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LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
OK this is a silly question and may seem insensitive to hose who struggled with infertility so I apologize(but I promise it is coming from a real concern for my current DS as I'm paranoid). DH and I have decided to add another child to our family. Our DS was born May 21 2012 so he would be 3 when the new little one arrived (if all went well). Selfishly I would love to have another Spring/summer/early fall baby so the weather is nice when I'm home with the two of them (before I have to go back to work). Also I would feel better not having the baby go to daycare at 12 weeks old during the height of flu season hence a spring/summer baby would be ideal. I would love to hear your opinion/experience on growing up with a sibling whose birthday was near yours or how you are dealing with your childrens' birthdays being close together. I am SOooo concerned that my first DS will feel shafter/upset/ousted by another baby sharing his birthday time! What if I go into labor on his birthday?! Also once the baby is old enough how will he/she feel about having a birthday close to their siblings. Incidently May/June is a very busy time for us as my birthday/my husbands birthday/our anniversary are all in the beginning/middle of June. I know there is no telling how quickly we will get pregnant and if we will get pregnant at all but if it is similar to our first DS (we were lucky to get pregnant v. fast) the new babies birthday could potentially be the week after or of my DS's. You can tell me if I'm being crazy, I get it. I just don't want one more thing to worry about causing my current DS stress or feelings of displacement. Should I just stop it already and start trying or should we wait another month or two to try to avoid concurrent birthdays. What would you do?? PS my husband thinks I'm crazy and told me to ask you guys hahaha so that is what I'm doing. I appreciate your thoughts.
Posted 8/26/14 1:24 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
we are all November babies : sister 11/03 Me 11/07 Brother 11/09 Mother 11/16
We even joked that this LO is due 12/06 but with our history will be born in November.
You are worrying about something that really doesn't matter. It's all about how YOU react to them having close birthdays.
Posted 8/26/14 1:27 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
My sister and I were two weeks (and two years) apart and I loved it. We had a lot of combined parties, either at places or pool parties or sleep overs. It was probably more exciting to me since I was the younger one but I can assure you if it bothered her we would have never heard the end of it! My SILs are a few days apart and while the older one still jokes about being annoyed that her fourth birthday was celebrated at the hospital they enjoy celebrating together.
Posted 8/26/14 1:43 PM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
I am crashing, but, my 2 siblings and I all have birthdays within a week of each other (one is 3 years older than me, the other 3 years younger than me). We usually did one big combined family party and I had my own party with my own friends around my birthday. I don't see a big deal, but thats JMO!
Posted 8/26/14 1:53 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
I think it depends how you handle it. If you make each of them their own party. Celebrate each of them on their own special day. Make their day about them, even if they are close together date wise it will be fine. Lets say the kids are a week apart. Have one friend party at the beginning of the month, one friend at the end of the month, and a family party for both in the middle. Then on their actual birthday, you could get pizza and a cupcake or something small to celebrate the birthday child. This way the over lap is not great and their won't be competition.
Posted 8/26/14 2:50 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
I wanted Fall babies bc I work in a school and can take one school year off while maintaining my position. My kids will be 3 weeks apart, at most, I think its totally fine!
Posted 8/26/14 3:29 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
not quite the same but my husband and i are a day apart and it's pretty awesome.
Posted 8/26/14 3:39 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
I'm 8/1, my sister is 8/12, my brother is 8/15, DH is 8/5. My sister didn't even have her first birthday without me- I was born right before it! We have always liked having birthdays close! We did 1 big family party and had separate friend parties (though my sister and I usually did a joint one because we shared so many friends). It's perfectly fine to have birthdays close! I don't think I'd want them to share a day, but them sharing a month isn't bad at all!
Posted 8/26/14 7:05 PM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
My sister and I are both born in June- 3 years apart. (There is a two week time span between the actual dates.) I like that our birthdays are close together.
There was only 1 year that we had our friend birthdays together. (A big backyard party.) I was young but I remember it as a nice party. Otherwise, we always had our friend birthdays separate. Sometimes we would celebrate our birthday jointly with family.
Now that we're older, I like that we can get together as just to two of us that month to celebrate.
I have never thought twice that our birthdays are in the same month. In fact, I had originally hoped (while TTC) that my second DC would share a May birthday with my DS because I liked that my sister and I both had June birthdays.
My husband and DD have birthdays only 2 days apart. She is only 2-1/2. We have cake for both of them the same day with family. We really celebrate her more than DH. (But I also don't make a big deal out of my birthday.)
Whatever happens will be wonderful. Your DH is right LOL
Posted 8/26/14 7:53 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1238 total posts
Name: Meredith
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
Thank you than you! Sometimes you just need some reassurance that you are over-thinking things hehe. I feel like the decision to have a second child has been harder then the first in many ways. Every choice is made with the concern over my first DC. When to have a kid, how far apart is ideal etc. and I think this was just one more thing that popped into my head to worry about (along with a long list of other concerns )
Posted 8/26/14 8:18 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
I think it's fine, if you wait too long it might take longer than you want to anyhow...
Posted 8/26/14 8:26 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
My sister and I are two years apart, almost to the day. My mom told me that she gave me a sister for my birthday. That line was part of my speech at her wedding two years ago. Having a sister with a similar birthday was never a problem - it was a lot of fun.
My daughters are two years apart, almost to the day. I was able to reuse all my baby gear and clothes. I make one birthday party. They don't know any different but seem to like it.
Go for it and see what happens.
Posted 8/27/14 8:35 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: Question for people whose children (or themselves) share similar birthdays
I share my birthday with my dad, and my sister's birthday is the day after. We always shared our "celebration"/cake night, and I never felt slighted; it was just how it was. I wouldn't give it a second thought.
Posted 8/27/14 9:10 PM |