my son is 32 months and for a while has been telling us when he is about to have a bowel movement. I know this is a great sign for potty training but he shows no real interest, gets upset when we ask if he wants to sit on the potty.

recently (the past week or so) he will tell us before and after he pees! Another great sign I know!

The main issue is that he has some trouble from time to time with BMs. He knows he has to go but it takes him some time to actually go (walks around, trying for 10, 20 minutes. Stops, tries again and goes). He is on miralax and that is helping to keep him regular - going at least daily.

I think he is too anxious to sit on the potty for #2. He tells us he has to "poop" and he is OK with sitting but will not sit long enough. He gets upset, cries, asks for his diaper.

Is it worth even considering trying to potty train if he is having issues with BMs? We talked about making peepee on the potty this am, and rewards and he was excited but is it a waste if he will not go #2 also?