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Private vs. Public School for kids

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

The private school I went to definitely made up rules as they went

but I liked it there. It was a small enough school that they were able to get me advanced math classes and stuff, but then whenever people are paying tuition you have an issue because other partnes found out, demanded that their kids get advanced math, when they didn't belong there, and it was then pointless. Public school had better resources for gifted/advanced students already in place.

Posted 12/1/06 4:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Loves

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Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I plan on sending my kids to public school, at least for the early years. I went to public school from k-12, DH went to Catholic school his whole life. I can't definitively say that I got a better education than he did, because our families have completely different views on education which I think made a bigger impact on each of us than the schools themselves, but growing up the public schools I attended always proved to be better than the nearby private schools.

Posted 12/1/06 4:44 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

There is a lot of generalizing on this thread. I was Catholic school educated all the way through and I feel I got a great education, probably better than my public HS would have given me. But that is MY experience in my hometown, during the time period I was in school. There are so many variables in this decision, it really depends on so many factors.

And from the teaching perspective, I worked in 2 different Catholic schools where teachers might have started out uncertified, but had a couple of years to get certified. If they didn't, they didn't get their contract renewed. Most of the teachers I worked with had Masters degrees and were certified before they started working, with the exception of religion teachers, because there was no certification process for the subject - the religion teachers all had masters degrees in theology.

Again, it depends on the school, but there are also areas where there are a lot of public school teachers that have emergency certification because of teacher shortages (I am sure not on LI, though)

Posted 12/1/06 4:52 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

It will depend on the type of child Ava turns out to be. I work in an amazing private school, however, I had a great experience in public schools my whole life, so we'll see. I know, from experience, that private school is not for all children. So, my answer is, it depends on what kind of kid Ava turns out to be.

Posted 12/1/06 4:52 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Private vs. Public School for kids

I went to Catholic and public school. DH is for public all the way and save the grammer school tuition for college. I like the idea of Catholic school though, I had a great experience in both.

I found that public school has more programs for advanced students as well as poor students. I guess it will just depend on my kid though.

I am however, all for same sex catholic high schools.

Posted 12/1/06 5:00 PM
Pages: 1 2 [3]

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