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Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

I plan to BF if it works out. But, I have been hesitant to start thinking about pumps since they are so expensive what will I do if it doesn't work out. But now I am starting to think of it so I can at least get the accessories. So I have a few questions because I am totally lost....

1. Do I need to know what pump I am getting before deciding on which bottles to use? If not, what bottles do you recc?

2. Which pump do you recc for someone who will be a SAHM for at least the first few months but may be returning to work at some point.

3. What else do I need? A sterilizer? bags for storing milk? Bottle warmer?

Thanks so much in advance! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/07 5:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My girls

Member since 7/05

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Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

Check with your insurance company -- they may cover the cost of a pump with a perscription...

You don't need to know your pump to choose bottles, but your baby reserves the right to refuse what you select!

You need a boppy! :o)

Posted 6/4/07 5:30 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

If you are serious about BF, I would wait until you get started before buying a pump. You shouldn't pump for the first 3 weeks anyway until the baby latches on, unless there is a problem.

I would recommend the Pump in Style- advance or regular. It is the best in my opinion.

Posted 6/4/07 5:33 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

Posted by CkGm

If you are serious about BF, I would wait until you get started before buying a pump. You shouldn't pump for the first 3 weeks anyway until the baby latches on, unless there is a problem.

I would recommend the Pump in Style- advance or regular. It is the best in my opinion.

I agree with all of this Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/07 5:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

263 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

Loved my Medela PIS. You can always wait and rent a hospital grade pump to see how it goes before you commit to the cost of a pump. Its good to do anyway since it helps your supply.

Posted 6/4/07 6:08 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

347 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

Posted by itsbabytime

I plan to BF if it works out. But, I have been hesitant to start thinking about pumps since they are so expensive what will I do if it doesn't work out. But now I am starting to think of it so I can at least get the accessories. So I have a few questions because I am totally lost....

1. Do I need to know what pump I am getting before deciding on which bottles to use? If not, what bottles do you recc?

You can use any my DS likes the Avent ones the best, We tried Dr. Brown adn he didnt like them as much.

2. Which pump do you recc for someone who will be a SAHM for at least the first few months but may be returning to work at some point.

I like the Medela PIS

3. What else do I need? A sterilizer? bags for storing milk? Bottle warmer?

The Lasinoh bags are the best fir freezing. I hate the Medela ones. I also got a few extra Medela pumping bottles. Oh and bra pads for leaking is a must, I used Johnson and Johnson and Medela, they were both ok for me.
Good Luck its the best!!!

Thanks so much in advance! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/07 8:27 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

I rented a pump first. That way I knew I was able & comfortable with all that you need to commit to when BFing. I rented a Medela Lactina & then bought a Pump in Style. Both units are great.

I also recommend a BFing pillow, but I prefer the Brest Friend over the Boppy. ( I have both).

Posted 6/4/07 8:45 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

I wouldn't purchase a pump now, I waited until I knew that BF was going to work for us. Then I bought the Medela Pump in Style.

Posted 6/4/07 9:09 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

Posted by nferrandi

I wouldn't purchase a pump now, I waited until I knew that BF was going to work for us. Then I bought the Medela Pump in Style.

I agree. If you'r not sure- rent one.

Posted 6/4/07 9:10 PM

Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

I have the pump in style. It works very well for me.

My DS is only 5 wks and we haven't started bottles yet, so I cannot make any recommendation on bottles.

Make sure you DH brings your nursing pillow to the hospital for you. It makes a big difference. At the hospital I used my boppy. But now my favorite pillow is the nuzzle.

Posted 6/4/07 9:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

Thank you ladies! This is all very helpful! Chat Icon

Posted 6/5/07 4:14 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

573 total posts


Re: Q for BF Moms - from a totally lost BF mom to be

I used the Medila Pump In Style. I thought it was great. But I think the other ladies are right that you don't need to make that decision just yet.

My DS liked the wide neck Dr. Brown's bottles. He refused to take the regular ones. I never tried any other brand.

Definitely get a boppy!

Posted 6/5/07 10:36 PM

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