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Question about Potty Training

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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Question about Potty Training

So miki does pretty well with it, she will pee usually once a day or so. But I notice this new thing she is doing and I am not sure how to handle it. She will go to the potty seat and lift up the lid. She will then sit on the potty (clothes on as she has not mastered how to pull down her pants yet). When I see her do this, I will walk up to her and say "time to go potty or do you want to go potty"

with that, she laughs and runs away from me, wanting me to chase her. It is like a game

how should I handle this? Should I just chase her down and put her on the potty? should I say "if you want to go potty come here so I can pull your pants down"

any advice is appreciated. FTR< she is 21 months old Chat Icon

Posted 12/16/08 11:51 AM
Long Island Weddings
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<3 my family

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Re: Question about Potty Training

I am no expert. These our JMO. I am not sure how to handle that. I would not force her to sit on it after running away.

If she can't pull her pants down then how can she really potty train? I would work with her and teach her how to pull her own pants down first. I am not sure how you teach this, this came natural for Kaitee she was stripping by 11 monthsChat Icon

Posted 12/16/08 12:00 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Question about Potty Training

I went to the Dr yesterday for dds annual and asked her all of these questions after reading the potty thread...
She said 1) pediatrics doesnt force potty training anymore they believe it comes naturally when they are ready
2) the signs that a child is ready is less frequent wet diapers and them not wanting to stay in a dirty diaper...
WHile I would think the above would be great in an ideal society, I am not sure that WE "my family" can wait it out.
I guess to answer your question the DR would probably say "leave her alone"...meanwhile, I think maybe instead of letting her run which she thinks is fun, if she doesnt want to go just pull her pants back up and let her be on her way. I dont think it should be forced but I wouldnt want the child to think of potty training as a game either...does that make sense?Chat Icon

Posted 12/16/08 12:16 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Question about Potty Training

Posted by ABCiverson

I am no expert. These our JMO. I am not sure how to handle that. I would not force her to sit on it after running away.

If she can't pull her pants down then how can she really potty train? I would work with her and teach her how to pull her own pants down first. I am not sure how you teach this, this came natural for Kaitee she was stripping by 11 monthsChat Icon

well I pull her pants down and put her on the potty. Most of the time she will go. When she tries to pull down her pants, she pulls her shirt down instead and then gets frustrated. Chat Icon

Posted 12/16/08 12:20 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: Question about Potty Training

Posted by Mikismom

Posted by ABCiverson

I am no expert. These our JMO. I am not sure how to handle that. I would not force her to sit on it after running away.

If she can't pull her pants down then how can she really potty train? I would work with her and teach her how to pull her own pants down first. I am not sure how you teach this, this came natural for Kaitee she was stripping by 11 monthsChat Icon

well I pull her pants down and put her on the potty. Most of the time she will go. When she tries to pull down her pants, she pulls her shirt down instead and then gets frustrated. Chat Icon

You can definately potty train a child even if she can't pull down her own pants. That's like saying you can't feed a child solids until she can cut her own steak.

I usually pull DS's pants down, although he's getting better at doing it himself. She'll learn the more she practices.

Posted 12/16/08 12:30 PM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Question about Potty Training

Milan does the same thing. He will go paly with the potty and say "potty" but then when i say "do you have to go potty" he will say "no" and run away from me. I chase him down though and sit him there for awhile.

Posted 12/16/08 12:30 PM

<3 my family

Member since 1/06

7465 total posts


Re: Question about Potty Training

Posted by Dragonfly75

Posted by Mikismom

Posted by ABCiverson

I am no expert. These our JMO. I am not sure how to handle that. I would not force her to sit on it after running away.

If she can't pull her pants down then how can she really potty train? I would work with her and teach her how to pull her own pants down first. I am not sure how you teach this, this came natural for Kaitee she was stripping by 11 monthsChat Icon

well I pull her pants down and put her on the potty. Most of the time she will go. When she tries to pull down her pants, she pulls her shirt down instead and then gets frustrated. Chat Icon

You can definately potty train a child even if she can't pull down her own pants. That's like saying you can't feed a child solids until she can cut her own steak.

I usually pull DS's pants down, although he's getting better at doing it himself. She'll learn the more she practices.

In my own opinion I see that as training the parents. I waited until my daughter could do everything on her own to potty train and she trained in 2 days. I know its not right for everyone but in my eyes that's the way I see it.

BTW: I didn't ever feed my kids solids. I waited until they could feed themselvesChat Icon

Posted 12/16/08 2:21 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

2333 total posts


Re: Question about Potty Training

Posted by ABCiverson

In my own opinion I see that as training the parents. I waited until my daughter could do everything on her own to potty train and she trained in 2 days. I know its not right for everyone but in my eyes that's the way I see it.

BTW: I didn't ever feed my kids solids. I waited until they could feed themselvesChat Icon

Did you wait unitl they could prepare their own meals? Just kidding. That's fine that you decided to wait until your child could pull down her own pants (I think you said she was doing that at a pretty early age anyway), but a child does not have to have the ability to pull down his pants in order to use the potty. Yes, mommy does have to help pull down the pants, but that's what mommies are there for -- helping out.

As far as me being the one who's trained -- actually I have been trained for decades. Chat Icon

Message edited 12/16/2008 3:15:42 PM.

Posted 12/16/08 3:15 PM

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