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Puppy Training Advice needed

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Love my fur baby

Member since 8/07

5183 total posts


Puppy Training Advice needed

So today is home coming for my Puppy and I want to make sure we are set up to train her.

I got a crate for her and as far as going outside to do her business, this is where I need the help.

DH and I both have full time jobs, but he is off 2-days during the week and I am home on the weekends, so basically 4 out of the 7 days one of us will be home with her all day. Now the other 3-days, the puppy will most likely be alone for up to 7-hours, with the exception of the days I can run home at lunch, etc..

My thought process right now is to keep her in a crate and train her that way, but leave the crate door open during the day and put a pen around her to still minimize her space. She can sleep in the crate and also be able to walk around a little in the pen where I was going to put down pads just in case she needs to go during the day and until she is fully trained to go outside.


Posted 12/31/07 9:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

We crated our dog while we were at work until she was about 2 years old...she did fine, some days if we got home late or whatever, she would have an accident in the crate but that was not often at all. I think the crate door open with a larger pen around her sounds like a great idea

just be prepared for some accidents Chat Icon

Posted 12/31/07 9:51 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

Personally, I would limit her just to the crate at first. If she seems to do well with just the crate then you can expand her living area. The problem is that if she gets a large enough area to do her business in one place and sleep in another, she won't learn to go outside. She will still think it's okay to go on the pads or in the pen/crate area. You really want to teach her to go outside first and foremost.

Good luck with her and show us pics when you can!!!

Posted 12/31/07 4:05 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

how old is your puppy? If she's still really young, she may not be able to hold it for that long. If this is the case, then i think doing the crate and pen is a good idea. But like the PP, be prepared for some accidents until she's old enough to hold it. Chat Icon

Posted 1/1/08 9:50 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1075 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

I crated my dog until she was 8 months--I did however come home for lunch every day to let her out. I think that the purpose of the crate is so the puppy wont make where it sleeps--I guess if u give her more room she might have more accidents--My puppy had accidents at first but she stopped after a bit--Good Luck!!!

Posted 1/1/08 11:40 AM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

She should have just enough room to stand up, lay down and turn around. If it's too big she will go in one spot and sleep in the other. As soon as you wake up in the morning she goes right out. She might even wake up in the middle of the night and cry, she should go out then too. As soon as she wakes up from any naps, even if she is not in the crate take her right to the bathroom. The crate should be used for potty training purposes only, and when you are not home or cannot keep an eye on her. Never use it for behavioral purposes. Her crate is her "safe place", her home. My porter LOVES his crate. He was fully potty trained in two weeks like this. He only goes int he crate when we are at work now but we leave it open when we are home and he will just go in there with the door open if he wants to be alone and relax

Posted 1/1/08 11:48 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

400 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

Crate only and go home at lunch.

Posted 1/1/08 12:05 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

Posted by LifeIsGreat

Crate only and go home at lunch.

Yes- please make sure you go home at lunch to let puppy go.

Posted 1/1/08 1:16 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

I have two dogs. The first we never crated-we blocked him in the kitchen when we left so if he had an accident it would be on tile. We did that for about 2 weeks and then he was trained. The trick with training is EVERY timne yoru dog lets you know they have to go or actually goes say you want to go outside? Very excitedly. When they go make a HUGE deal about it. Both my dogs were trained in 2 weeks and do not have accidents

Posted 1/1/08 3:48 PM

Love my fur baby

Member since 8/07

5183 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

Thanks everyone. She did not get all her shots yet, she is only 9 weeks old so that is the reason I am waiting to take her outside to go to the bathroom. I can run home at lunch, etc.. but again, to go outside I have to wait another couple of weeks.

She has been doing VERY well with the way I have it set up. Even though she has the room, she has been going every time on the pad.

Posted 1/2/08 8:59 AM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

6663 total posts


Re: Puppy Training Advice needed

We both work, and cindee is alone for 7 hours a day. Up until 3 days ago, we left her in the crate all day long. She has not had an accident in her crate once. We got her when she was 3 months old.

Just recently we have moved her crate to the kitchen and have gated the kitchen. we leave her crate in there and she is free to roam around when she pleases, and she has gone 3 days so far without an accident.

Cindee is now 5 months old.

Just remember to keep it consistent.

If you arent going to be home for 7 hours at a time i would suggest on the days that you are off, to hold off walking her for 7 hours so she has time to get used to it!

Good luck and remember your patients!

Posted 1/2/08 9:49 AM

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