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Need puppy training advice

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Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

5689 total posts


Need puppy training advice

DH and I got a puppy 4 weeks ago. He is 13 weeks old now. I am wondering if I am on track with house training. As of now, he goes to the door sometimes but pees on the floor in the house the other times. He never pees in his crate overnight, we put him in at around 11pm and he stays asleep till about 6:30. Then we put him back in the crate till about 7:30, when DH and I get up for work. He has only slept through the night 2 times, from 11pm through 7:30am. While he dosen't pee in his crate overnight, he usually does when we go to work (I leave at 8:30am and DH gets home between 2:30 and 3).

Do my question is, given that my pup is 13 weeks old, he is on track with house training?

Posted 2/19/07 10:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: Need puppy training advice

Yeah, he's doing well.... take him outside to pee more often even when he's not standing by the door, so he starts to understand that that's where he goes to the bathroom, he'll get it down eventually.

As for peeing in the crate while you're not home... he's still very young and that's a long time to be home alone in a crate (don't feel bad, my dog used to be crated for up to 8 hrs. Chat Icon ). While he's not peeing overnight, he knows that you guys are there if he needs you... he's probably a little more anxious during the day because he knows he's home by himself and that causes him to pee....

You're on track.... he's doing well!

EAT: Here's a tip if you want him to stop peeing in the crate... control his water intake. instead of leaving water down for him to drink at anytime, put water down only when you feed him at night or put water in his food at night... that way, you are avoiding giving him water right before he's put in the crate during the day, it might cut his chances of peeing in his crate...

Message edited 2/19/2007 11:48:41 AM.

Posted 2/19/07 11:43 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: Need puppy training advice

Sounds to me like he's doing well...he's only 13 weeks and it does take them time to totally get it.
Plus, he probably sleeps at nite so he's not peeing in the crate, whereas during the day he's awake so if he has to go, he goes.

Posted 2/19/07 2:13 PM

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

1418 total posts


Re: Need puppy training advice

that sounds really good. Bella was still having accidents up to 7months old. We learned what her signs were for going out. She would always head over to the dining room when she had to pee. Now she will just whine, and if we ask "do you have to go potty?" she will bark once and walk backwards. As for peeing in the crate, we put Bella's crate facing into our small laundry room that we lined with her weewee pads, this way, when she had to go during the day, she could get out of her crate and go, yet she was still confined. We actually still keep her like this, minus the pads (she is fully trained now) because I feel bad that she is in the crate all day, at least she can move around a little bit.

Posted 2/19/07 8:56 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Need puppy training advice

That is a pretty young puppy. Both of my dogs we got later like at 12 and 14 weeks. t took about 2 weeks to train them both. I think he is doing good. he is still a baby. Are you catching him peeing? If so say no firmly and take him outside. GL!

Posted 2/20/07 2:26 PM

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