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question about the two week waiting period

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LIF Infant

Member since 10/06

126 total posts


question about the two week waiting period

This may be a dumb question but I am very new to this. Why do you need to wait 14 days to test? MY AF is supposed to come before this - more like day 12.

Has any one tested earier and get positive results?

Posted 8/26/08 12:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/08

15553 total posts


Re: question about the two week waiting period

there are a LOT of different schools of thought on this...

some women have gotten BFP(big, fat positives) on 3DPO, 5DPO, 10DPO...

there is no RIGHT answery really. Everyone is different.

Early testing can be incorrect and VERY painful to deal with...

It's entirely your call when you want to test...

Posted 8/26/08 1:01 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: question about the two week waiting period

How do you know when your AF is due?

Are you basing that on your regular cycle length or when you ovulate?

Typically, a woman's luteal phase (time between ovulation and AF) is 14 days - this is why it's suggested to wait until the 15th day before testing with a pregnancy test. Some women will test positive before that, but many will not.

Posted 8/26/08 1:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/06

126 total posts


Re: question about the two week waiting period

The only reason I know when AF comes is I have been tracking my cycle since February. It is pretty accurate at 29days.

So technically, if you dont get AF on the day your supposed to you test the day after?

Posted 8/26/08 1:06 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: question about the two week waiting period

It's pretty accurate to test on the day AF is due.

If your LP is 14 days, then your AF would come on the 15th day.

Do you know when you ovulated?

Posted 8/26/08 1:09 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/06

126 total posts


Re: question about the two week waiting period

No I can only guess by on-line calculations. It is supposedly the 21st.

Posted 8/26/08 3:51 PM

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