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Private vs. Public School for kids

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I'm a mommy :)

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

well we'd only consider moving to an area with a good school district.

anthony went to public his whole ife and liked it.

I went to Catholic school from k-6 and HATED, HATED it.I have LRusso's same feelings toward it.
When we moved toLLI, i went to public from 7-12 and loved it.

I just feel many private schools dont have the same amt of diversity, and activites and sports as a public school would.


Posted 11/30/06 5:34 PM
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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I say public school if it's a decent district. I think there is a certain amount of responsibility on the parents not just the teachers and the school.

I would not send my kids to a religious private school.

Either way, I will be very involved with my children's education.

Posted 11/30/06 5:38 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I went to private school K-12 and loved it. My DH went to public, so we lean toward what we know. If we are in a great school district, they will be going to public school. If not, DH and I will have a big issue to deal with.

Posted 11/30/06 5:39 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I went to public and Catholic school. We are in a good school district so that is where my son will be going. I think it totally depends on the school itself. I saw positives in both parts.

Posted 11/30/06 5:44 PM


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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

If we are still living same district that we bough tin when our kids are old enough to attend school they will go to public school. If we have a boy, my husband wants him to go to Chaminade for high school because he went there.

I grew up in Queens and went to public grade school. I went to a Catholic high school even though I lived blocks away from a great public high school. My parents just didnt want me going there.

Posted 11/30/06 5:48 PM

boys will be boys =)

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

School district was one of the TOP priorities on our list when we bought our house. and we will absolutely send them to public. we're in a excellent SD.

Ive always been a fan of public schools. Growing up, I never saw one reason that catholic schools were better than public. we were actually always ahead of local private schools in most academic areas.
I didnt go to the best public schools, but I did pretty well, if i may say so myself Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/06 5:48 PM


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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

As a teacher...

Depends upon the kid's needs.

Depends upon quality of the private school.

Depends upon the quality of the public school.

There really is no set answer.

For example, public schools have a lot more services for the non-traditional/Spec Ed population. Private schools often don't.

I attended private school but live in a great district that offers so much more than any of the private schools in the area I could send my children to.

Posted 11/30/06 5:50 PM

big brother <3

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Posted by lululu

I also think you need to make the distinction between catholic school and other private schools. They are very different from one another in my opinion.

I definitely agree with this.

There are really three categories--public, private, and parochial.

I went to private school starting in 4th grade and had a very positive experience (then boarding school in high school), but all with no religious affiliation. Every school I went to had admission standards that were very high, so that got rid of say the bottom 70% of low achieving students, so they concentrated more on high achieving students. I graduated high school having taken 16 AP exams and got into every ivy league school I applied to.

But, I doubt we could afford to send them to a school as good as I went to so they will probably be public.

That said, in choosing a district, I want a good district, but not the best. Let's say Three Village...Tons of high achieving students--if my child graduated 40th, well that's not too bad and with a 3.8 you could be 40th. But a slightly lower level school that same student could be valedictorian. I do alumni interviewing for my ivy league college and I know they want valedictorians and salut., so that makes a big difference.

Message edited 11/30/2006 6:21:46 PM.

Posted 11/30/06 5:50 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

As of now, with where we live and no other factors changing I would say public

Posted 11/30/06 6:01 PM

My miracles!

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Posted by nov04libride

That said, in choosing a district, I want a good district, but not the best. Let's say Three Village...Tons of high achieving students--if my child graduated 40th, well that's not too bad and with a 3.8 you could be 40th. But a slightly lower level school you could be valedictorian. I do alumni interviewing for my ivy league college and I know they want valedictorians and salut., so that makes a big difference.

Id agree. Granted I graduated from a public HS a long time ago, but three kids from my class went to Harvard. One was the valedictorian and the other two were further down the line from salutatorian. They were separated in rank by many thousandths of a point. I know a handful went to U of P and Cornell as well.

Posted 11/30/06 6:05 PM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

depends on the district -
but I would guess public

Posted 11/30/06 6:13 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

depends on the area we live in/state we live in, however I went to Public School and had a wonderful experience with lots of opportunities available to me...DH went to a catholic school and although he did very well, the school did not offer enough for college credits...this is important to me.

I am a public school teacher (on leave of ab) in an inner city school in CT and although the district does not have a lot of money, we do the best with what we have and I still believe we have more to offer to special needs students esp. than some Catholic Schools in the area

Posted 11/30/06 6:19 PM

My Babies

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Posted by LRusso

I went to private school and HATED it and begged my parents to let me go to public school. In my experience, (it was a Catholic school) this particular school taught kids to be elitist self-centered people and taught that the Catholic faith was the only right faith. Based on that experience, unless I lived somewhere where the school district was horrible, I wouldn't send my kids. My experience was soured.

DH went and loved it all the way.

I could have written this myself. I went to catholic school and seriously, when I switched over to public school, I felt like I had been in this bubble, sheltering me from the real world. But its funny, because when we do have kids, I really want to and hope I can afford to send them to catholic school. With the way the world is today and all the stuff that goes on in the public schools, I want my kids to be in a bubble like I felt I was in.

Posted 11/30/06 6:24 PM

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I plan on sending my son to Catholic school. I went through public school and felt that I was just pushed along. I think I only had 2 teachers in HS that actually cared about their students. In 4 years I dont think I ever really had homework. There werent many extra curricular activities offered in my PS, IS or HS, and I would like my son to be able to play on a team or volunteer etc.

DH had 12 years of Catholic School and he loved it.

Posted 11/30/06 6:25 PM

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I've always been an advocate for public school education. I'm proud of the education I received. Everyone in my extended family went to public schools and most of us went into education.

I am not in favor though of all the testing going on - I'm not a fan of "no child left behind" legislation and the endless test prep that must go on. I understand the need for tests to judge schools - but I dont like how this test mania is changing the teaching environment in schools. So I would also consider private schools (religious and secular) where there arent the same state mandates for regents, etc.)

Whatever is the best fit for the child will hopefully be what we can go with.

Posted 11/30/06 6:29 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I think it totally depends. I went to catholic school, public school and independent private schools.

It depends on the area, NYC vs, suburbs,how good the schools are, and the type of student your child is. I think the typical suburban private or public school is excellent for an anverage student, but for example the NYC public schools are much better equipped to deal with a gifted student. I was bored and miserable at my catholic school until I switched out for a gifted program and I was so much happier. The independent school I went to in 8th grade taught me a lot, but no private school could have compared with the public HS I went to.

Posted 12/1/06 2:32 PM

The Disney Lady

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Posted by MrsProfessor

My kids will go to public school, because it's a good distict.

However, I teach middle school in NYC and the last place I want most of my students when they finish MS is a public HS in NYC. My school has a great record for getting kids into private and parachial schools, often on some kind of scholarship, and it open doors that often the public high schools can't. So I am hoping that this works out for many of my kids.

I feel the opposite. I feel there are more opportunities in NYC public schools, although you can't beat the personal attention at a private school

Posted 12/1/06 2:35 PM


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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Private. I am not a fan of LI public schools in general. Even those that are considered good are not really reporting their incidents 100%.

ETA: I feel like this is a very VERY personal choice. Although I loved all the sports & arts offerings in my old HS (public), I was not a fan of how easily they covered up acts of intense violence and even a rape without reporting it to the proper authorities. Twice while I was in school were there suspected arson cases, and once there was a bomb that actually detonated. During my senior year 250 weapons were pulled out of lockers during random checks, and 7 years later when my BIL was a senior 300 guns were found stashed on various parts of the campus. This is in a district that is considered to be very sought-after.

Message edited 12/1/2006 3:31:09 PM.

Posted 12/1/06 2:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

HUGE DEBATE with us. Something that really has to be settled before we have kids. It's a knock down, drag out, malestrom.

Although, I would like to say that it will depend on the district, I would rather my children went to private school.

My husband wants them to go to public primary school and private secondary school.

I have my reasons for my preference. I feel VERY strongly.

Posted 12/1/06 3:23 PM


Member since 5/06

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Message edited 6/4/2009 10:59:46 AM.

Posted 12/1/06 3:27 PM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I went to Public school all of my life but Dh always went to Private so our kids will be going to private school. That is one thing I can't argue about.
I did have a great public school experience though....he has strong feelings about our kids going to private school. I don't have a preference

Posted 12/1/06 3:27 PM

I'm a Big Brother

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

both DH and I went public. I have worked as a guidance counselor in both public and private (non-religious) and based on that experience.....I would NEVER send my child to a private school. The teachers are ususally not certified, rules are made up as they go along, they don't have proper services available for special ed students, students don't receive as good an education as the school will make it look. For example, last years valedictorian had a 4.0 gpa yet, scored a 65 on the Math B regents. doesn't make too much sense huh? 3 students out of 15 scored 100 on the english regents (scored by their own teacher). 100? 3 out of 15? I'm thinking something's not right there! I only had 1 out of 300 kids score 100 in a public school. It looks fabulous on paper and gets the kids into decent colleges (which gets the school more funding) but then the kids are failing out of college because they're not prepared for it! FM for more info

Posted 12/1/06 3:53 PM

You're My Home <3

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Posted by ThusSpokeLaLolita

if i lived in a good part of LI i would totally do Public....

but if i had kids here in Brooklyn, Private ALL the way.

it depends on location to me.

yep- same for us.

when we have kids we are hoping to live in smithtown sd- it is rated so well and i went there and it was excellent. but if for some reason if we lived in a not so hot area- private.

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Message edited 12/1/2006 4:29:16 PM.

Posted 12/1/06 4:28 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Posted by Little-J-mommy-to-be

both DH and I went public. I have worked as a guidance counselor in both public and private (non-religious) and based on that experience.....I would NEVER send my child to a private school. The teachers are ususally not certified, rules are made up as they go along, they don't have proper services available for special ed students, students don't receive as good an education as the school will make it look. For example, last years valedictorian had a 4.0 gpa yet, scored a 65 on the Math B regents. doesn't make too much sense huh? 3 students out of 15 scored 100 on the english regents (scored by their own teacher). 100? 3 out of 15? I'm thinking something's not right there! I only had 1 out of 300 kids score 100 in a public school. It looks fabulous on paper and gets the kids into decent colleges (which gets the school more funding) but then the kids are failing out of college because they're not prepared for it! FM for more info

Seems to me that you're generalizing a bit here! I am pretty sure your Regents scenario can happen anywhere--public or private. Don't ALL schools grade the Regents "in house?" You are not allowed to grade your own classes of students, but do grade those of other juniors (in our case for English) in the school. Maybe the students in that private school were better students, maybe it was a fluke, or maybe the grading was corrupt...but pretty sure it's not a private v. public thing!

I teach at a Catholic high school--I am certified--have a Master's and all and so does everyone in my department. I would hazard a guess that about 90% of our teachers are certified.

Rules made up as they go? I won't even address that...have never heard of such a thing in 11 years of teaching in private schools!

However, it is true that most private schools (in my experience) have no resources for those students needing special ed. Certainly, if that is a concern, one would not send their child to private school.

To answer the original question...
I will be sending my children to Catholic school.

I live in Queens, and in, I believe one of the top 5 SDs in NYC. I would not have a problem sending my children to public here at all, but private is just my personal preference. If I lived on LI, more than likely, I would send them to public because of the tax $$$.

Posted 12/1/06 4:31 PM

C & J are 10!

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

Living in NYC and teaching in NYC, my child will go to Catholic/Private School. I taught in Catholic School for 10 years and public for the last 2. I was educated through grade 12 in Catholic School and DH was private school (total elist parents)

Posted 12/1/06 4:34 PM
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