. Why is the first one not a quality of life....From the description it seemed pretty ok
Posted 1/22/06 10:29 AM |
Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
The lower salary. I would feel I was missing out on too much in life with those hours and 2 weeks vacation is NOT nearly enough. I dont believe in work comes first. We have so much "un-needed stuff", makes me always think we really could live so much easier and on sooo much less and be happier. Once I have kids, I could never work that much. I would again feel like I was missing out on too much.
I think in a 2 person household 50K could get you pretty far if your S/O made a decent salary as well and with all that vacation time, you could enjoy life versus working to have money to do what with if you have no free time?
Posted 1/22/06 10:33 AM |
Grace is growing up too fast!
Member since 10/05 11561 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I voted for the first one. However, I would do the first for a few years if I did not have kids and if my DH and I both agreed that the $$ was worth sacrificing our time together. I would bank a bunch of the $$ and after 3-5 years, move onto a job that was less money with better hours/time off.
Posted 1/22/06 10:33 AM |
Proud SAHM
Member since 5/05 1955 total posts
Name: Jodi
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
Posted by Redhead
6 figure salary!
I am not getting your poll choices though. Why is the first one not a quality of life....From the description it seemed pretty ok
Im thinking the same thing.. hours arent to terribly bad.. 2 weeks vacation.. unlimited sick and a 6 figure salery.. wheres the downfall?
Posted 1/22/06 10:43 AM |
Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
Posted by MrsKL
Hey Ladies,
If these were your job choices, which would you choose?
A six-figure salary, with hours of about 7:30 am to 6:30 pm and 2 weeks vacation (unlimited sick).
Half that salary, A salary of about 50,000 with hours of 8 to 5pm and 5 weeks vacation.
SO, funny... this was my dilemna when I started job hunting when I graduated law school. I endedup choosing the mid-size firm that pays about 60k but my hours are 9am-5pm with 4 weeks vacation/sick time. I don't regret my choice at all, especially now that I have a little baby at home. The environment is so much more friendly and laid back, and I get so much more experience than any of my peers at the big firms making twice my salary. ANd, in essence, we're making the same hourly rate - it's just that they work double the hours that I do!
Posted 1/22/06 10:53 AM |
Daylight savings :)
Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I chose the lower salary. I don't want to work more than 9-5 and I have a lot of time off, and I am very happy with that lifestyle. I am thinking the 7:30- 6:30 hours are not including commute times, and it would seem that I would have to commute to the city to get that kind of $. I don't care how much $ I make, I do not want to work an 11 hour day and commute on top of that.
Posted 1/22/06 11:51 AM |
The Disney Lady
Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I would pick the first one, depending if I had kids or not, and my health, etc. I kinow my FH would take job #1, he has worked crazy hours (including spending 2 full days at the office without coming home) without making 6 figures.
I would JUMP on 6 the very least you work for a few years, save soem cash and then take the more "quality of life" kind of job
Posted 1/22/06 12:19 PM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)
Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
The second choice......for me personally, I'd rather have a life while I am young enough to enjoy it!!!
My BIL works 80 hrs a week, is a millionaire yet NEVER sees his kids.
Posted 1/22/06 12:40 PM |
My little love bugs!!
Member since 9/05 5759 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
Hey... I'd probably choose the 2nd also... less stress,,,,, more time to take off,,,, less hours,,, and still making great money for FLA!! When you look back on your life you are gonna think about the memories and fun times you had... not about how much money you made!
Posted 1/22/06 1:43 PM |
talk to the hand
Member since 5/05 1436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I would take the higher salary... my hours are crazy now anyways and I hardly take anytime off, I might as well get compensated well!
I believe in working my *** off while I am young and relax when I retire
Posted 1/22/06 2:17 PM |
My Loves!
Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
I would choose the 2nd option. I want kids one day, and want to be home with them and take many vacations. I don't think i'd be happy with a 730-630 job. Its not for me.
Posted 1/22/06 4:11 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
Except for the hours with my kids, I would take the money. I only take vacation time for the kids anyway and the unlimited sick would be great for them.
Posted 1/22/06 4:13 PM |
just the girls
Member since 5/05 9461 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
It really depends on your health really- meaning can you handle a stressful job and I dont mean handle in the sense of "can you handle it" but meaning the stress that you will put on your body? that it may affect you in the years to come. If so then try it, if you dont like it could you change it to the other one? I personally chose the second choice b/c for me, I'd rather have less stress in my life especially from a job, stress will come from somewhere else thats just life but I wouldnt want it from the source where I am spending most of my day from. Good Luck in your decision. oh and I love to take vacations, its good for the soul!
Posted 1/22/06 4:14 PM |
big brother <3
Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
My brother works at a law firm similar to the first option (most of the large NYC firms start between $150-200,000), but I know in most places like that the hours in reality go much longer than 6:30 and if you do take your full vacation and any sick days you will be looked down upon, and passed over for promotions. For him to make partner he works every weekend, most nights til 10 and 11, and does not take any long vacations. Maybe a day here or there. Something to think about--what it says on paper is not what the lifestyle is really like.
Message edited 1/22/2006 4:51:50 PM.
Posted 1/22/06 4:51 PM |
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
For me, a factor would be the cost of living of the area. If the cost of living was not very high, I would take the lower paying job. If I needed the higher salary to get by and pay the mortgage, I would take that. But I'd rather have more time and less money if I could get by that way.
Posted 1/22/06 5:00 PM |
Member since 5/05 3664 total posts
Name: Richard
Re: Poll: Salary vs. Quality of Life
Definitely choose the higher salary. Do the time for a year or two. Then move to another job and have that other job match your current salary.
When you are interviewing you can say you make six figures. They most likely won't bother to ask if you were working abnormal hours.
Posted 1/22/06 5:01 PM |
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