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Question for new moms w/friends that have kids...

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"I got the Sugar" ..:)

Member since 5/05

1252 total posts


Question for new moms w/friends that have kids...

Just curious what your experience has been with regard to this topic:

Did you find that some friendships weakened (communication, etc) when your friends started having children? Did you find that you had more in common...or...did you start communicating more often once you started having children too?

Posted 9/22/08 4:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

52 total posts


Re: Question for new moms w/friends that have kids...

I'm not a new mom but my real problem was with my single/no kids friends. I found that some single friends didn't or couldn't quite comprehend that my whole life had changed. I remember saying something like, "No, I won't leave my baby with just anyone to go clubbing with you" Others assumed that I never wanted to go out again because now I was a MOM
Some people were grossed out by my breastfeeding (especially in public) Chat Icon

I had a few friends with kids and we were definitely on the same page with some things but I diagreed with some of the things there were doing or how they were raising their children.

Message edited 10/11/2008 9:46:08 PM.

Posted 10/11/08 9:43 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Question for new moms w/friends that have kids...

Not so new mom here.. but I'll share if you want to hear my experience!

When I had Robbie, I was the first among my 'major' group of friends to have a baby. It definitely had an impact on my relationships with them. My time and money were now devoted primarily to my child. So it was a weird adjustment and non-parents weren't sure how to fit me in. On the other hand - the loved being around me because I was a novelty! But it evened out once they all started having babies too.

With regard to my friends who DID have children when i had Robbie - it made me closer to them. I relied on some of them for advice and information all the time. People who weren't part of my 'inner circle' before - became an integral part of my life.

Friends are friends. They stick around through all this stuff. The way you interact might shift here and there.. but the heart is always at the center.

Posted 10/12/08 8:36 PM

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