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Question about wisdom teeth? (Poll)
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Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: Question about wisdom teeth? (Poll)
your dentist should tell you which is better....
I had 1 wisdom tooth pulled, dentist refused to knock out said i didnt need it, only novicane...
after he filled a cavity in another tooth, he took out my tooth in a matter of a minute... no stitches either, no pain, the only thing was that i heard a "crunching sound"...
my dh had 2 teeth pulled the first time he was knocked out. Said he didnt remember anything, was looking forward to the weird feeling next time...
The second t ime to have the other 2 out... he was suppose to be knocked out however his eyes were shut but yet he still knew what was going on and heard everything too... somehow it didnt work the same.... he heard the crunching sound...
You definately have Faster recovery on just novicane.... if you get knocked out they wait for you to wake up, then put you in another room to lie down another 15 minutes... Probably would want someone to pick you up if you go that route
Posted 3/7/07 7:39 PM |
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